Spongify Challenge.

DADA is next, but play a game of Quidditch first.
In the first room, jump down to get both gnomes and both cauldrons.
Putting both gnomes into their holes will open a door underneath the Spongify carpet and reveal {gargoyle} climb back up, and look above you to the right side of this room.
{Spongify} and jump up to the 1st star, then turn around and jump to the hidden ledge {chest}
Now look up at the wall to your right. Hit it with Alohomora. Climb onto the block on the left and jump into the secret chamber {chest}*card*
Jump back to the next room {imp} {gnome} to release next hidden room. {chest}
{Spongify} to next room. Instead of hitting the next carpet, go around and to the left.
Climb up {Spongify} then Hit the next wall to your left for the 2nd star.
Use the platform to get to the other side {chest}, then use the platform to jump to the 3rd star.
Save book
This next couple of rooms are tricky.
In the next room, there are 3 imps to toss into the imp hole, but they recover fast, and I haven't made it through without being bitten at least twice.
Take care of the slime below the moving block and flip it over and in front of the imp hole in the column.
Then hit the gargoyle behind the first platform to open a secret room behind the frog {chest}*card*
Climb up to the first platform {Spongify} climb up to next carpet and turn around {Spongify}. Get the 4th star and turn around to get to the next room.
{bottle} {bottle}
Flip all 4 crabs into their cages to open a floor to {chest}*card* {Spongify}
Now back up to the edge of this ledge and look up. Hit the Flipendo symbol.
Jump back down to the floor that held the crabs , then back up to the ledge you started on.
Look up and hit the Flipendo symbol there.
(when you go back through, just hit the Flipendo symbol above the door you com in to, {Spongify}to the first beam and Hit the Flipendo symbol across the way. Then jump to the star and get out)
{Spongify} and then jump from Beam to Beam and get the 5th star. Your weight will also open the door.
{slime}, then jump down.
At the stairs, climb into the Picture of the sorting hat on your left {chest}
Climb back out.
Look at the 4 pictures to the right and hit the top left one to change the stairs.
Next room {pixie}{pixie}{pixie}, then jump down into the area on your right.
{gargoyle} climb back up. {Spongify} flip block into hole {Spongify} Hit crack on the wall over other ledge and climb into it. for the 6th star
Go back into the lower area and flip the block over to the ledge and climb up for the 7th star.
Save book
{Spongify} {crab} {slime} {slime}
The slime in front of you reveals a crab and 2 frogs, so only get that if you need the frogs.
Hit the slime above you and climb up.
{slime} {Spongify}
{chest on table} 8th star.
{pixie} {Spongify}{Spongify}{Spongify} 9th star
. Hit the flying key to reveal {chest}
Jump down to the Save book, then down again {cauldron} {cauldron} {gargoyle}
Jump down the 3 hidden blocks and hit the wall plate on the middle column. {Spongify} {chest}*card* {Spongify} climb back up to gargoyle {Spongify}
In the next room, walk toward the chest, and the floor will drop. {spider} {spider} {chest}
(the first time through, Go into one of the alcoves with the Flipendo symbols. The block will raise up, and you will be able to jump into a hidden area {chest}{Spongify} The second time through, hit the 2 Flipendo symbols to go back up.
{gargoyle} {pixie} {pixie} hidden room behind frog {chest}
Then in the next room, {pixie} {pixie}, jump on the foot plate to ride down and reveal the Spongify carpet. {chest}*card*. Hit the wall plate on your left for another secret area.
{Spongify} go up the stairs and here is a chest with Peeves in it.
{crab} {web} {Spongify}{spider}{spider} and go over the bridge for the 10th star.
Save book
Jump onto the platform and THEN activate the Spongify carpet. When the top hammers go down, jump straight up and you will get past them.
In the corner of the next corridor, look up. You will see a spider in it’s web. Leave them alone for now.
{Spongify} but don’t hit the finish star yet. Look above it and hit the wall plate with your wand. Turn around {Spongify} Jump over to the {chest}.
Now you can hit the spider below you, but not it’s web. Jump down for {chest}*card*
Now drop to the web, sever it and go back to the finish star.
(Just above the web is a wall plate to activate a Spongify carpet, in case you severed the web too soon .)
You can go back for speed if you want.

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Whomping Willow
Follow Hagrid
Rictusempra Challenge
Potions class
Skurge Challenge
Snape’s Dungeon
Diffindo challenge
Before the Greenhouse
Greenhouse Challenge
Dumbledore’s Office
Follow Goyle
Slytherin Common Room
Spongify Challenge
Getting some Goodies