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index  - Introduction  - Conclusion - The Truth -  Fundamental Particle - The Quantum World - The Living World - Creation of Quantum World  - Origin of Life and Matter -   Fundamental Design and Principle Secret of Biological Information  Dynamic Information Reinventing Uniform Motion - System Design of Origin - Evolution and Involution - Truth that Liberates - Cause of Natural Catastrophes - Solar Flare - Quantum Philosophy - Vital Conclusions - Vital Implications Review of Creation - Rediscovery of Probability Theory - Proof - Tsunami and System Design - Asian Tsunami and solar-flare Katrina Catastrophes ahead   Miracle Cures  - Embryo genesis and time - The truth of time -   Beyond Genes - Genesis - The Law - Intelligent designphysics of soulenergy - prophesy - God and man - An Humble Appeal - Ultimate Answers Quantum Dance Dark Energy - What is Time Physics of Breath<The gravastar - Reality of Nature - Instantaneous communication - Secret of Quantum Action Is Earth a Heart - Contact

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Awakening to Truth - Small book that is the substance of this site

Biology and Physics of Bible  - A larger version of the substance of tthe site


New  - Must Read Article-

Endangered World - Prediction to 2012 - Solutions to Survive

New - Knowledge to Save Earth

New - The Science of Speaking Creation into Existence

 Modern Genetics and Designer Babies - are we on the Right Path

  New -Two Steps to over come Global warming and Climate Change

 Divine Design

The key to Kingdom of God - Awakening to Truth

 Theory of Creation and Jesus Role

America, Will You Open Your Eyes? - Let not another California Burning Emerge on this Planet

 Bible Secret and Creation Science

 Global Warming and climate Change - The Cause and Solution

 God's Warriors - A Critical analysis of Cause and Emerging End

 Future Technologies

 Prediction for 2012 - It is Time to Awaken


A Conceptual thinking opening the door to New Reality of Nature and Surviving 2012


A Review opening the Door to New Reality of Nature

New The Divine Secret

 The Logic of Information, Control and health in Life

 Is Centrioles or Centromere the Center of Consciousness?

 Secret of Consciousness and Intelligence - A blue print for developing Intelligent Machines and Possible Step towards Creating Life  Part -1

Part- 2 - Human Consciousness and its relation to Universal Consciousness and Intelligence - The Significance of 2012

The Physics of Soul, Consciousness and Intelligence Beyond Genes

 Christ's Consciousness and 2012

 The Structure of Conscious Mind

The Structure of Consciousness and Intelligence -The Quantum Dance and Physics of Creation

An humble but open challenge to all the Temples of Science and Spirituality

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Uniform Motion Rediscovered

Understanding Space, Time and Motion 

 The Breath of the Universe

The Fundamental Particle and Its basic Characteristics

The Secret of Direction of Time and How  it is Conquered



Uniform Motion


A Simple Picture of Universe and its Existence - The system design of the whole]


Breath of the Universe - The contracting and expanding phase


The Breath of the Universe and Jesus Christ

Newton we all know introduced  uniform motion. [ First Law of Motion]. Here he assumed that all systems have an instinctive tendency to move in a straight line in a uniform speed unless an external force  is applied. Newtonian world view broke down with advancement of science. Einstein used common sense to discover space as curved one. However his world and predictability too was broken with the advancement of uncertainty principle and quantum world. With it the foundation of science cracked up

Here in this site we are discovering this truth in a unique way that accounts the curved and quantum reality of nature. The site notes that 

1] All fundamental particle and the systems formed from it and the whole universal system has one fundamental design - a non equilibrium ratio of 4:3 on the left and right of the system. This gives the universe a fundamental design and principle to work with [ see Fundamental Design and Principle] The fundamental design is non equilibrium and fundamental principle is to seek equilibrium


2] This non equilibrium leads to a never ending quantum flow in the system in a unique way see fig above. The flow results in two states of existence. Here the flow occurs once from left to right and then right to left in a perpetual manner. The process is involves action of three 3 points in space. One of them referred as mind point, becomes the center of revolution.

3] The whole process has four phases. A winding phase right to left which collapses and changes left to right and goes in to unwinding phase, a unwinding phase then reaches a maximum and collapses and left turns right and goes into a winding phase,  see fig below.

