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Planet Gamecube
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Zelda Power
Amigo Sites
The Hero of Dreams
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Legend of Zelda
Cube Europe
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*The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
*The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
*Super Mario Bros. 3
*Super Metroid
*Advanced Wars
*Super Smash Bros. Melee
*Golden Sun 1/2
*The Legend of Zelda
*Donkey Kong Country 3
*The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
*Viewiful Joe
*Super Mario RPG
*Super Mario Kart
*Metroid Prime
*Super Mario World
*Resident Evil
*Mega Man 3
*Kirby's Dream Course
*The Hero of Dreams is going to have more than 5 citys to visit.
*The game is huge, it does take a little while just to get to the first level but then you relize that this is huge game.
*You play as Link, but he is not the same Link is the other Zeldas.
*This game takes place after Zelda II.
*Started working on it late Jan 04.  Didn't finish the first level until May 04.
*I am making the game as perfect as it can be. I am trying to make it fun.
*There will be camos including some of my friends and Mario.
*The Story is something that I am focusing on also.  I want everyone to remember the story and actually think that it is a zelda game.
*This game is made with a program called Zelda Classic by Armageddon Games.
*I hope to finish the game by November.
This is my personal website for me and my friends.  The video game news and games are from their repected sources:  Nintendo, GCAdvanced, etc.  This site makes no profit and it only me and my friends and I am not involved with any company.  And Zelda Classic is a program from Armageddongames and the game Hero of Dreams is made by me, however, I am not getting any profit, I am just making it because it feels nice to finally make my own game for people to play.
Best Site
Here is a short review of the game, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.  Well first off, this is a great game and if you liked Mario RPG or Paper Mario you will love this game.  If you didn't, steer away. The gameplay shines through a lot, and the game is based on humor.  The only bad thing is that the game is really short for my liking.  Also it should have been harder, but that is the way gaming is going I guess.
Rating: 86%
For more Ratings click HERE
One of the greatest series, besides Zelda, of all time is Metroid.  Samus is the first female video game hero, and plus she didn't get famous because of her looks.  Okay, wait, no Edurado says she is hot, so nevermind.  But if you want to hear all about the space pirates and such click HERE to go the page. 
Mini Facts
My Favorite Games
For more Zelda Click HERE
If you want to see the video games that are coming soon.  Then click HERE to go the page. 
My Viewiful Art Works
For The Art Work click HERE
Well if you know me then you probably know that I like to draw.  So I made a page you I can you guys my Art Work.  Whether it be on my computer or with a pencil and a paper