Rictusempra Challenge:

{fire crab} Flipendo it onto the plate in the center.
1st Star.
in next room, stand on the board, and flip the next crab into the pit at the back for a ride up
to {chest} *Card*
You can jump down and stun the next crab to get another 2 beans, or just jump over the railing where the frog is.
In the next room, there are 4 crabs in cages in the wall to flip back and release a platform with a chest that holds your next card.
flip the snails to their platforms in the middle of their respective areas to lower the 2nd and 3rd stars. You will also unlock the door.
in the next area, there are 2 snails to flip into pits at the side.
at the end of the next hall, put the gnome into it's hole.
Hit the picture of Lockhart {chest} *Card*
Save book
{cauldron} {chest}*card*
(this is the one that sometimes gives an extra bronze card if you immediately go back through the challenge. )
In the next hall, the floor ahead of you will drop, and 2 fire crabs will have to be put to the back of their respective cages. Stun both of them first, flip one back until he falls, then the next in order to avoid being hit by one of them.
4th star.
next area, flip both snails over to either side.
next room, stun both crabs, then flip them into holes on either side.
Look around, you will see which side leads to the star above you. Don't go that way yet.
Going the other way, stun the crab, {cauldron} {picture} {gargoyle} opening up a new room, with your 5th star. Now you can jump down and climb up the other side and get 6th star.
There is a Flipendo symbol on the wall - hit it for {chest}*card*
Go back to the block that held the last star and look down along the floor it is sitting on. You will see a block with a Flipendo symbol on it.
flip block out of the way and go down.
Look on your right: {chest}*card*
then continue, {snail}
in the next room, hit the 3 Flipendo symbols to match the picture on the right to open that door. walk over the plate on the floor to {chest}.
Then match the picture on the left for another plate and {chest}
7th star.
match the final picture.
On the left { chest} on the right, stand on the footprints to go up.
Behind you {chest}. Then turn back around for the save book and on you go.
on the left: {gargoyle}
in the next room, flip pictures and flip snails into holes.
then, if your wand is still glowing, continue on, if not, go back and hit the gargoyle again and THEN continue on so you can see the hidden room to the right. {chest}
continuing on, Flipendo the picture on the right and up the stairs {chest}
then continue on to some platforms to the other side.
Flip crab to floor plate to lower stairs and open door.
Go around to Hallway,
{ cauldron} you can stun the snails, or just run by them.
and then up
8th star.
continue {cauldron} {chest}*Card*
when your go through the next door, 2 crabs will drop down on either side and you need to flip them to the back holes to release the gate for the 9th star.
on the right - {chest}*Card*
Save book next to {cauldron}
hit the Flipendo symbol to the right of the save book {chest}*card*
Now you come to the last room. There is a spiral ramp and 5 fire crabs. In order to lower the finish star, you need to flip 4 crabs into the pit below. To your left is a grate that has the 10th star behind it. In order to get this star, you need to flip the first two crabs into the pit and then come back down to the ground floor. If you look into the pit, you will see a door with a symbol on it. Jump into the pit and open the door. Go through and up the stairs. {picture} go through to the room and step on both of the floor plates. {gnome} {chest}*card*. Go back out and up the stairs to the star and back onto the spiral ramp. Flip the remaining three crabs on down (I flip the last one down just to get it out of my way).
Now you have wood beams that spring in and out of the wall. You can just run past the first three, but for the last two, wait until they have sprung out and start running into them. As they slide out of your way, you will run past safely. Now you can jump to the finish star.
You can go back through in order to improve your time. If you just run past any snail in the hallways, then it will help out greatly.
this stage is now done.

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Whomping Willow
Follow Hagrid
Rictusempra Challenge
Potions class
Skurge Challenge
Snape’s Dungeon
Diffindo challenge
Before the Greenhouse
Greenhouse Challenge
Dumbledore’s Office
Follow Goyle
Slytherin Common Room
Spongify Challenge
Getting some Goodies