Every time the system completes one expanding and contracting phase, the system spins and displaces in a curved manner and 8 quantum steps it completes one cycle.


The compression, site notes goes through three spiral cyclic steps, so too the expansion. As the first critical step is reached the system collapses into second phase. When it reaches the second critical point it collapses into the third critical state. And when the system reaches the third critical state  the system becomes irreversible and breaks down and initiates a reorganization where left turns right and vice-versa. Each of these steps encloses three more minor cycles.  This invariably means the system has 4 steps at the end of the 4th step the system reverses. This is briefly explained in the following figure. These aspects are discussed in detail in quantum world.

4] This motion is instinctive and fixed for a system unless an external force is applied. In other words it is Uniform. The time taken and the distance traveled remains constant. Here the motion is curved and completes one cycle in in two phases, winding and unwinding. Each phases is divisible in 4 quantum steps each of them contain three minor steps. when ever a system touches the third critical point it collapses producing visible action and reaction. All other step remains internal and they account for the qualitative state of the system.

This instinctive motion can be visualized in relation to another system in which it is enclosed and undergoes similar compression and expansion. Their relationship is such that when the outer system expands the inner system contracts and vice-versa.  

They present the working of a heart within a body. The heart receives the compression or winding force from the body and the heart respond diverting the force of the left to the right and right to the left thus balancing the system. The system goes into an expanding phase only to collapse again.

The whole process manifest as a spiral wave that compresses and expands to the opposite and returns back to original point. The time taken for the flow or compression and expansion is fixed. Time here proportionately related to space. When the space of the system increases then time taken for completing the pulse also increases in proportion. This is the reinvention of absolute space and absolute time and uniform motion which Newton spoke.

An Important Point to Note -  The center point which causes the cyclic motion because of the 4:3 non-equilibrium is not the center of the circle but exist 1/4th away from the center. This applied to the solar system would prompt us to rethink our conceptual vision of the center of our solar system. For more details See Creation. Just as the heart in  body earth appears as the off centered center of the universal system.

The above uniform motion and involving two systems [ heart and body] is built on a particle vision. A system vision can be developed by pairing such particles in space such that they still account for the flow. This is explored in the site in a detailed manner

System Design of the Whole

System design pictures the whole as containing many individuated systems. See figure below

Each of these individuated system are formed in the image of the whole, except that they have a relative position in respect to the whole. They are formed in pairs one on the left the other on the right and have instinctive force to seek the other. In fact this instinctive force in the individuated system is the cause of the existence of the whole in two alternating states. In other words the whole is influenced by the parts. The action of the parts by design creates two opposing vortex, one dominant the other recessive these vortexes which in time gets directed to the center forcing the system to change the direction of the flow. It is important to note here that

1] The flow or motion within the individual system always occurs with certain amount friction with the flow in the whole [except for the one system that exist in the center]. This is the cause for second law of thermodynamics.

2] friction increases when the system is farther away from the center

3] friction is also related with alignment of the flow in the individuated system in respect with the whole. The friction increases when the alignment decreases and maximizes when the alignment turns opposite.

4] two forms of alignment is possible. Alignment can be in a positive manner or alignment can be in a negative manner. Alignment in positive manner sustains and prolongs the journey to death, alignment in a negative manner hastens the direction to death. Alignment in positive manner is an alignment against the flow of time or second law of thermodynamics. At any given moment 1/4 of the systems is opposing the universal flow,1/4 is favoring the flow and 2/4th is in a uncertain state, giving the whole system a balance. The flow with in the enclosed system and its direction can contract time or expand time of the universal system locally but it cannot  change the direction of the flow or the universal time. In other words the universal system in spite of the apparent randomness is  predetermined by a direction. This direction is directed to the central system or particle. A change in the  direction of the flow thus should come from the Absolute Particle at the center. The truth of this design and its perpetual existence is discussed at great length in the site.

5] when every individuated system aligns negatively, the stress builds on the individuated system at the center. The individuated system at the center is unique for it exist one with the whole. Its pulse never produces the friction with the whole and thus becomes the arresting point of second law of thermodynamics. the system at the center is capable of perceiving the whole. The stress we noted act as spiral wave. When the stress reaches a critical point the system at the center flips. The dominant part of the system turns into recessive and the recessive part turns into dominant. This changes the direction of the wave. A new spiral wave is created that moves away from the center. In short a new direction to the whole is created. In other words a winding phase is turned into an unwinding phase. This unwinding direction in time also creates a stress on the whole making the whole to react and initialize the whole into winding state. This phenomena is explored at length as inhaling and exhaling phase or the Breath of  the Universal System. Explore the site to understand this truth in detail.

