Musings Page...
  Random writings, useful (and useless) information, philosophy (and phil-o-soffy), Tom trivia, and sordid revelations of all sorts, expounded upon herein for your enjoyment.

What's An APA? (Amateur Press Alliance)

How To Eat Animal Crackers

Plaza News: Nexus Of Reality

Explaining The Toasty-Fried Co-Op

The History Of Secular Humanism

My Career As A Political Activist

The Burning World

The Sad, Short History Of A Beard: A Photo Essay

Life's but a walking shadow...

Tom's Travels in Japan

The Real-Life Adventures of Ezer, Lord of the Universe!

Where's George? Currency Tracking Project

Tom's Toasty-Story Archive!

Idiots I Have Known



12 Songs/Albums That Have Made Me Who I Am Today

The author has been known to hold unconventional views, especially as in regards to "moral" issues.. If you're easily offended, ultra-religious or a complete moron (3 qualities that frequently go together), you will be offended. Best you leave now and save yourself the trouble. On the other hand, if you are an open-minded, progressive-thinking, or simply a particularly voyeuristic individual who lives vicariously through others, then well met, and welcome!
Return me to the Main Page!