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To Stop Train -- Pull Chain!*


Here is a collection of articles that promise to give good start for the day. Whenever -- I am stung by a bee, or bitten by a dog, or feeling sad -- I simply remember a few of my favorite things -- as listed below -- and I don't feel let down any more. Then I go & have my drink

How to become smart? It is easy -- surprisingly. A fund of ideas is thrown in this lead article -- for free

While everybody else prospers, the poor Government servants are left in the lurch and are expected to take care of themselves. What are their vulnerabilities, errors, commissions and omissions? A case is made in their defense and is guaranteed to be valid until you call Tehelka

When you are drowned -- it is immaterial whether you are six feet or sixty feet down. But not so with the outlaws -- they say. There are honest thieves and dishonest crooks. Click here to recognize the fine distinction.

Occasionally one is required to blow own trumpet. If you resist others will not know of your ambitions

The epics are full of side stories that are often more absorbing than the main theme. The Rakshas who came in for the parleys -- is one such story. Read the narration -- you will be surprised to suddenly discovver that life has hardly ever changed from the days of Bhim and Arjun

Disaster Management is now prescribed as curriculum for many programs. When it was first inducted Basak (and myself) had different understanding -- a funny one at that

The nice things in life are fast disappearing. For example the hire bikes. Where have they all gone? They have been lost to those who are in quest of a fast buck

Add one part of cement to four parts of sand. No, this was not a recipe for a new dish -- but a prescription as to how to assemble a mix that can help close an inland envelope. That was also a provocation to motivate others in following instructions. Like the simple one --

to stop train -- pull chain*

all of them are based on real life experience. Pity! still no method is available to open a specially custom-packed vial of achar without spilling the oil out on your shirt.

M Premkumar wrote recently on the legacy of the FR & SR. Many may not be aware that the FR & SR (they are always taken together like for example -- Laila - Majnu, Shanker - Jaikishen et al) spell Holy Bible to many. What are they? Feel free to ask Konkoje

The tram drivers were not permitted to sit down while on duty. Why? We may never know. Read Luz-Alone for this and other revelations

Where are you from? From para four -- said the stranger. Characters walking out of real life occur not only in the Operation Moonlanding, but also in other texts in this collection

Many of us deserve to be emperors -- if only they agree to crown each one of us aik din ka Raja. If UP can have two Chief Ministers -- one for the summer and the other for the winter, the suggested scheme is indeed feasible -- you will agree

What is the difference between past perfect and past imperfect? As much as minding your business and minding others' business. Acharya analyses with his sanity -- not lost yet

It is another absorbing tale from Rajnandgaon. About a friend of mine who is keeping snakes as pets. Why? Because snakes are more loyal than dogs or iguanas. Tie one on yourself -- you will know

Long ago there was a courier system that was superfast and robustly reliable. It was also gratis. Want to know more about it? All the details at mutual benefit

Aside : The travails of a developing nation to the constantly changing telecom and therefore the I-T scenario are particularly intriguing
Are the tracks doubled and electrified? A peek through the side window would have revealed. But not for Suresh and Ramesh. For them the Discovery of the Bay of Bengal occurs only on the atlas. Pity, the obvious is invisible to many of us, educated lot

It is similarly difficult to distinguish between meaningful data and raw dump. When we are directing the inquiries, we seem oblivious to what shows stark naked in front but we still demand processed thruput. Not only Damodar at the next door but others as well are prone to this syndrome

Technologists want us believe that all knowledge can be capsuled into data bases. If this is indeed true, then all Interactive Response Systems are a success. How is that then those systems do not have the answers for my questions? I do not believe on the yellow pages or on the technology of pushing buttons. For me life is not abstract but concrete. Life cannot be equated to records of fields. Each one of us is astonishingly unique and cannot be defined in terms of some predefined discrete quantities

For me my computer is always active and kicking. It breathes normally as we do. It has emotions. It is hurt when you abuse. It wags when you do show appreciation. From Qwerty with love -- is an ode to the community called computers

There is a recognizable conflict between what is technology capable of and what it needs to do. The contrast is striking amongst the third world. They understand technology in terms of what it can do for them. Seven is heaven sets the tone to underscore this gap

When we are trying to live up the next door Jones, there are occupational hiccups. The sign of times throws some solutions -- in a lighter vein

Somebody asked if pros and cons are opposite, is progress opposed to congress? I guess they are the two sides of the same coin. The induction of any technology has a price like traveling up through a down esclator

Have you noticed the wrong numbers are completely eliminated -- now? Correction. The right wrong numbers continue -- but wrong - wrong numbers have been dispensed with. What is the difference between the two? Find out for yourself!

Half way through the filling of a form, the boiler plate called for an empty floppy disc, the social security number and the maiden name of the wife of the mayor of the town where the great grand- ma lived. Asked -- why is the wicket gate so tough to push, Archimedes replied -- it will be so, for every turn of yours I get a bucket of water lifted out of the well. Have you ever wondered why they make form filling so complex? Do you know much of the so called complex software is developed, not by experts but by computer illiterates like you? CKD Coffee unravels the mystery -- between the vanilla fare and the designer version

While an aircraft ten kilometres away can be spotted, an ant twenty feet away is not located. This gets de-mystified in Geodesic Surfing -- a sport that is as interesting as the customary net surfing

Why was there so much noise on the Voices from the Cyberspace? And why has that been suddenly silenced? How is that VoI-P is so inexpensive? Ramanujan explains straight from a Maths text

