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news archives

October 16, 2000
Today I attended a pro-Israel rally for peace in the middle east that was held at McGill University. For anyone who doesn't know what's going on, there have been conflicts and hostilities between Israel and the Palestinians over the last ten days or so. The situation is messy and complicated but the bottom line is that Israel deserves our solidarity and support, so I urge everyone to do anything they can. The sight of hundreds of students out there today, who made it their business to stand up and be heard, waving the blue and white and singing "Am Yisroel Chai" was really something. I liked the overall spirit of the rally, stressing that our quest should be to achieve peace, not to lay blame or point fingers. I also thought that most of the speakers, namely the students, spoke very eloquantly. However, I urge everyone who's been following the media coverage to think twice about accepting everything they read at face value. There have been some pretty serious abuses and biases in the media coverage.

I updated my thought with one about these issues, since they've been on my mind a lot lately. I'm warning you, it's kinda long, but you can check it out in my thoughts section.

In other issues, I've just about worn out my copy of Blender, Collective Soul's new CD. It absolutely completely ROCKS!!! If you haven't picked up your copy yet, I strongly recommend it.

Speaking of Blender, Collective Soul did an online chat on msn.com tonight, and I must express my disappointment. The questions that the mediator posted were mostly lame, mundane, and questions that any self-respecting fan should have already been able to answer. Very few actual interesting questions got through. It was great of the guys from CS to take time to do the chat, but it could have been so much better.

It's midterm time for most of us and if the stress is starting to get to you, please resist the urge to throw things at those little green men that are visible only in your mind. Instead, do what I'm doing and pick up some concert tickets. I can't wait for November 2nd!

Oh, and I'd like to remind everyone to please sign the guestbook again, even if you've already signed, because all my entries got deleted. Thanks!

That's it for now. Till next time!