Save Your Heart!

Atherosclerosis is a disease of the blood vessel.It can affect any artery.Coronary artery disease begins when atherosclerosis affects the coronary arteries.Coronary arteries are blood vessels that supply blood to the heart.

Coronary artery like any other artery is made up of 3 layers:-

1.tunica intima or inner layer
2.tunica media or middle layer
3.tunica adventitia or outer layer

Tunica intima is made up of a single layer of endothelial cells.When free radicals bombard these calls,the genetic material(DNA) is damaged and the cells undergo endothelial dysfunction

LDL cholesterol which is oxidised by free radicals tend to stick in between these damaged endothelial cells.Macrophages from the blood creep inside the tunica intima layer and engulf the oxidised LDL cholesterol.They form fatty streaks in the intima layer as early as infancy in the aorta.Smooth muscle cells from the tunica media proliferate and migrate to the site where macrophages with engulfed oxidised LDL are present.The oxidised LDL cholesterol,the macrophages,smooth muscle cells and fibrinogen form an elevated fatty deposit called plaque.These changes begin to appear in the coronary arteries during puberty.By the third decade most of the fibrous streaks are replaced by these fatty plaques which begin to protrude inside the lumen of the coronary artery.The lumen of the artery narrows.

The affected arteries will not be able to contract well and becomes rigid like a lead pipe.

When about 75% of the coronary artery lumen is occluded by these fatty plaques the second stage,namely angina pectoris sets in!

Clinically a person suffering from atherosclerosis would not present with any syptoms or signs.There is no blood test nor any satisfactory noninvasive technique for demonstrating its presence.