The Discovery of the Breath of the Universal System

This discovery of breath of the Universal System does explain all the developments in science, unifies all the creation concepts of science and religion and thus unfolding the secret of nature.

1] As Newton put it, a Uniform Motion is a reality [here discovered as cyclic one]. But it exist only for the whole. For all the system that are created and exist with in the whole, the motion is relative. [ The site explores the possible way the creation occurred]. The space-time changes in relation to the alignment and movement with in the whole. This explains space time of Minkowski Universe and Riemannian universe adopted by Einstein in his Relativity Theory and General Relativity Theory.

2] The idea of all force getting directed to the center in time and the beginning of a new time or wave directed away from the center, explains the big bang theory of creation over coming the fearsome aspect associated with it and at the same time accounting for the creation put forth by non linear scientist.  Everything remains same but the direction of time changes giving a new breath to the universe.  The above thinking also accounts for the random world. It is apparent that all the system enclosed in the whole has  a flow similar to the whole. However this flow cannot have the same frequency as the universal one, except for a particle that lies at the center of the universal flow. This means except for a particle that exist at the center all other system enclosed in it works with varying degree of friction. The system can be opposing the flow or favoring the flow. At any given moment 1/4 of the system is opposing the universal flow,1/4 is favoring the flow and 2/4th is in a uncertain state, giving the whole system a balance. The flow with in the enclosed system and its direction can contract time or expand time of the universal system. But it cannot  change the direction of the flow. In other words the universal system has an apparent randomness but is also predetermined by a direction. This direction is directed to the Central System or particle. A change to the  direction of the flow thus should come from the Absolute Particle or the Central System at the center. The truth of this design and its perpetual existence is discussed at great length in the site.

3] The system design locates the moment of change in direction or the beginning of a new breath as the Calvary thus bringing the religious vision of creation well in line and unity with creation visualized by science. This is achieved by reviewing the foundation of the science and unearthing the fundamental principle and design, differentiating, light matter, material matter, and living matter. [To understand the whole truth explore the site or interact with the Author from a point of freedom.]

The Breath of the Universe and Jesus Christ

The universal system with a central system and individuated system to its left and tight visualized above, is simply the depicts the Father, Son and we the human being  forming the body of it. The Calvary is the point at which the whole created systems or the body of the universal system goes against the life force forcing the whole to create new or give new pulse to the whole. The site notes that it gives a new pulse at Calvary by conceiving or putting the seed for a recreation and perpetuation. It is similar to a women conceiving and giving birth a new life. The Calvary the site notes is the beginning of the exhaling phase of the whole. It is the unwinding or expanding phase or centrifugal phase where every system is given the free will to take its own position, before the winding phase or the birth of the child takes place. The birth of the child is inevitable end of the conception and thus Jesus Christ spoke of Second Coming

The universe we live in has material existence and wave existence which coexist in a ratio. When this ratio under the direction of time gets  pushed to a critical state, the system collapses. In one phase the wave or the pulse increases to a maximum point at the expense of matter endangering the whole system. One can view it as a phase where anti-gravitational force makes a  unilateral increase. It is apparent that  the out burst of human intelligence manifested as science and technological exploitation is adding huge amount of heat to the system, causing huge uncertainties and fluctuations to the universal system.  This directed exploitation without knowing the interrelationship and the whole truth is clearly taking the system to a point of break down.

Just as the gravitational collapse was averted by the individuates system that is unique [ Jesus Christ], this anti-gravitational collapse and danger to the existence of the whole needs his intervention. This intervention should be by way revealing His reality or absolute knowledge gets revealed. Only by knowing the interrelationship and oneness of nature will mankind stop the unilateral exploitation and initialize in truth and justice.

In other words the  expansion and contraction is in full control of the Central Particle[ Higgs Boson particle], that perceives everything. When  the gravitational collapse becomes in escapable, the dominant component of the central particle goes recessive to the recessive and in the process it accepts all the forces acting on it and releases on to a new plane.

