Chapter 44:Neo Geo Evangelion

Captain Lita Nelson (Misato)

Dr. Minako (Ritsuko)

Commander Darrien (Commander Akari)

Commander Mike (That other Commander guy)

Gregi (Shinji)

Raye (Asuka.)

Amy (Rei)

In the year 2015, was the first impact. Then came the second impact, and about thirty more, but then...they stopped...

Now fifteen years later, the 31ST Impact has arrived!

A large creature walked through the waves of ocean water as if they weren't there. It was a humanoid. Two arms, two legs, and a head. It wore a clean cut grey suit and carried a bible in it's right hand. The Seventh Evangelist was coming.

"The Seventh Evangelist!" Captain Lita Nelson shouted as a camera shot of it approaching came onto a massive viewscreen.

She was in the subterranean headquarters of NERVOUS, which was what she was. Around her sat several technicians at their stations. Steve, Patterson, and Serena. Her usual cohorts. Beside her stood Dr. Minako, who was there for a purpose. Behind them was two people. One of them was wearing a pair of dark glasses and had his hands folded in front of his face. The other stood tall beside him just looking at the screen. These were the two Commanders of NERVOUS.

"Well...looks likes this ones a presbyetrian," the standing commander, Mike said.

"Yes," the sitting Commander, Darrien replied bluntly. "Prepare to attack. Are the pilots here yet?"

"They're en route," Lita said.

"Why can't this train go any faster?" Raye-Langley-Hino shouted from her seat aboard the high speed train heading to NERVOUS HQ.

"It is the fastest one in existence," Gregi Atari stammered.

"Is it now? Guess your father isn't as good at building trains then he is at fighting evangelists," Raye said.

"," Patterson replied and stared at the floor. A few seats down, Ami Ananami sat quietly and stared ahead of her.

"There she goes again. What do you think she thinks about?" Raye asked Patterson.

"Uh...I don't...know, probably the universe or something, " Patterson stammered.

I need to feed the cat when I get home. Ami thought.

"Good you're here. The seventh evangelist has shown up," Lita said.the three walked in.

"So we get to fight it!" Raye said excitedly. "Yes! I love fighting things!"

"I've noticed," Lita muttered. "Now...are you ready Gregi?"

"I've had five nervous breakdowns, temporary amnesia, and believed I was the President of Belgium for a time because of these battles, but what else am I going to do with my time," Patterson said.

"Glad to hear it," Lita said.

"Ami, you ready?" Lita asked.

"I am," Ami replied.

"Wow...two words, you're really opening up today," Lita said.

"The evangelist has reached the city limits," Serena reported.

"The United Nations forces attacking it have been destroyed," Steve said.

"Surprise, surprise," Mike muttered.

"The Anti-Eva's are ready for launch," Serena said.

"Has the damage from the last battle been repaired?" Darrien asked.

"I did the final check myself. Despite the fact that the robots were in several pieces, as well as covered with butter for some reason, we managed to get them fixed," Minako said.

"Good, then launch them when ready," Darrien said.

Here we go again. Patterson thought. He was sitting in the cockpit of Unit 1, which was in simple terms a robot the size of a skyscraper. Ami and Raye were in similar ones.

They sat waiting for the launch that would propel them upward to the street level.

Gregi had been pulled into this unit by Lita, when she had told him that his father needed him. That would be Darrien. Despite the fact that Gregi and Darrien hated each other because well..Darrien was basically a jerk, Gregi came back, and found himself piloting this gigantic robot despite the fact that he was a complete introvert and very clumsy. Somehow he had managed.

Ami, rarely said more than a word, and that was only in response to someone's question. And despite earlier diagnosis, she did not have a chronic sore throat, she just liked to be reticent. She had been the first child to pilot an Anti-Eva, but because of a bad operating system produced by a firm somewhere in Washington State, the thing malfunctioned and she was hurt badly. Repairs were made using a better operating system and things seemed to be going fine.

Raye never shut up. In fact even when she was eating, she never shut up, and that annoyed Lita because she was usually across the table from her and had to deflect all of the spit food away from her. For some reason Raye believed that she was right about everything and was ready to show that off. The only thing was that she had run her robot straight into the river on her first mission and the only thing she managed to destroy was some wetlands.

