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March 21, 2002
Greetings from the depths of the black hole! Yes, it's that time again: projects, exams, assignments, papers, sleep-deprivation and coffee. Honestly, sometimes I start to think I thrive on this. Especially this semster, being my last, I'm trying to relish the feeling of being so stressed out I can't think straight. After all, I'll probably miss it when it's over. On second thought, maybe not.

First off, a big happy 21st birthday to Iris. It was the best surprise I've had in a long time when you showed up in Montreal in January, and getting to spend the last month and a half with you was incredible. I miss ya lots! Also in greetings, happy big 5-0 to both my parents - Mom on the 17th, and Dad on the 23rd. Yes, you're officially over the hill, and yes I get to bug you about it. Happy 27th to Elana yesterday, and mazel tov on yours and Richard's engagement! You've made your Mother's year - er - century! :) And a happy Passover to all of you Jews out there. I can't believe it's that time again! Isn't the food appetizing? Nearly every day I wake up and think to myself, "wow, I could really go for some cardboard food today!"

Speaking of time, it's election time at Concordia once again, and as usual, apathy seems to be the reigning sentiment. Despite the colourful bright posters plastered to nearly every inch of wall space in the Hall building, it still seems like 90% of students, when asked about the election, respond "what election?" I have the luxury of not caring this time, because I'm graduating this term, but something in me makes me want to do my part to leave the school a better place than it is now. Good luck to all you candidates running (especially the ones I'm voting for). Remember: vote early, and vote often. Just kidding!

Thinking of summer is certainly helping me get through the days. I've got my big trip to Europe planned, booked, and paid for. Well, okay, two out of three ain't bad. Anyway, to all of you who will be joining me on Contiki's tour of twelve countries in 37 days, nice to meet you all. It's sure to be a blast!!! Now I just need to figure out how to fit everything I'll need for two months into a tiny suitcase . . . not to mention how to pay for this thing!

In website news, I added a couple of photos to the friends section. One of these days I'll have to do a serious update of that page. I also reviewed the movie I Am Sam in my movies section, and added a new thought. So enjoy!

That's it for now. Remember: if you want to shoot yourself, you're not alone.