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AGSMA at FC 2000
Fanime Final Fantasy Fiasco Team
The script and the re-enactment I'll put here
Geez this is one long script. I need some brain aerobics or something
*catch breath* And all the Final Fantasy singles and couples and trio pictures
I'll just put here just because I want to!

Character Profiles
Final Fantasy VII/VIII
Laguna Loire Laguna Loire
Weapon: Machine Gun
The hero of the story! Well it's true. The pen is mightier than the sword. Especially when the pen is sitting in my pocket and my hands are on a machine gun. *grin*
Squall Lionheart Squall Lionheart
Weapon: Revolver or Lionheart
Double the gunblades, double the fun! Still emotionally cold, but he sure knows how to get out of trouble. Of course he finds his way into trouble much easier. Just don't make any cracks about his gunblades - there's enough on them already.
Rinoa Heartilly Rinoa Heartilly
Weapon: Blaster Edge
I gave her that Squall card. Everyone knows that Laguna holds the Squall card, but since Rinoa Heartilly is the daughter of my sweetheart Julia, well of course she can hold the Squall card.
Seifer Almasy Seifer Almasy
Weapon: Gunblade
The eternal show-off as ever. So he might not be the nicest guy as he kicks his poor dog, but this time around he helps Squall to try and rid the game of the Sephiroth sprite.
Quistis Trepe Quistis Trepe
Weapon: Chain Whip
What more can be said of a character than runs around with a whip and laughs like Naga? Better watch this one cos if she goes into dominatrix mode, it's just as bad as confusion!
Irvine Kinneas Irvine Kinneas
Weapon: Shotgun
The smirking playboy, and why shouldn't he be? Bishonen with long hair, trenchcoat, and those chaps really turn the ladies heads. Of course he called me a moron so he can't possibly be too bright. j/k.
Selphie Tilmitt Selphie Tilmitt
Weapon: Nunchukus
Carefree and happy, sorta like me. She warns me of impending doom with her happy smile. Watch it when she swings those 'chucks. You may need to bring her some first aid.
Sephiroth Sephiroth
Weapon: Katana
From a fatal error in a japanese playstation swap, Sephiroth intrudes on the addicting card game of Final Fantasy VIII. With powerful sleep spells and fanboy evasion, this is one formidable opponent.
Generic Fanboy Generic Fanboy
Weapon: Hentai magazines, Lack of Bathing, Foul Breath, Lack of Self Control, Shall I go on?
No but really, the guy we cast as our fanboy, Aaron is a really nice guy and the farthest from a fanboy you'd ever see.

Final Fantasy VIII
Staring off into Space in front of a Pineapple Laguna: Hmmmmmm. I bet this thing's stronger than Cactuar....
But wait....Pina Colada. mmmmmmm
And you get that in a bar....
The Piano Girl works in the bar....*cramp*
Squall: Pineapple upside down cake. MMmmmmmmm
Posing in front of a Pineapple Rinoa: Mmmmmm. Pineapple Dole Whip. Mmmmmm!
Quistis: Hmmmm. Crushed Pineapple on Rice. MM!
Everyone else: What? Crushed pinapple on rice!??!?!?!?!
What are you thinking? BLAH!
Squall (Henry)
Seifer (Mack)
and Rinoa (Tiff)
Laguna Loire (Wayne)
and Quistis Trepe (Allie)
Squall and Seifer: No, you may NOT glomp Rinoa.
No fanboys allowed beyond this point.
Rinoa: Can I borrow the Squall card?
Laguna: Well I dunno....
Rinoa: Look, Julia's right over there!
Laguna: Piano girl? *cramp*
Rinoa: *snatch card* Thankee!
If you come here....
I'll be here....
Squall in "Playing Dirty" Mode.
I may look cool, but I really can't move my arms! They're too heavy!
Note: This did NOT happen in the skit
Rinoa: I've been waiting....
Squall: I'm here for you....

The Script to Fanime Final Fantasy Fiasco
Sign Quotes/Laguna's Notes

Laguna's thoughts:
This will be a telling of the daring tale of the FFFFT, from a Laguna point of view! Action! Suspense! Romance! Heartache! It's all here!

The Cast (in order of appearance)
Irvine Kinneas
Selphie Tilmitt
Squall Lionheart
Rinoa Heartilly
Quistis Trepe
Seifer Almasy
Generic Fanboy
Laguna Loire woo woo! yay!

