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January 18, 2001
Hey all, and welcome back to the real world. I've been busy these past couple of weeks with a ton of schoolwork, planning for Israel, and trying to find a summer job. I had a job interview this morning and I'm looking for other opportunities. I'm officially withdrawn from co-op, so I'm on my own in terms of finding a job. (Incidentally, if you know of anyone who wants to hire a bright, talented, hardworking marketing student next summer, please let me know!)

So far so good with school. I'm only taking 4 classes instead of 5 this term, so it's a nice vacation. Well, that is, if you call having an insane amount of work already two weeks into the term a vacation. My Roots of Rock and Roll class is really cool; it's all about music from the 1920s to 1950s about, and it's really different from anything I've taken before. Creative Writing is fun too, although the prof seems a little odd. My marketing class is, as expected, a ton of work, but it's bound to be fun. We have to invent a product. Any ideas? Let me know. My last class is a required commerce course and it's boring as hell, but oh well, I have to take it eventually.

In political news, Lucien Bouchard resigned since the last update. I've added a new thought on the subject. I also saw Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon last weekend and I've posted my review in the movies section.

That's all for now. Till next time!