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March 10, 2001
Hey everyone! It's no fun being sick. That conclusion required a lot of profound thought, but was eventually reached after spending nearly the last week in bed with what turned out to be an ear infection. Now, if only my splitting headache would go away, I might finally be able to start the tedious process of catching up with my life.

Yes, it's that time of year again: March, otherwise known as Hell-month. Now, March is not to be confused with November, the Hell-month of the fall semester. This month is the Hell-month of the winter semester. That being said, this is generally the point where I disappear into a black hole for a while, frantically trying to complete the million papers, projects, and assignments that are all due shortly. This semester's even worse than usual, because between my trip to Israel and then this miserable being sick thing, I haven't been able to get any real work done in a long time, meaning I'm so far behind I doubt I'll ever catch up.

Speaking of Israel, if I'm even remotely acquainted to you, you've probably already heard me rave about how incredible it was. For anyone who hasn't seen it yet, check out my online photo album. I also added a new thought, also Israel-related.

Last night I went to see the Mexican, one of the worst movies I've ever sat (slept) through. You can check out my review. In other movie news, the Oscar nominations came out, and Almost Famous was shut out of every major category except best supporting actress. I think the people in charge of these things need to have their heads examined.

March is full of birthdays, so I'll do the run-through quickly. Happy twenty-first to Rosie yesterday (the 9th). My Mom turns (ahem) on the 17th, same day as Iris turns twenty. My Dad turns (ahem) on the 23rd. Happy twenty-sixth to my cool cuz Elana on the 20th, happy nineteenth to Jodi on the 18th, and there are lots more but it's hard listing all the March birthdays offhand.

That's it for now. Just remember: summer's only two months away.