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August 22, 2000]

news archives

August 22, 2000
Well, this page is finally undergoing a facelift. Inspired by none-other than Eric and his wonderful page of rants, reviews, and stuff, I realized I have a whole lot more to say than what's up on this site. So from now on, look around for more content and (hopefully) more frequent updates. For now, all the sections are up except thoughts (my brain's on vacation), so come back soon if that's what you really wanted to see all along.

A couple of Happy Birthdays to send out: Eric's birthday was August 18th and he's now officially 20, and an old person. Happy birthday Eric! Rosie organized a great surprise party and I got to see the cegep gang again, which was lots of fun. Thanks Rosie! Also, happy 19th to Elie on August 10th, and happy 20th to Ariela on August 8th.

Some goodbyes are in order too: Good luck to Laurie who's heading off to Milwaukee to become a cheese-head. Don't forget to visit and stock up on bagels and smoked meat! Also, a belated good luck to Elisa who's chosen Boston as her new stomping grounds. Less permanent voyageurs include Shawn and Shawna who are on a last-second trip to Nova Scotia, Mary who's off to Spain and Portugal for a couple of weeks, and Eric who's going down to Boston for a week- excuse me, five days. Bon Voyage! Oh, and I'm really jealous.

With two weeks left until school starts, I'm trying very hard to take full advantage of my brief vacation time. It's not long till the stress begins again, but I'm trying not to think about that. I will say that I can't wait to see Live and Counting Crows from the third row (hah!) next week at the Molson Centre. Should be an amazing concert! That's about it for now.