Bard's Collegium

Name Position Personailty
Kilo Thetis
Full Bard
Persistent & Bullheaded
Seraphina Alisium
Sarcastic & Flirty
Delkya Clow
Normal & Phobic
Sachi Siannodel
Bardic Trainee
Friendly & Impulsive
Canilee Sharmoon
Bardic Trainee
Quiet & Mischievous
Bardic Trainee
Cheerful & Mental
Abigail Clarkson
Bardic Trainee
Pessimistic & Talkative
Calix Barr
Bardic Trainee
Curious & Stubborn
Skyla Trantorian
Bardic Trainee
Confident & Beguiling
Rylan Acorri
Bardic Trainee
Cheerful & Insecure
Taji Vemerin
Bardic Trainee
Flamboyant & Silly
Chandira Hawk
Intense & Obsessive
Bardic Trainee
Private & Determined
Jecen Masterson
Bardic Trainee
Laid back & Flirty
Sarah Trinity
Full Bard
Sweet & Flirty
Bardic Trainee
Insubordinate & Imaginative
Mayson Varsayus
Bardic Trainee
Overconfident & a little Spoiled
Bardic/Mage Trainee
Charming & Sensitive
Tressa Ownes
Full Master Bard and Teacher
Kind & Strict
Thalira the Whisper
Bardic Trainee
Subdued & Shy
Sela Smithson K'Vala
Bardic Instructor
Diplomatic & Tough
Bardic Trainee
Haughty & Confidant

Bards: the source of news throughout Valdemar. When a Bard comes to town he or she is greeted with enthusiasm everyone needs to have at least a little of his or her time. Who could possibly be met with so much enthusiasm?

A Bard is a Gifted person, with a "Gift of Entertainment" one might say. Bards are able to project feeling in their voices, and are naturally skilled with all instruments. When they speak, everyone listens with rapt attention. When the pleasure the listener gets from listening to a Bard is referred to as "magic", it’s no exaggeration!

Bards are the ones who carry news across Valdemar. If it weren't for them, the towns would become isolated long ago and might actually have already split into tiny, weak countries.  Another function of these talented people is entertainment. Due to their natural ability with musical instruments and their almost mystical ability to sing, they make even the most talented of musicians green with envy.

Bards are trained in the Bardic Collegium in Haven, the Capital of Valdemar. They are trained in numerous subjects in order to prepare them for the rigorous duties that lie ahead. Bards wear scarlet clothing, while Trainees wear rust colored garb.

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