Save Your Heart!

Stress is your body's response to external events.The stressor can be a trivial annoyance eg.driving in heavy traffic or a life altering major crisis like the death of a loved one.
For an example,if you encounter a tiger suddenly,hormones are released from your pituitary and adrenal glands and your body will trigger physical reactions to this stress.You will experience the "fight or flight" phenomenon.Once the tiger(stressor) has gone,the brain sends signals to the endocrine glands and our body gradually returns to normal.

For some people,the brain fails to give the "all clear" signal once the stressor is gone.The alarm state lasts for a prolonged period and one begin to suffer from constant stress.
There is clinical evidence to suggest that emotional stress and anxiety are associated with precipitation of overt coronary artery disease and sudden death.Western Collaborative Study classifies people who are constantly experiencing anxiety and emotional stress as Type A personality.People with Type A personality are at increased risk for Coronary Artery Disease.
You too can reduce your emotional stress:-

exercise regularly,work off tensions by playing a game,gardening or just walking!
Go to bed early,sleep well
have a balanced diet.
learn and practise some relaxation exercises eg.breathing exercises,yoga.
try to forgive you mistakes
don't work on too many projects at a time,and don't set too high expectations
talk to someone about your troubles. Confide in a special friend.He or she may help you to face your problem
learn to relax or loaf around.
try something differant.Visit new places or try a new food.
avoid driving in heavy traffic.
avoid smoking,drugs or alcohol to cope up with stress.

Yoga has excellant breathing exercises to relax your mind.CD-ROMS on Yoga exercises are available.