Kris's Baby Journal 2
June 2004

Monday, June 14 (23 weeks)
I can't believe how fast time goes by. And how big my little boy is getting.

He manages to impress me everyday. He can get right up on his rocking horse and go to it, he has no trouble with his Little Tikes slide thing, he's begun eating his morning eggs with his little fork, he's climbing on everything, and he's been petting my tummy and laid his head on it a few days ago. He is so sweet. I had to take him to the post office with me to mail some books, a big 20+ pound box, a smaller box and large envelope. I couldn't carry the boxes and John. But he made the whole thing so easy. He was patient and stood right by me until it was my turn and then stood there quietly waiting for me. He's only 15 months old!

I've been getting more excited about the next one to come. I know he will be just as sweet as John and will bring us just as much happiness. It's almost hard to believe that there will be another new baby that we will love so much.

A line in a parenting article I read this weekend kinda freaked me out, though. It was talking about having more than one kid and how going from 2 to 3 isn't bad, it's going from 1 to 2 that's the killer. I hope he can handle sharing time with another little guy. (Yes, I'm assuming it's a boy.)

I've been feeling a lot more movement lately, but John still can't feel anything. The same thing happened last time. He could see the movement, but not feel it. I can't believe this week will be 24 weeks. Agh! Where has the time gone? This summer is going to fly by.

Thursday, June 24 (25.1 weeks)
I have been close to giving in to an ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby. But I'm not going to do it.

It's killing me not knowing. I'm just going to stick with the assumption that it's a boy, I think. Well, there's not much of a reason to find out anyway. We would just have more time to decide on a name. And that didn't help last time. Although I think I've settled on Max and Jane. I'm still looking through books, though.

Meanwhile, John just keeps getting bigger and bigger. He had his first haircut Tuesday. He cried the whole time. John had him on his lap. At least he didn't move his head around. He looks very grown up with a little boy haircut.

I had an interview and testing for a job with the Rockford paper's sports desk yesterday. I bought a cropped kind of shirt so that I wouldn't look obviously pregnant. I also carried a folder and my purse to help. I don't think they could could tell. And I think I have a pretty good shot at the job. It would be very exciting. Only part-time, fine with me. It's a lot of clerical, gopher stuff, but there's also the chance at writing if I can handle everything else.

I couldn't believe that I missed three words on the spelling test. Occasional - I chose two s's, therefore - I don't know how I got that wrong, and embarrass - I chose only one r. Whattanidiot. I can spell them when I actually write them out, but picking from a list must have done it. I also took a typing test - 55 WPM and never a typing class, Excel, Word and Outlook. Word was okay, Outlook wasn't too bad, but I only got about half of Excel questions. Not bad for not knowing much at all about the program.

I'm expecting to hear today or tomorrow. I don't think it pays more than $8/hour, but that should be enough to pay for daycare and bring something home every week. John seemed to think that the only reason I was looking for a job, and upset about not finding one yet, was to put John in daycare. Uh, no honey, I'm a bit stressed because we hardly have anything to live on.

I have a midwife appointment tonight. It should be short and to the point. I'm going to ask her if she would have any concerns should I not do the glucose test. It's kinda a matter of convenience, having to go and sit there for an hour, but I'd rather not do it anyway. I don't fall into any of the risk categories. So why bother.

We went to Pennsylvania last weekend. Whattafundrive! Eleven hours through the night. John was such a sweetie. I think he enjoyed seeing his grandma Connie, and I know she loved seeing him. I got to lay around while they played together and John worked on Connie's bathroom. I felt lazy and guilty for about 5 minutes.

Monday, June 28 (25.7 weeks)
I almost had a job.

If the stupid twerp who was planning to leave didn't change his mind, I would have been offered the part time sports desk job. Yeah, it sucks. I was pretty bummed out Friday. I was even more bummed out when I realized everything I would have made would have gone straight to daycare.

So yesterday I applied at Wal-Mart. Woo hoo. It was tough doing the stupid questionnaire thing after reading Nickel and Dimed, On (Not) Getting By in America. It was really hard to answer the way I knew they wanted applicants to answer. Stupid questions about when it's right to steal from an employer, or when management should be criticized, or if I consider marijuana the same as alcohol.

I could work there evenings and weekends and not have to worry about paying $175/week for daycare. I would have loved the newspaper job, which it seems I can have in December when the dork should really leave, but I wouldn't have brought any money home at all.

Whattabunchofshit, eh?

Money is really tight right now. Of course the timing is perfect. My birthday is in two weeks, before John gets paid again, and we'll be lucky to have enough for food and gas for John to get to work. Lovely. I think I'm going to ask my mom and sister for a Wal-mart gift card, which I can use at Sam's for diapers or at Wal-Mart for groceries. I wonder if Wal-Mart would care that I'm pregnant. I don't know if I should try to look fat again or just wear maternity clothes if I get called for an interview.

Mega Millions is up to $210 million tomorrow night. That would help.

Kris's Journal

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