In short it gives a new breath to the universal system. The breath puts the whole system into a relative equilibrium state. see fig

The instinct of the system wishes that it stay there pulsating with in limit.  But humanity  fails to perceive the Grace, and their intelligence out of its conquering motive and corruption set out to conquer nature pushing the whole to the outer limit, where the Central Particle  again acts to save the situation. The dominant emerges from the recessive and thus inhaling and putting the system back to the relative equilibrium point. 

The whole process could be compared with mechanical vision action of force on pendulum o action of force on a billiard ball. see fig

When a force is applied it makes a quantum jump and then recedes. This vision now explains the  Inflationary Universe Scenario of Origin. But unlike the science visualized, the system design which brings the unity life and matter, notes that the big bang and big collapse occurs under the supervision of a central system.  The big bang and big collapse are not terrifying and destructive events that involves the whole, but a small but life giving events that spreads as time takes its toll.  In saying this it reinvents and upholds all great ancient knowledge system and  takes scientific knowledge to higher level to unify with ancient knowledge system.

Index  - Fundamental Particle - The Quantum World - The Living World - Creation of Quantum World - Origin of Life and Matter - >Fundamental Principle and Design - Secret of Biological Information  - Dynamic Information   Reinventing Uniform Motion -  Intelligent Design of Origin -  Evolution and Involution >Vital Conclusions - Vital Implications - Rediscovery of Probability Theory - Proof-  Tsunami and System Design - 2012Katrina   - Beyond Genes  The truth of time  -  Cycle of GenesisIntelligent design Physics of Soul  prophesy - Energy - Ultimate Answers - An humble appealQuantum Dance Gravastar  - instantaneous communicationContact

 New The Divine Secret

New Prediction for 2012 - It is Time to Awaken

New Christ's Consciousness and 2012 New The Structure of Conscious Mind  New The Conscious Creation and End New The Secret of Life

From the eyes of a Scientist, Me and the Light of the Lord in Me

Scientist in me [what society taught me] tells me nature is Gravity and is a centripetal force

Second law of thermodynamics applied to it tells me that the system should collapse to a center point and die

But when I look through the window and see a grass grow I see nature as Anti-Gravity and centrifugal

Second law thermodynamics applied to it, tells me nature should collapse and die in a boundary

When I submit to the spirit and light within in me it tells me I am the mover between the two death points follow me you will never die

We can reinvent our nonsensical Big Bang theory involving the observer. Calvary is the point of big bang origin, what is exploding is intelligence and Living Light. You cannot see this Light unless you come down from the realm of mind to the realm of consciousness and submit to the inner Light. You have to reduce form observer and become participator. You should be able to sacrifice and be ready to burn in totality. If you carry any self then the intelligence will be that much reduced to perceive the Truth. I must admit it is impossible without His Grace even to think of it, for “self” our mind and its intelligence is essential reality over which we lived for centuries protecting ourselves and evolving. The importance here is the understanding that there are two “self ’s”  within a human, one of the Master who rules [ superior] and the other of you [ inferior]. One should learn to die to the Master, every moment, such that the Master takes guard of you. Every religious cultures, practices done is simply a distorted version of pleasing the “Master". The true and complete pleasing was done by Christ to arrest Time and conquer death

Human body consist to three parts, the soul, mind and body. Time direction and death is related to human mind that fails to perceive Truth and thus breaks the law. The conquering of time and death and its initialization should come from transformation and illumination of human mind. Mind is the secondary part of the living system, the first being the soul. This means Lord has to transform and initialize the human souls first by His soul and Spirit, before transforming and initializing human mind by His Mind. Only completion of these two essential facts will lead to transformation and initialization of the body. This is the Secret of Christ. This is the Secret of Calvary Sacrifice and His promise of Second Coming. It is the Divine Plan and Divine Design.  Christ soul is acting as template to transform the souls of humans. beyond some point, Mind of God will reveal to initialize human mind thus causing order to the body


Grace New Age Research

The matter in the site gives the gist of a New Science. Its potential for application and its capacity to reinvent ancient knowledge system in relation to the present scientific knowledge to influence all the fields of human interest positively is unlimited. If His will permits, I hope to take them up one by one. You are welcome to interact. Your help in the struggle is welcome

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