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August 7, 2002
Home sweet home, and how I wish I were back in Europe.

If you're one of the five people left on the planet who hasn't heard all about my trip yet, it was AMAZING!!! It far surpassed expectations in every way, and I truly had the time of my life. I wrote my latest thought all about it, so you can read about it. Or, you can also see my pictures - all 25 rolls of them - in my online Europe photo album. To see the tour I took with Contiki, check it out on Contiki's website. And to all of you who made the 37 days into the best European Adventure I could ask for, I miss you guys, and keep in touch!

Now that I'm back to reality, I've been doing not a whole lot. Job-hunting, mainly. I've been sending out resumes everywhere in hopes of a reply. I'm in denial about being home, but I know I have to emerge from that soon and start doing something with a paycheck, cause the trip was amazing but also expensive and my bank account needs some serious replenishing. Not to mention, having to join the real world and "get a haircut, get a real job" so to speak. Actually, come to think of it, my hair could probably use a trim too. The point is, I have to join the rat race and become an adult, and I'm not looking forward to having to do that. Not that I can't, but I'd love another while of being stress-free and seeing the world.

Some birthday wishes for this time of year: Happy belated 21st to Carolyn on July 4th and also happy belated to Jon on July 21st. Happy 22nd to Ariela on August 8th, and happy 21st to Elie on August 10th. Can't wait to celebrate that one - bring on the watermelon!

I updated the site with the new thought and with a review of the movie Minority Report. I may do a more extensive update soon, in between mailing out resumes, if I get around to it. That's it for now, so enjoy the rest of the summer!