Follow Goyle

Ron will now meet you outside next to the dragon statue, but before following him all the way, turn right into the transfiguration class.
There is a {chest} on the table nearest the door, and a {cauldron} on the other side of the room.
Follow Ron, and find out that you need a Goyle hair, then follow Goyle to start this stage.
Up the stairs and into the garden {bowtruckles} {mushrooms} {chest}*card*
{vines} {Flipendo}
You can now get the first set of beans over the stairs by flipping the block over and climbing up. Then jump down to the stairs and go to the top to jump to the next set of blocks overhead and then on through the door.
Get rid of the 3 vines along the arches and the one blocking the plank, then the spider web into the transition room {chest}
For the next room, Jump onto the beam, cut the spider web and jump into the fireplace.
Jump to the back and flip the block to the floor, then jump (by stages) down to the bottom and go out.
Flip the block to the book cases and then to the left.
Look behind the wall to the left {gargoyle}. Climb up to the bookcases and then jump into the hidden room {chest}*card*
Jump down, go through the door and up the stairs.
Save book.
Continue on, flip the fire crab to the pit on the left, and then stand on the platform he was on to get to the next room {gnome} {web} {chest}
Then next part can fool you. Don’t go right just yet. Go straight and open the door covered with the web, then climb up and flip the block down.
Follow the block through and hit the spiky plants, then climb up. Let out the gnome and jump back to the block so he will make beans, then put him back in his hole.
Climb up on the right, then hit the gargoyle to find the hidden way up to your side. There are two spiky plants and some goodies down this way. Then go back to the ledge and jump through the window for some more goodies.
In the next area are several Tentaculas and spiky plants. In the areas below, only two of the four contain anything, just a chest and a cauldron.
Climb up to the window, then hit the web. You are now above that path I told you not to take, and can climb down and go through the door.
This brings you to a room where the crabs drop down. Flip them into the cage at the back to raise the room and get two snails to flip into THEIR cage. This will raise the room to {chest}*card* {web} and back out above the path again.
Now go to the save book in the library. {pixie} go around the bookcase to your left {web} {gargoyle} to reveal secret area {pixie} {lock} {chest}.
Continue around {web} at the end of the bookcases is an innocent looking clear area. Walk into this area backwards, because it will drop you down to a fire crab that is already firing at you. Flip him into his cage to re-raise the floor.
Now you can continue to the next area.
There is a lock above you and to the right as you go through the next archway. Hit the lock and go up the stairs. Take the ledge around to the area behind the gargoyle {chest}*card*. Now you can hit the gargoyle from in front or behind to find the secret stairs to the lower level. Here, on the floor is a color key to flip the beams and open the two doors on either side of the pit above you. There is also a gargoyle here, but he just shows you the same thing.
Go back up the stairs and to the cross-beams. One side contains just a chest, but the other side contains a chest with a card in it.
Continuing on - {pixie} {slime} {slime} {slime} and a chest with Peeves in it.
In the next room are 4 piles of slime, and a room you can see into, but cannot get into unless you hit a gargoyle. The chest contains 3 frogs.
In the next room, are 3 piles of slime and another gargoyle, incase you missed the last two.
Knock out the two webs and climb up to the attic. {pixie} {web} {chest} {web} {cauldron} {web} {lock}. Then jump down.
Cut the rope on the block, and jump down to deal with the bowtruckle. Go to the area to the right, hit the spiky plant, and let the gnome do his work with the mushrooms before hitting him and taking him to his hole on the other side of this area.
Then climb up on the block and look behind you. {spiky} {spiky} {chest}.
Turn back around and go over the ledge to the wider part. Look into the hole {rope}
Jump down, deal with the 2 Tentaculas and go over the drawbridge. {spiky} {spiky} {bowtruckles} Hit the rope above you {chest}*card*
Go back out, deal with all 4 spiky plants along the water, and turn into the next little area.
{crab} {gargoyle}, turn around to see the hidden niche in the wall {chest}
back around to where the snail is - stun him and continue on. Deal with the 4 spiky plants and open the lock on the door to get inside.
On the right and left in the middle are 2 locked doors leading to 2 cauldrons.
Now go up to Goyle and you are finished with this stage.

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Whomping Willow
Follow Hagrid
Rictusempra Challenge
Potions class
Skurge Challenge
Snape’s Dungeon
Diffindo challenge
Before the Greenhouse
Greenhouse Challenge
Dumbledore’s Office
Follow Goyle
Slytherin Common Room
Spongify Challenge
Getting some Goodies