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Sun & Moon Positions:

Over 500 members, many sharing their knowledge, support, energies, and experience in Paganism, Witchcraft, Shamanism, Wicca, Healing, AP, Tarot, Gemstones, Herbs, Oils and the many, many paths and topics that fall under the category of "The Study Of All Things Witchy" .
This list is mainly an on topic list but off topic conversation is permitted and even looked forward to. After all we witches have mundane lives too.
We also generate a whole lotta mail at times.
TOLERANCE of others opinions, paths, ideas, etc is a MUST.
Disagreements are to be kept civil. No name calling or belittling of others.
Our differences are what makes life interesting and educational. If we can't discuss these differences, without getting angry and uppity and conversations have to be halted, how will we ever continue to learn or become aware?

Witchcraft, wiccan, occult ebooks.

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Daily Correspondence:

Ballads, Beliefs, Blessings, Creeds, Chants, Commandments, Charges, Prayers, Songs and some damn good writing. :-D

The following are some of my favorites by different authors. I hope you enjoy them too.
MN=Mike Nichols****VOTM=Voice of the Mountain****RS=Raven Spirit****G=Gypsy

The God
Esbat Ritual
Graces, The
Invoke Deity
Secret, The
Yule (VotM)
Besom Chant
Two Witches
A Yule Story
Witch Prayers
Goddess 101
I Am A Pagan
Crone Genesis
Goddess, Intro
Amazing Grace
Rainbow Bridge
Imbolc (VotM)
LadyDay (MN)
3 Knot Bracelet
Self Purification
Great Spirit, The
Beltaine (VotM)
Food of the Soul
Ancient Art, The
Samhain (VotM)
Candlemas (MN)
God Within Ritual
Circle Casting{G}
Herbs Main Page
Before Time Was
A Code of Honor
God and Goddess
Principals of Belief
Our Lady's Prayer
God Charges, {8}
Distance Healing
Basic Love Spell
Spell of the Cord
Witch Alone, The
Witches Rune, The
Lady's Prayer, The
Law of Power, The
The Triple Goddess
Rede of the Wiccae
Waning Moon, The
Witches Ballad, The
Witches Creed, The
Samhain Ritual{RS}
Spell For Prosperity
Sacred Instructions
Samhain Night{RS}
Isis and Sirius Ritual
The Moon Goddess
The Goddess Within
The Goddess Prayer
Burning Times Chant
Pagan Meal Blessing
Navaho Night Chant
Lughnasadh (VotM)
Isis Protection Ritual
Let Be, Let Goddess
Harvest Home (MN)

Full Moon/Earth Rite
To Find Your Totem
How To Hug A Tree
Three Fold Law, The
Song of the Goddess
Meeting the Goddess
Goddess Meditations
Autarchic Creed, The
Consecration of Tools
A Crone Spring Chant
Call To Lord and Lady
Goddess Charges, {5}
A Goddess Meditation
A Creation Story{RS}
Community Poem{RS}
All Hallow's Eve (MN)
Lughnasadh Poem{RS}
Earth's Commandments
Witches In Circles{RS}
River of Life Meditation
Moon Goddess Incense
Intro to the Old Religion
Spring Equinox (VotM)
Native Commandments
A Kali in Every Woman:
Native American Prayer
Charge of the Crone{G}
Midsummer's Eve (MN)
Summer Solstice(VotM)
Autumn Equinox (VotM)
The Death of Llew (MN)
Herbal Quick Reference
Herbal Correspondences
the Ethics of Love Spells
We Are the Other People
There Is A Goddess{RS}
Drawing Down the Moon
Solitary New Moon Ritual
Seven Sacred Prayers, The
Howlin' At The Moon{RS}
The Names of the Goddess
Vision of the Twelve Stones
Deity Engineering Worksheet
Midwinter Night's Eve (MN)
Aradia, Gospel of the Witches
The Goddess in Every Woman
Pledge to Pagan Spirituality
Dark Moon Circle Casting{G}
Women and Dark Moon Magick
Letter from the God & Goddess
The Goddess, Energy In Motion
Visions From the Goddess Spell
A Celebration of MayDay (MN)
Lammas, the First Harvest (MN)
To Finalize An Outdoor Spell{G}
Discovering the God and Goddess
Introduction To the Sabbats (MN)
Metals & Misc.{Correspondences}
Open Full Moon Circle Casting{G}
Marriage of the Earth and Sun{RS}
A Long List of Gods and Goddesses
~~~~A -- L
~~~~M -- S
~~~~T -- Z Coming soon

Herb and Crystal Spell for Prosperity
Shells & Feathers{Correspondences}
My View of the Medicine Wheel {RS}
Zodiac & Planetary{Correspondences}
Days & Moon Phases{Correspondences}
Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Cotton Ball{G}
How to make oils, correspondences of oils to days, planets, gems and loads of recipes.

Herbs alphabetically:
  A B C D   E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R  S T U V W X Y Z

Daily Herb:
Daily Rune:
Daily Deity:
Daily Tarot Card:
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Word From the Bird Sweet Scents and Etc Kahlans Lair of Wicca My Drop In the Cauldron Cherokee Messenger
Astral Crafts Avalon Pagan Unity Lady Lunas Lair Blackwick's Guardian Angels
The Mystic Spirit Inanna's Magickal Ozark Rock Exchange Daily Terminal Zenith Man
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Love you mom! And miss you so very much! .... .....
Your son..... Brian