There are 2 sets of secrets here.
Start out by hitting the slime on the left wall. Get the crab and flip him into the pit. Go back out and hit the slime on the right wall. {crab}{Gargoyle}{slime}, then jump to where the Spongify carpet is, {slime}{flip the crab into the pit, and go into the secret room {chest}.
Back out {Spongify} ride the elevator to the first landing {chest}{chest}.
Ride the elevator to the bottom and hit the Flipendo symbol on the wall. {cauldron} {cauldron}.
Save book.
{web} Jump down. {spider}{spider}{spider}
{spider}{spider} {slime}{Spongify}
Now to get past the chopping walls, stand as close as you can to a wall without getting hit, and when it comes down, run forward You will have to do this 3 times.
Save book
Some rocks will fall down, hit the Flipendo on the remaining one to climb up and to the right.
Now you will see a web ahead of you. as you go into this corridor, the walls will try to crush you. Hit the web and get to the edged without jumping off. Turn around and go to the new corridor to the left for a secret room {chest}. The other new corridor doesn’t have anything in it. Jump down.
{slime} then go right {web}{chest}turn around {web}.
Save book
Get cauldrons on either side and then jump down.
Behind you is another cauldron.
Now go through in front.
There is a fire crab below and out of your reach.
There are 3 or 4 pixies that require you to hit them twice each to get rid of them.
Go to the right {gargoyle}{Spongify}
{gargoyle}{Spongify}{Spongify} {imp}{imp}{imp}
Now as you come over where the crab is, there are bridges on either side of an elevator.
Use the bridge to the right and look over the gap {rope}.
Hit the symbol and jump down {chest} (3 of 3 secrets)
Flip the crab onto the lower area, jump down after him and flip him into the abyss.
Use the Spongify carpets to get back to the elevator and take it down to where the crab was at {Spongify} In this next tunnel, there is a Flipendo symbol on the ceiling that will release the cauldrons on either side. (This ends the first of 3 parts, part 2 next with 4 secrets. Unfortunately, I can only find 3.)
In the next room, there are 4 fire crabs. Hit the Flipendo symbols on either side to reveal floor plates to flip one crab each onto.
Hit the Flipendo symbol on the wall to uncover the Spongify carpet, and use it.
In this next room, you have 2 imps and a pixie to take care of.
Once both Imps are in their holes, your release a secret wall {Gargoyle}
Hit the Flipendo symbol on the wall to uncover the Spongify carpet, and use it.
Now you can use the two half bridges you got when you flipped the crabs below. Hit the Flipendo on the wall and look down. Hit the pixie and {Spongify}
If your wand has gone out at this point, you need to go back and hit the gargoyle again. In this next short corridor are 2 secret rooms {chest}.
Drop down and hit the ropes on either side to go down.
Save book.
Flipendo symbol on the floor to get a frog.
Continuing on, you come to an are with two corridors. If you go down the first corridor, you will hit a trip light and fall. There is a pit in the other corridor. You will be coming back to this area, and the 2 snails are really annoying, so Flipendo the snails into the pit..
Look up, and hit both pixies to get them out of the way.
At this point, you can go into the corridor with the trip beams and get just to the edge of the trap door. Turn around and look up. Here is a snake symbol. Hit it to reveal a gargoyle that will show two hidden beams you can use to avoid the Highlighted section below.
{Spongify} This will take you to the first moving beam. On the way up, hit the rope in the wall, then jump to the next moving beam. Hit the rope at the top of this one as well. Now jump down and go to the gap on your right.
Get two more pixies {Spongify} and land on the next moving beam. Hit the rope on this one and on the next one, then jump down twice to land in the area where the snails were.
Now the dropped beams block the trip lights and you can climb over them
, getting a card in the process. Jump down again, {cauldron}
Save book.
In this next area, the camera moves from just behind you to above you for one of those perspective changes you may remember from the Sorcerer’s Stone game.
Use the right and left arrow keys to move left and right. Use the up and down arrow keys to aim your wand.
If you don’t panic, then it is just a matter of jumping over the gaps and hitting the vines with Diffindo to get them out of your way. Once you jump down at the end, the Boulder will crash into the opening above you, you will drop down past the place where the four crabs were and into the next to last area.
Save book.
In the next room, there is a huge hammer tied back with a rope. Below you is an area with two fire crabs that will try to hit you. If you jump down by accident, go to the door on the far left, hit the gargoyle and then take the stairs back up.
I like to stand on the hammer, hit the rope and ride. Don’t jump off when the hammer breaks the wall opposite, as this will result in injury. Ride it back again, then jump off on the next swing. (I am still missing a secret in this final area. If you know it, please let me know)
Now we reach the chamber itself.
The snake heads will be shooting jets of flame that you have to avoid by crossing between when the way is clear. Now charge up with that potion and walk into the save book.
Jump down and go through a moderately long sequence before having to face the Basilisk. I have found that if you hit the Basilisk just when he roars or just as he spits acid, you will hit him.
For the first part, He will hang out in Slytherin’s mouth and shoot down to bite you from there. Hit him until he gets pissed off and goes back into the mouth.
Perspective changes again, and the Basilisk will now pop up from whichever hole in the floor is closest to you at the time. Keep hitting him until he dies and kills the diary. Following is a longish sequence and then the only thing left is the leaving feast.
Before going to the leaving feast, purchase any cards you may need and go to the gold star challenge at the grand staircase.

Next page

Whomping Willow
Follow Hagrid
Rictusempra Challenge
Potions class
Skurge Challenge
Snape’s Dungeon
Diffindo challenge
Before the Greenhouse
Greenhouse Challenge
Dumbledore’s Office
Follow Goyle
Slytherin Common Room
Spongify Challenge
Getting some Goodies