greenhouse challenge:

We now introduce the moving Tentacula. As you get in range, they will come toward you at a walking pace. Just cut their snapping vines and they will stop dead in their tracks allowing you to get by.
As you go into the first area, you will have 4 Tentaculas to deal with. The first and third ones move. Hit all the spiky plants found on the smaller raised platform and next to the vine covered door on the other side of the L shaped bridge.
Then let the gnome out of his hole to make beans. Then stun him and toss him onto the lower platform to make beans. Then put him in the gnome hole.
Cut the vines from the door {pot}. Look up the stairs { crab}, up the next stairs {crab}.
Over the bridge and into the next hall {rope} {rope}. Now you have to jump back down.
To avoid having to hit the crabs again, jump onto the taller platform area and from there to the bridge. Then go to the next hall. {rope} {rope}, then hit the plate on the floor that looks like a likely target {gargoyle}. Run over the bridge and PAST the save book to get to the hidden room {chest}*card*. NOW go to the save book, then on to the next area.
{vines} {spiky plant} {spiky plant} {watering can}, then around the side of this greenhouse. Now you have to take care of a moving Tentacula, mushrooms and another moving Tentacula.
Now you come to the other side of the greenhouse. {pot} {pot} {Spiky plant} {spiky plant} {vines} {web} {spider} {web} {spider} {web} {spider}.
Now just walk over the floor plate and continue past the bridge that comes out.
{bowtruckles} {pot} {wall plate} {chest}.
Come back out to the bridge and use it to jump up to a dragon and walk to the back of the roof for more beans. Jump down into the greenhouse, but don’t get the skin yet. There is a pot on the table.
On one side of the skin is {watering can} {watering can} {jar}
On the other side is {pot} {chest}*card*
Now take the skin
Finished with this stage.

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Whomping Willow
Follow Hagrid
Rictusempra Challenge
Potions class
Skurge Challenge
Snape’s Dungeon
Diffindo challenge
Before the Greenhouse
Greenhouse Challenge
Dumbledore’s Office
Follow Goyle
Slytherin Common Room
Spongify Challenge
Getting some Goodies