Kris's Pregnancy Journal
January 2003

(Anne Geddes Baby Clothing web site)
Thursday, January 2 (32.1/30.1 weeks)
Well, it's time to get ready.

Only eight weeks to go until my due date and we're doing what we can to prepare for the life changing event. Monday we met with our doula and had a midwife appointment. John's mom went with us.

We talked to our doula (Jena) about what we expect to happen in labor, what we would like to happen, and what we would like her to do. I told her what I could about how I think I handle pain and stress, etc. We talked about the relaxation techniques we've learned and practiced and the imagery I've used during relaxation. She gave us a contract to look over. All we need to do now is sign it and send in a $100 deposit. We pay the $300 balance to her at our postpartum visit.

Everything at the midwife went well. I asked about John catching the baby and bringing a tub to the hospital. She said no problem with John catching the baby but she's not sure about the tub. We'll have to ask the hospital. We had planned to stop by there to see a delivery room, but didn't have time. She didn't think there would be a problem, but suggested we talk to them. Please let me bring a tub.

I saw the names of a couple from our Bradley class on the birth board at the midwife center. They had a girl on Christmas Day. We weren't able to get any information about the birth, though. She wasn't due until January 10, but her first baby was early and labor was fast. So I'm guessing this one was the same.

So I've gained 34 pounds and am feeling kinda big at times. I felt huge in this t-shirt dress I wore New Year's Eve and ended up in sweats. We went to Joe and Tanya's for dinner and then football the next day. They gave us a bunch of baby presents - a Penn State teddy bear, Penn State shoes, a Penn State outfit, a baby baseball game, a bouncer/vibrating seat, and some diapers, sleepers and onesies that Ethan has already outgrown. It was so nice.

John put together the changing table today and we're going to move some furniture to make room for a baby area. I can't believe how soon he'll be here.

Tuesday, January 7 (32.8/30.8 weeks)
Today I graduated to the second set of buttons on my maternity overalls. Woo hoo!

People were definitely looking at me today. I am big. I thought people were looking at me funny last week in that t-shirt dress, like I had escaped from a hospital. But today there was no question.

I walked around the Morgantown Mall, and hit K-Mart and a fabric store while John was at work. Hallmark had some really cute do-it-yourself announcements and thank you cards. I think I'll be going back there. I looked at stationery at Office Max, but for the same price as the do-it-yourself greeting card packs, I can get cuter announcement paper at Hallmark.

These are some announcements I liked from a web site, I think it was I think I'm going with something like the plaid one, but not exactly.

While I was at the fabric store, I asked about waterproof material for a mattress cover for the moses basket. She told me to bring it in. I'm sure I could make a few waterproof sheets pretty easily. The pad is so small.

Last week the words "my son" entered my mind for the first time. It threw me a little bit and is still weird to think about. I've been talking about my mom and Connie having a grandchild, and Kari having a nephew, and John having a son, but not me. Yesterday I sat in the rocking chair next to the changing table with the moses basket and talked to him for a while. It's sinking in.

Monday, January 20 (34.7/32.7 weeks)
180 pounds!? No way!

I looked at what I was wearing and realized, no, it wasn't my shoes or my pants, it was all me. Wow. I have gained just over 40 pounds and there are five weeks to go. John cheerfully asked if I thought I would break 200. Whattasweetie.

Some days I worry that I'm not eating enough. But I guess I can stop worrying about that. At least the midwives don't seem concerned about it. That's good. Our next appointment is next Monday and then we start weekly visits.

After our appointment last week, I called labor and delivery at AGH to see if we could stop by to check out the rooms, but they were full. I forgot there was a full moon last week. I hope we can get in next time. I have to see what kind of shower/bathtub set up they have. I asked if I could bring a tub and they told me no due to whatever liability issues. Whattabunchofshit.

I've started my list of things to take to the hospital and have been buying little baby things. I bought a big t-shirt and short flannel robe for the hospital, black and white film for nice pictures, some pads and witch hazel for my anticipated sore perineum. We also started perineal massage last week. Fun. I just hope it helps.

I've also started knitting a blanket for Baby John. It may be tough to get it done before he arrives, but it will keep me busy. It's going to be navy blue, white and gray to match all of his Penn State stuff.

Thursday, January 23 (35.1 weeks)
Closer and closer.

I had a slight panic moment last night. I was about to make a comment about the NCAA tournament in March and that we'll have a baby by then, when something just grabbed me and I started to cry a little bit. It could have been thoughts of no return, of being completely responsible for a helpless little person, of no longer being a couple, but a family. I'm not sure, but it passed pretty quickly.

With only five weeks until my due date, I'm trying to take care of all the little details. Yesterday I went through all of the baby clothes putting them in piles of different sizes to see what we have and what we may need. It looks like we need a few more receiving blankets and onesies.

My mom may come for my next midwife appointment Monday and take me shopping for some other things we still need - diaper bag, boppy, sling, bathtub. That should be it until after Baby John comes home. Now if I can get some exercise. It's too cold to go outside for a walk and I'm still trying to find a place to go swimming. I may give my yoga tape a try today. It's been a month since I've done it and I'm sure I'll need to make some adjustments.

I've started to feel some weird movements and kicks in sensitive spots. Sometimes he gets me just right in the bladder or whatever else is down there. I really like watching the waves of little baby parts around my stomach. I'm not seeing any pointy parts yet, though.

I talked to our Bradley instructor this week for updates on our classmates. She said she had heard from everyone except one couple. So far, out of seven couples, four have gone through labor and delivery without medications, one had a long labor and an epidural, one she hasn't heard from, and then there's us. There have been four girls, one boy, one not sure, and then we're expecting a boy. I think only one other couple used a doula.

