
Go back in and go to the house point ceremony.
Ron will tell you to go to Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom, but play the last game of Quidditch first.
After a long sequence, you go to Hagrid’s hut. On the way there, look at all the secrete places to finally get your 6 of 6 secrets for the nighttime grounds, then into the forest alone, all by yourself, with no one to help you (like that is different in this game)
{gargoyle} {Spongify} {spider} then cut the web under the first log.
{Spongify} {bowtruckles} {chest} then cut the web under the second log. {Spongify}
Now jump to the other log and hit the Flipendo symbol on the wall. Follow the cave back {chest}*card*
If you go over the next bridge, it will dump you into the mushrooms, so just jump down from this side and let the gnomes out of their gnome hole to turn the mushrooms into beans, then put them both back and climb up to the
Save book.
Now use the Spongify plates to get to the bottom of the tree.
Jump down where the frog is {Spongify}*card*
Spongify back down again and go through the tree this time.
{web}{web} There are 3 spiders behind webs in the next cave. Cut all the webs you can and get all 3 spiders to reveal a secret room {chest}*card* Now climb back up to where the 3rd spider lies stunned and look right {chest}*card* Turn around{Spongify}
There is a secret area if you jump down into the water and walk up stream, then look right {chest} Now climb up and take care of any imps.
Save book {vines}
From this point on, most spiders have to be hit twice to stun them.
{vines}{bowtruckles}{rope} Climb up {vines}{column}
{Spongify}{web} on right {chest}*card*
Go past the next chest and hit the web, then hit the chest to get the gnome to throw him into the mushrooms. He will turn them into beans, then you can put him in his hole.
Flipendo the tree and start to walk across. It will fall down.
Hit the vines on your right and left to reveal some jars and a potion cauldron. {web}
And it is now time to fight Aragog.
For each web column; Stun the spiders, then cut the web column.
Once the last column is cut, Aragog will drop to your level and try to kill you.
Use your left or right arrows to run circles around him while you hit him with Rictusempra until he falls into the pit.
NOTE: you have enough potion at this time to just stand in one spot and hit him from there. He will shoot spider webs at you and bite you, but will also rear up and reveal his Rictusempra symbol. Hit that and hurt him faster.
Ron will pick you up in his dad’s car, and you go to visit Hermione and start your final adventure.

Next page

Whomping Willow
Follow Hagrid
Rictusempra Challenge
Potions class
Skurge Challenge
Snape’s Dungeon
Diffindo challenge
Before the Greenhouse
Greenhouse Challenge
Dumbledore’s Office
Follow Goyle
Slytherin Common Room
Spongify Challenge
Getting some Goodies