Post-Script-1 --  10 Sep 2002 Tue : The PNEUmatic Messaging System was in vogue in the European Continent in the seventies. It is a vague recollection Readers' Digest carried a comprehensive story -- but something similar could not be located for inclusion in this page. So here's an approximation compiled for the occasion
Want to ever know why is the fire engine red? Because a fire truck has six wheels. But I learnt the hard way -- after an encounter with a mechanic

I wanted to become a software expert so one day I may go live in NJ. The dream evaporated when suddenly there was an old curiosity flop -- which the Sysop has not forgiven

I promptly took a different trade and this time sermonized a homily for Carlos

That was when I discovered I could choose a language to write with the pen. The additional privileges you so obtain are now revealed for the first time

The Editor asked me which is the one invention that has the most significant impact in the twentieth century. Here is my report



 NEW today 03 December 2004 Friday 1600 Hours 




In the late fifties the TRC [Telecom Research Centre, the asli fore-runner of the C-DoT] had only two instruments in the Switching Lab. Both of them were much larger than conventional avometers - hardly portable. They were intended for measuring time -- very small slices of it. They had names besides -- one was called Chronotron and the other Trinitron [this was many many years before Sony would introduce a TV model by that appellation]. Trini had a linear scale and necessarily the preferred choice by everybody. Chrono had a non-linear scale annoyingly cramped at the lower end. But the good thing was it was functional while Trini was handicapped and dysfunctional since long. That was the scene when I arrived at the TRC [and that was the year 1965]


The instruments were deployed for measuring the operate and the release lags of mechanical relays. The relay was the reigning technology of the switching systems of those days. Its design was classical and every parameter can be controlled. In today's terms it may cost about Rs 500/== for producing a conventional Strowger relay, it was relatively so expensive also in those days when 10nP and 20np coins were still in circulation and respected as good legal tender. Since the relays were dear, all tricks were put into action to keep their count minimum in any application. Knocking off a relay or two was mostly managed by maneuvering the operate and release characteristics -- indirectly discernible through the operate and or release lags of the relays themselves. By the time Pentaconta came in vogue, the relay count was no more significant, we ceased to be bothered by their space guzzle or their power consumption -- not because relays became inexpensive but because we matured in the use of technology and had ushered common control by then [extracting lot more juice out of them relays]


When I landed at the TRC, the institution was housed at the Dak Tar Bhawan. A year or so later we would shift to Khurhidlal Bhawan, where it continues to function even today. Shifting to the new premises was a great event. All work was suspended for a month to enable the shift. I was in charge of the make shift arrangement for tea brewing and distribution at the new building. Many projects could not be located or traced for a long time and thus there was no activity for almost a year. It was at this stage I determined to discover some work for myself


Trini was sitting pretty on a monstrous lab desk unfunctional. It could not be condemned because you need to declare first it was unserviceable. It may not be declared unserviceable because it was only two years old, since its import from UK [to whom we always looked up for anything novel at that time]. It had twenty three years of life left and nobody would be in a position to explain to the audit query as to why it had become unserviceable in just two years. Well, mum is the word and everybody was happy. Anyway we had the other machine Chrono -- which was still working though not preferred. Then suddenly it dawned that we may not prefer to make measurements at all [PentaConta having arrived. But PC had other problems, but that is a different story]


When I opened the Trini, I discovered a regulated power supply inside. Today it is common place but in those days regulated power supplies were meant for only special applications say for example inside an operating theater, maybe. The regulation was managed by a 90Volts neon bulb. There was also a capacitor that was charged by an ingenious constant current source. The voltage across the capacitor, thus became a direct measure of the time elapsed while charging it. The charge of the capacitor was controlled by the events themselves through the contacts of the relays whose characteristics were being observed


Very soon I figured the capacitor was not getting its charge. A search in the market [all shops in front of the Red Fort] showed that such a low leak capacitor would not be available in Delhi. I didn’t take the import route for two reasons -- one was that my diagnosis may not be finnal, there could be more bugs in the machine and the second was that the import would take such a long gestation that I might retire by the time the import arrived!


Well, to make a long story short, happily, the mounting of the capacitor was seen leaky. Some cleaning and refurbishing thereafter, the capacitor decided to behave. The machine started working though it had no application forthcoming by now. It was like Veerappan having a natural demise and nobody could make claim for the prize money promised


The story should have ended there -- with no excitement or suspense elements. It was to unfold further several years later when Nandy would apprise me of the following


While at the Dak Tar Bhawan still, several experts were called in to repair the Trini. But all efforts failed. Then many locals tried their hands -- in vain. It was the only other instrument in the whole lab and its non-function would force at least half the lab to be closed. The then Chief, Taskar suspended all the activities for one full week so that everybody on board could concentrate on the recovery of a valuable tool. That also predictably failed


SK Das would, much later, admire at my unlimited source of courage, in braving to open the machine, particularly with no documentation of any kind around. The machine was already not working and had I failed I would not be contributing to anything worse. That was the advantage my unsolicited effort carried. For me it was a challenge. It was a peak and decided to climb. That was the story of my beginning to climb all the mountains, thereafter



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* To stop train -- pull chain is an instruction found on top every window of a train. It says (1) there is a train and (2) if you intend to stop it -- just pull the plug. The instruction is so simple and it works!! It is a free-for-all and anybody can stop. It is really Democracy at Work. Great -- don't you agree??? This collection is dedicated to those unfortunate few who get to pull only chains and not wires!!!

Update : 26 Nov 2008 Thu 1300 10 Sep 2002 Tue 1634 Hrs,03 Sep 2002 Tue 0237 Hours
