Follow Hagrid

By now, you know to hit some of the bean producing things more than once. Statues (except Lockhart ones), Armor and SOME watering cans are things to hit more than once. First thing, go back to the dorm to {chest} *card* and save book.

Go back outside, meet Hagrid, go to his hut where you will find more beans and your next Bronze card. (Don't worry about the pigs, they won't hurt you.)
Go to Hagrid’s back door for another bean, then around to the other side {chest}.
Now as you go back through the grounds, the chests have all magically been refilled with beans for you. This is the only time this will happen. There is also a new chest on the left side around the corner from the front doors.
Once back inside, go to your right and through the now unlocked door leading to the Great hall. On your left as you go through this first door; {picture} {chest}. Then follow the hallway on into the great hall and on back the teacher’s area {chest}{chest}.
You can now go back to the grand staircase that was locked before. This is where Ron and Hermione are. Don't follow immediately.
On the ground floor is a chest with your next card. and another save book.
On the first floor, there are {cauldrons} and the silver-key door. (Nick will explain)
before going back to the stairs, there is a doorway that leads to a sponge carpet {chest}
2nd Floor
look at the tables to the left and right as you go in {chest}{chest} go to the first corner {wall plate} {chest} All the rest of these doors are locked, but go to the end of the hall anyway. {cauldron}
3rd floor.
Someone will break a vase. You can get to the cauldron by jumping over Mrs. Norris. Then going toward the DADA class, look left and see another depressed brick in the wall to hit with your wand.
go on down, stun the gnome and toss him into his hole. If he won't go all the way in, Flipendo him on in. { chest}.
Go back toward DADA and turn in, but don't go all the way into the class yet. look to the right. { crack}, {chest}.
Now go into DADA and learn Rictusempra for a total of 30 points if you pass all levels.
(NOTE: when you get through all 3 levels of any spell, you have gathered a total of 30 points for your house. 5, 10 and 15 points per each level.)
It is now time for the next stage.

Next page

Whomping Willow
Follow Hagrid
Rictusempra Challenge
Potions class
Skurge Challenge
Snape’s Dungeon
Diffindo challenge
Before the Greenhouse
Greenhouse Challenge
Dumbledore’s Office
Follow Goyle
Slytherin Common Room
Spongify Challenge
Getting some Goodies