Kris's Pregnancy Journal
September 2002

(Anne Geddes Baby Clothing web site)
Wednesday, September 4 (13/15 weeks)
Wow. I can't believe I'm at 15 weeks.

I guess now I'm officially in the second trimester, though a few things I read had said 13 weeks. Whatever. All I know is that now even John's shorts are getting snug. Aah. I didn't think I would have a problem with gaining weight, but it's so bizarre to see my stomach growing like it is.

It's seems like a lot has happened in the past week. We went to John's cousin's wedding in West Virginia and had the opportunity to tell his dad's family about the baby. They were all excited and happy for us. I made a comment about a cute baby there and his aunt asked if we were still trying . . . I guess she thought we had been trying for a while, anyway, I just said, we're pregnant.

John wanted to tell his grandfather first and when he did, his grandfather seemed upset and said that no one had told him. OK, you're the first Wallace to know. His cousin, Bethany, who got married is the first person, outside John, to touch my stomach. I didn't think I would like people doing that, but it didn't really bother me, it embarassed me more than anything. Why do you want to touch my gut?

I had tried on a few dresses last week when packing, and couldn't believe that I really only had one choice. The dress I wore to a wedding in July made me look way pregnant. Fortunately, we went shopping for a sport coat for John and I got to pick up a few maternity items. They're huge, but I'm sure I'll be filling them out in no time. Yippee.

Thursday, September 5 (13.1/15.1 weeks)
Today is the first day that I have felt pregnant.

It actually feels like something has been attached to my stomach. Well, I'm expanding about one inch per week around the middle. I'm glad we started taking pictures last month. I wish I would have taken one at the beginning.

And I'm so glad I bought some new underwear a couple weeks ago. I followed the advice of my mom and previously pregnant friends and went with regular bikini briefs (two sizes bigger) instead of maternity underwear. Today they fit. Argh.

Sunday, September 8 (13.6/15.6 weeks)
I think I may have felt some movement.

From what I read, it should be happening anytime. Friday afternoon and yesterday afternoon I felt the same little inside poke in the same place. I've been trying to pay attention.

We started our baby registry Friday. First we stopped at a resale clothing place so that I could find some shorts, as John's are getting snug. I didn't like any of the shorts and bought a good pair of khakis and a t-shirt. Then it was onto Babies R Us. I was beat after that.

We'll be moving soon and I hope I'll be able to find the energy to get through it. John is going to work on a volunteer basis in West Virginia University's compliance office. I'm so excited for him. We're moving into the apartment above his mom's garage since she's only 10 miles from Morgantown. It will be good to be around his family, and his friend Joe (best man) and his wife Tanya live in Morgantown, too. They have a daughter who's 18 months and are expecting a son at the end of this month.

I'm really happy with the way things have worked out as far as John's next job and where we'll be living for the next year or so. It will make the rest of my pregnancy much easier and less stressful. I've already signed up for Bradley childbirth classes there and have found a midwife/OB practice in Pittsburgh. The practice is renovating a birthing center which should be ready between January and March. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get to be one of their first clients to deliver there. If not, they deliver at Allegheny General Hospital which was recommeded by our childbirth instructor.

So all's good!

Saturday, September 28 (16.4/18.4 weeks)
The last few days have been kinda weird. I haven’t felt pregnant like in the previous weeks.

We moved last weekend and as I carried boxes back and forth, my growing stomach was obvious. Moving was a bit awful. We didn’t have any help and carrying the couple of big awkward items frustrated me. I was almost in tears once, just worried about hurting myself. I’m glad it’s over. If we had moved any later in the pregnancy, I don’t think it would have gone very well at all.

At the end of last week I started wearing my maternity pants. John’s shorts have become pretty snug, although I measured my stomach and it doesn’t seem that I’ve grown much, if at all, in the last few weeks. I had worn big stretchy shorts for nearly two weeks and my stomach is more noticeable in clothes that fit. I really like a pair of khakis I bought at a second hand maternity clothes shop. I wore my overalls for the first time yesterday and totally felt pregnant, especially while eating an ice cream cone.

I had my last midwife appointment in Columbus on Friday, the 20th. My mom drove us back to get the truck and station wagon, go to my appointment and help us clean up the apartment. I’m glad she went to the midwife with us. Of course she took pictures. We listened to the baby’s heartbeat, which was in the upper 140s/lower 150s. My mom said a girl’s heartbeat is supposed to be faster than a boy’s. The normal range is 120-160. The midwife said that a few blips we heard while listening to the heartbeat were kicks. That was kinda cool.

I had blood drawn for AFP screening (normal) and another syphilis test. My first round of blood tests were reactive for syphilis so they wanted to do another. The whole thing wasn’t explained very well, but a midwife in the office I’ll be visiting in Pittsburgh reassured me. Some people can produce reactive results for various tests their entire lives. The tests they run are actually screens first and if the results are reactive, more tests are run. I was “1 to 2” reactive for syphilis, but someone who actually has it would be “1 to 1,000.” Tests are repeated until the results are no longer reactive. So “1 to 2” is the weakest reactive result possible. Anyway, I don’t have syphilis.

Sleeping was kinda tough last week, but like I said, this week I haven’t really felt pregnant, haven’t really noticed my stomach - size, rumblings, etc. I tried using a little pillow to put under my stomach last week, but haven’t used it this week.

I haven’t felt much more movement. It’s kinda bumming me out, but I’m sure it will pick up and become more noticeable. I can’t believe I’m almost halfway there. Wow. I’ve tried to come up with a funny Halloween costume since I’ll be looking pretty pregnant by then, though I can’t think of where I’d wear it.

Monday, September 30 (16.7/18.7 weeks)
Well, last night I suddenly felt bigger.

I didn't feel pregnant all week and when I measured it was the same as two weeks ago - 37 inches around my stomach. When I measured last night, though, it was 38 inches. I swear I can feel myself growing.

We went shopping with John's mom yesterday and I saw a very reasonably priced (cheap) changing table at Wal Mart. I had to go to another store for it, but we bought it. I took it out of the box this morning and it's not looking very . . . strong, I guess. The shelves are pretty flimsy, like they'll start to sag without much weight on them. I plan to take a look at one that I liked at Sears to see if it's any better before taking this one back.

Kris's Journal

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