Irvine and Selphie run on to stage right and left respectively, with their signs.
Cue music.
Squall, Rinoa, Quistis walk on from stage left, having conversation.
Sephiroth appears from stage right, surprising them!
Sephiroth points to the Final Fantasy VIII group.
Rinoa - "Materia?"
Sephiroth - "NO! THE SQUALL CARD!"
Rinoa holds up Squall card and flaunts it in front ofSephiroth.
Cue battle music
Rinoa, Squall, and Quistis face off vs. Sephiroth
All assume battle stances that bounce like in the game.
Rinoa gives jolt cola to Squall, Squall drinks, gets hyper.
Seifer appears from other side.
Squall and Seifer perform coordinated attack on Sephiroth. Sephiroth is unharmed, Squall and Seifer dazed.
1. Seifer does high horizontal swing at Sephiroth, Sephiroth ducks.
2. Squall does low horizontal swing at Sephiroth, Sephiroths holds sword downward/vertically, blocking swing.
3. Squall and Seifer spin around swing at Sephiroth at same time to hit from the front.
4. Sephiroth holds sword vertically and blocks both swings at the same time.
5. All three struggle for few seconds, then Sephiroth pushes the sword forward, repelling both Squall and Seifer. Squall and Seifer back up a bit.
6. Squall approaches with downward gunblade stroke, Sephiroth grabs hand holding gunblade to block.
7. Seifer then rushes in with downward stroke, Sephiroth blocks with sword.
8. Sephiroth pulls Squall in, headbutts him, Squall becomes dazed.
9. Sephiroth pushes Seifer's gunblade aside with sword, Seifer loses balance and spins around.
10. Sephiroth hits back of Seifer's head with butt of sword, Seifer is knocked out.
Quistis summons guardian force.
Quistis makes summoning spell motions.
A generic fanboy with pillow runs out to beat up on Sephiroth.
Sephiroth distracts the fanboy with a hentai magazine and throws it off stage.
Fanboy drools, drops pillow and runs off stage to get the magazine.
Sephiroth picks up pillow, runs to the other side of the stage and smacks Rinoa with it.
Rinoa falls asleep.
Seifer still knocked out.
Squall recovers and runs to the side of the stage.
Offstage Laguna hands Squall the Lionheart so Squall now has two gunblades.
Squall laughs at Sephiroth
Squall rushes and strikes with first unblade, Sephiroth blocks with sword.
Squall stabs Sephiroth with the Lionheart
Sephiroth acts hurt.
Quistis gets ready to finish off Sephiroth
Quistis walks to center stage and starts laughing hysterically.
A nervous Squall grabs pillow from Sephiroth and runs over to bop Quistis with it, and makes a *whew* motion.
Quistis falls asleep.
Sephiroth grabs pillow back from Squall, smacks him,and laughs evilly.
Excuse me?
With Squall asleep, Laguna now appears from stage left.
Laguna is just plain clueless about what is happening around him, just daydreaming as usual.
Sephiroth looks at Laguna, attempts to hit him, but keeps on missing because Laguna dodges, unaware that Sephiroth is out to get him.
1. Laguna walks towards stage right to Irvine and waves to audience with oblivious to Sephiroth.
2. Laguna reads the sign that Irvine holds.
3. Laguna "corrects" Irvine with a right hook punch.
4. Irvine changes sign.
5. Laguna turns to the left after that's done heading towards Quistis and Rinoa.
6. Sephiroth tries a stab attack but misses behind Laguna.
7. Laguna nudges Quistis to see if she's awake, but then something catches his eye in the audience.
8. Sephiroth attempts downward stroke and misses as Laguna now walks towards the audience near Selphie.
9. A piano girl in the audience invites Laguna to visit her. Laguna motions to himself, "Me?"
10. Sephiroth from behind attempts horizontal swing.
11. Before he knows it, Laguna's right leg cramps up and he ducks now to clutch it. Sephiroth misses again.
12. Selphie warns Laguna.
13. Laguna sees Sephiroth, acts surprised and startled.
14. Laguna runs back, slaps Squall a few times to wake him up.
Laguna: "KEEP HIM BUSY!"
Squall - "WHAT...?"
Sephiroth swings sword at Laguna, but Laguna shoves Squall in front of him.
Squall, surprised, holds blade between both hands, struggling.
Laguna runs offstage, grabs machine gun.
Runs behinds Sephiroth and taps Sephiroth on the shoulder.
Sephiroth kicks Squall away.
Sephiroth turns around. Sephiroth waves sword menacingly.
Laguna looks at Sephiroth, shrugs, and unloads a clip into Sephiroth.
Sephiroth falls dead, drops sword.
Cue victory music.
Yay! Yay! Woo woo!
Laguna assumes victory stance, blows off the smoke from his gun and stands stage right, fading out.
Seifer wakes up, sees Sephiroth dead. Seifer picks up Sephiroth's sword, starts swinging it and acting impressed.
Cue "Eyes on Me."
Rinoa wakes up, sees Squall, sees Seifer swinging Sephiroth sword.
In slow motion, Rinoa runs towards Squall with open arms.
At the last minute, Rinoa clamps on to Seifer.
Rinoa - "Seifer! You beat that guy? My hero!" Rinoa and Seifer embrace.
Squall is dumbfounded.Selphie and Irvine throw signs away, runs towards center stage, and hug each other lovey-lovey.
Squall stares dumbfounded at Rinoa/Seifer, then Selphie/Irvine, and slumps depressed.
Quistis yawns and wakes up, plays with whip, and winks at Squall. Squall backs away in fear.
Quistis returns into dominatrix mode and laughs.
Quistis lasso's Squall around her neck with her whip and drags him off stage.
*sniff sniff* Just like the game, Laguna finishes as the winner, but he's still all alone. Laguna doesn't get his piano girl! How sad! *sniff sniff*

The Audio to Fanime Final Fantasy Fiasco Team
Want to hear the romantic and touching theme music to Fanime Final Fantasy Fiasco Team?
Click here for access to AGSMA's Sound Vault

On to the final part of the Anthology! Part 5!
Fanime Final Fantasy Fiasco Team is a production by GAP, AMC, NCC, and AGSMA ©.

Thank you to AMC and Gina for some of the individual pictures!

Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts (AGSMA) ©.
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