Since we can't take a tub to the hospital, which I'm debating complaining about, I'm going to look into finding a hotel near the hospital that has big tubs. Maybe I can hangout there until I really need to be at the hospital. If I'm going to be pushing for a while, I would think it could work. But we still need to see the delivery rooms - maybe they have regular bathtubs that would work.

Tuesday, January 28 (35.8 weeks)
Sweats and overalls are my only choices now.

My belly has definitely grown in the past week, which means my little baby has grown. This is a good thing, but not when it comes to clothes. At least I don't have to look nice anytime in the next few weeks.

Yep. Just a few weeks to go. I've been alternating between freaking out and getting excited. We're pretty much ready with everything but a few little things. I'm going to pack my bag this week and wash the baby clothes. There's a full moon on the 16th and that's the day I am preparing myself for - my target day to have everything completely ready. We took a look around the labor and delivery area at the hospital yesterday after our midwife appointment and we know where to go and what to do there.

I didn't like a few things about the hospital or their procedures, but I think I can work around them. The rooms seem a bit small, not very nice and I hope I can get them to take all the machine stuff out. I can't believe there aren't any bathtubs, just shower stalls. That sucks. I doubt we'll be paying for a hotel room with a nice tub for just a few hours so if I want to get into water, I'll have to go next door and get in the bathtub before our hour drive to the hospital.

The midwife appointment went well. I had the Group B test, only gained 3 pounds, and measured at 35cm. We're now going for weekly appointments and there's one midwife I haven't seen yet, but talked to on the phone and met in person. There don't seem to be any sticking points on our birth plan, except the midwife we saw yesterday seems to think that a shot of pitocin for delivery of the placenta is the thing to do. She said the same thing the first time I asked about it, but the other midwives haven't said anything about it. I said it's not a priority, but I'd rather avoid it.

Sitting here right now, I really don't feel pregnant - no movements or aches or belly in the way. But we're going to have a little baby in a matter of days. Aah! Every time I hear his heartbeat, it throws me a bit. There really is a little tiny human in me waiting to come out. I am going to be a mommy.

We're already talking about when we'll get pregnant again. Since I plan to breastfeed for a while, it may be a year. And it may be difficult to do the ovulation prediction thing again to try for a boy or girl. But we shouldn't worry about the next time. We want two of each, so we can see what happens with the next two.

Last Thursday I did my yoga tape and Friday I went to work with John to walk around the coliseum for a while. The walking totally wore me out. I came home and just collapsed on the couch for the rest of the afternoon. I went again yesterday, but took it slow. Today I don't plan on doing anything or going anywhere, unless it's to the store for smoothie supplies and Panera for a fandago salad, but maybe I can get John to grab stuff on the way home. He takes such good care of me.

Thursday, January 30 (36.1 weeks)

Day Number 254
36 weeks (gestational age: 240 days / 34 weeks)
26 days remaining

You may feel odd little twinges in your pelvis, created by the baby turning his head and bumping it against the pelvic floor. Things are getting pretty cramped in there!

This was today's message on my Pregnancy Daily Calendar. Yes, this is something I have been feeling and not quite able to describe. Between the books I've read and the websites I look at, I've been able to find the answers to most of my questions or descriptions of what's happening inside me. I was glad to read this today. It doesn't really cause pain, but very sensitive sensations.

At the midwife appointment Monday, she said baby's on his way down into the pelvis and he's in the perfect position. I asked if babies tend to engage, or drop, earlier in first time moms or not until labor. It seemed I had read something like that. She said they usually engage earlier in first timers.

He's been head down for a few weeks and mostly hanging out on my right side, facing the left side. I asked if he needs to move toward the center so that he is facing my back, in the anterior position. Using a doll and model pelvis she showed us how babies first drop into the pelvis sideways and then turn to fit through. I knew that.

He's moving a lot at night now, between 6 and 10pm. I can't believe how strong he is. These aren't little bumps and kicks I'm feeling now. These are big punches and turns and stretches. And now his hiccups are shaking my entire abdomen. He's getting big.

Last night I asked John what he would do if I went into labor right then. He said he would call the midwife, put the car seat in the car, and take me to the hospital. Wrong answer, honey. I had to remind him that we're staying home as long as possible, relaxing, and then I told him what needs to go in the car. I plan to make a list to put up in the bathroom of things to put in my bathroom bag and I guess I should put a list of what needs to go in the cooler by the door. I plan to wash baby clothes today, so I should be able to pack my bag. I still need a new pair of slippers, though.

Yesterday I picked up a few things at Wal Mart that kinda felt weird - baby wipes, plastic play keys on a key ring, nursing pads, and waterproof lap pads. Yes, I will need these things very soon. My mom didn't make it here this week, so I'm hoping John and I can go to Babies R Us this weekend for the last few things we need. Then I will feel better.

My latest email newsletter freaked me out a little.

You're 36 Weeks Pregnant
Hello, Kris!

At the end of this week, you're going to reach an important pregnancy milestone: Your baby will be considered full-term! That means you could give birth very soon. As your baby gradually drops down in your uterus in preparation for birth, your lungs and stomach will finally get to stretch out a little so you'll breathe easier. Also this week, your doctor or midwife may look to see whether you've started dilating and effacing (when the cervix opens and thins) and what station the baby is in, which is a way of estimating how far the baby has dropped into the pelvis.

So I guess it would be a good idea to get everything ready. Aaahh! (freaking out)

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