Kris's Pregnancy Journal
November 2002

(Anne Geddes Baby Clothing web site)
Monday, November 4 (23.7/21.7 weeks)
I could eat a horse.

For the last five days I've eaten at least two eggs with some kind of meat and toast for breakfast. Yesterday I had eggs, ham, two orders of toast and a side of potatoes and felt like I had eaten nothing. When I woke up this morning I almost cried because I knew I only had cereal to eat.

Living in the middle of nowhere, with no real kitchen to cook or keep food, is not going to work. I would wake up and drive 15 or 30 miles everyday to get something if I didn't think John would throw a fit.

Saturday morning we were in State College for a Penn State game. I had to ask John to make sure I got something to eat because I know food is not a priority for him. Sometimes I actually feel bad, like a spoiled brat, because I want food and have to have it or I'm going to cry. Ugh.

In our last childbirth class we had an anatomy lesson and watched a birth video. The whole process still dumbfounds me. I just can't believe that in a few moments two people can create a microscopic little thing that grows into a real person so quickly and then comes out of someone, me.

It's crazy.

Wednesday, November 6 (24/22 weeks)
My belly button is going to blow anyday.

My stomach was feeling so weird yesterday, a combination of low baby kicks and my belly button stretching. I couldn't stop holding it for fear of popping and becoming an outy. I wonder when and how that will happen. This morning Kelly Ripa was wearing a tight shirt that showed hers has turned. She can't be too far ahead of me - both due in February and she said she's having a boy, too.

Maybe it was the breakfast I had yesterday - eggs benedict and a pancake. Yum yum! It was perfect. Then later I got to stop at Jean Judy Bakery. Mmm. What a nice day.

Last week I finally bought a couple new bras. I had to go up a notch in strap and cup sizes, from 36C to 38D. The new bras feel so much better. I didn't realize I had grown, but there is definitely a difference.

And today is 6 months! Aah! So unbelievable. Time is flying by. I just started the next chapter, the seventh month, of The Pregnancy Book. I didn't realize that the third trimester is just a couple weeks away and I should start waddling soon, too. Fun. Even wearing regular clothes now, people can tell I'm pregnant. I love it.

Thursday, November 14 (25.1/23.1 weeks)
Well, I'm growing.

At 21 weeks I measured 24 cm, and now at 25 weeks I am measuring 30 cm. And I've gained 25 pounds. Yippee! I was getting a little freaked out about it, but the midwife says everything is good, this is just how I am.

I'm working on getting over having the ultrasound. I've been feeling guilty lately, especially after learning that our Bradley instructor measured big and gained 70 pounds, but never had an ultrasound or any prenatal tests. It's over and was for a good reason, not just sonograms to show off or to find out the baby's sex. And I won't have to have any in the future - I'll just know that I grow a little faster than the average woman.

That kinda freaks me out, too, though. I've always considered myself and my body very average. I'm average height, average weight, my body responds like it should to medications and is generally very normal in whatever situation . . . except pregnancy, it seems.

So I will just have to ignore all the "typical" crap that all the books describe. Why do they print that shit anyway? Just to give woman complexes, like there isn't enough to obsess about? Assholes.

*sigh* OK.

Anyway, we bought tickets to fly to Chicago for family Christmas stuff. I was going to try to avoid the metal detectors because of something I read which suggested requesting a pat down instead. But I read something else today that says the metal detectors people walk through are fine, just don't jump on the belt with your luggage and go through the X-ray machine. But it will give me something else to worry about now.

Tuesday, November 19 (25.8/23.8 weeks)
This can suck.

If you don't fit within the narrow parameters of a "normal" pregnancy, it seems nearly impossible to reject any prenatal tests. At last week's appointment, gestational diabetes testing was discussed and scheduled for my next appointment. Not really wanting to go through another unnecessary test, I asked a few things about it. The midwife said every client goes through the test.

So after gnawing on that conversation for a few days, I decided to ask some more questions. The conversation we had yesterday did not go well and I ended up very upset. I came away with the feeling that I am being blackmailed into the test - if I don't have it, I can't be guaranteed what I want at delivery.

What kind of bullshit is that?

Only 1 out of 100 women have positive results. They are put on a special diet. Big fucking deal. It's not like they have to decide whether to abort. Their diets and weights are simply monitored.

The biggest problem is reading books like the Sears Pregnancy Book that do not advocate the test, buying into their thinking and then trying to follow that philosophy. Although the baby measured barely larger than normal, my fluid looks fine, and the midwife says that my fundal growth is just the way I am, I am no longer at liberty to decide which prenatal tests I want. I had an ultrasound that I didn't feel was necessary and AFP testing. Nothing is wrong with me!

Friday, November 22 (26.3/24.3 weeks)
Things are getting fun now.

Besides leaking colostrum, suffering awful heartburn and having fitful sleep, I can no longer tie my right shoe. Well, I couldn't yesterday anyway. I laced up my left boot no problem, but needed John's help for the right one.

What else is happening?

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