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What are the benefits of Exercises?

Exercises,especially aerobic exercises is an essential part of our healthy living.Regular aerobic exercises keeps your weight down,builds heart and lung fitness and relieves stress.The benefits of exercises are:-

1.Our fat reserves are depleted.Hence obese people can reduce their body weight.
2.The HDL(good) cholesterol level is elevated in those who exercise regularly.
3.The tone of our muscles are increased and the muscles are strengthened.
4.Flexibility of our body improves
5.Physical fitness improves.
6.Blood circulation is improved
7.Mental stress and tensions are reduced. improves our sleep
9. It strengthens the cardiovascular system and respiratory system

There is no age limit for performing exercises.However if you are above 35 years,it is advisable to consult your family doctor before indulging in any exercises programme

You must choose the exercise programme and you should not choose one which you don't like.Don't choose one simply because your friends or relatives have chosen it.If you don't choose the type of exercise you like,you tend to abandon it soon.You must enjoy doing exercises.Exercises you do should not produce pain when you perform them!

Aerobic exercise is any exercise that utilizes the body's large muscle groups in a rhythmic and cotinual fashion.It leads to an elevated heart rate (60-80% oy your maximum heart rate) for a sustained period.Aerobic exercise uses the fat reserve to fuel the body.Aerobic exercises are long in duration and low in intensity.This form of exercises sre highly recommended to build up heart and lung fitness.Examples of aerobic activities are:-

Aerobic dancing or step aerobic
brisk walking
table tennis

This type of aerobic exercises has 3 phases:-
1.Warm-up Phase
-lasts 5 -10 minutes
-exercises are preformed at a low intensity and gradually built up
-stretching movements,full body movements are performed to increase blood flow to muscles and increase muscle flexibility
2.Aerobic Phase
-lasts 30-40 minutes
-intensity level depends on the fitness of the individual
3.Cool Down Phase
-lasts about 5-10 minutes
-the purpose is to gradually reduce the heart rate and decrease the blood flow to the muscles
-stretching exercises can be performed at this phase

Anaerobic exercise is any form of exercise that is interrupted with rest intervals.It utilises carbohydrates to fuel the body.Anaerobic exercises are short in duration and high in intensity.This type of exercises are non beneficial for the cardio vascular system.Examples of anaerobic exercises are:-

downhill skiing
weight lifting

The elderly may benefit from these exercises:--

climbing stairs
water aerobics
thai chi
waltz dancing

Thai Chi

In order to benefit fully from any exercise programme,you must exercise at least 3-5 times a week.Each exercise session must consist of 15-20 minutes of stretching and warm up exercises,followed by 15-60 minutes of aerobic activity.You must exercise till you sweat or breath heavily without becoming breathlesss!After exercising you must allow 5-10 minutes for cooling down

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