Lita Nelson was a professional army officer who liked the fact that she didn't have to wear a uniform. While joyfull and bubbly outside of work, once engaged in her job she became dead serious. Interestingly enough, both Gregi and Raye live at her place which might sound to be like trouble, but it's least that's what they say.

Minako is the project director. She builds and repairs the robots, which with fourteen year old kids piloting them, get damaged quite often.

Commander Darrien Shields, is suprisingly Gregi's father, don't ask how? He has a reputation for using people and then throwing them away when they're not neccessary and yet he still manages to dress up like Santa Claus at christmas for the local charity.

Commander Mike Leslie just stands there all the time and contributes nothing.

The three Anti-Eva robots shot up through an underground tunnel and out into the street. The Evangelist stood there menacingly at the edge of the city.

"Peace be with you all, and for 50 dollars you can assure it," he said.

"Stinkin Evangelist!" Raye shouted and fired the robot large rifle. The bullets slammed into the Evangelist and bounced off.

"Dang!" she shouted.

"Apparently the monster is immune to bullets," Lita said over the radio.

"What do we do now?" Gregi asked.

"It must have an AT and T field up," Minako said.

"That's blocking the bullets," Raye said.

"Yes as well as providing it with a good long distance services," Minako said.

"Those dang evangelists!" Commander Mike said slamming his hand down on the table.

"Calm down," Commander Shields said. "Tell them to use manuever 87."

"But they've never practiced that maneuver!" Lita said.

"We have no choice," Minako said.

"'ll require the three of them to walk their robots along a tightrope while balancing ten nuclear explosives on each of their arms!" Lita said.

"Hmm...maybe...that does require a bit of practice," Minako admitted.

"My orders have been given," Darrien said and in trademark style his eyeglasses glazed over.

"Tell them to execute maneuver 87!" Lita shouted.

A few minutes later the evangelist was blown apart by several massive explosions.

"So....what'd you think....weren't we just great?" Raye asked as she, Ami, Gregi, and Lita sat around a table in Lita's apartment. Ami and Gregi, now covered with cuts and bruises, merely glanced at each other, and through their silence conveyed their feelings.

"You know what I think? If I was in charge we'd get things done a lot faster," Raye continued.

"Oh, really," Lita said sipping on a root beer, her tenth that night.

"Sure...I'd show those evangelists a thing or two."

"Is that why your Anti-Eva is sitting at the bottom of the ocean? Again?" Lita muttered.

"Hey! It's not my fault they put the ocean there!" Raye snapped.

"But is it your fault that you tripped and fell in!" Lita shouted back. "We should be fortunate an Anti-Eva can absorb a fifty megaton blast."

" bombs blew the things up didn't they?" Raye said.

"We're also lucky about that since your bad balance knocked Ami and Gregi's Anti-Eva's into the middle of the city, where they luckily were able to keep their bombs from going off, but that it did expose them to the attack of the Evangelist as well as having to listen to a sermon!" Lita shouted.

Later,a shadowy figure crept through the shadows in the bowels of NERVOUS HQ. He came to a door, that had no markings, but a sophisticated electronic lock on it.

"Hah...easy," he said and put a special electronic device on the lock key pad. Within seconds the door was opening.

"Hold it," came a voice behind. He turned. Lita was standing there holding a revolver.

"Well..well...if isn't Lita," he said.

"Fujimori, I knew you were trouble," Lita said.

"Oh, come now, like you haven't wanted to see what's down here either."

"Who are you working for?"

"Certain interests," Rick said and walked inside the room.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going," Lita said.

"To find the truth," Rick said. Lita put her revolver in her pocket and followed.

" see," Rick said turning on a light. Standing in front of them was an awe inspiring sight.

"What is that?"

"It's the world's largest collection of Tickle Me Waldo dolls," Rick said menacingly. "I wonder what NERVOUS is doing with them..ehh?"

Lita just looked at them stunned.

What is Commander Shields hiding? She wondered.


"Why do you even keep that Fujimori around anyway?" Mike asked. "You know who he works for."

"Yes, the U.S. Postal Service and their massive counterintelligence network, but I have a use for him. He can prowl around all he wants down below. He'll never learn the real truth," Darrien said.

"We had better hope not for all our sakes."

And somewhere, a turtle crossed a street. Whatever the meaning of that is, will have to wait till the next, or for that matter maybe seventh story down the line.

"That was very odd," Nexus said. "And I thought those S-Files were weird...but this...whew..