
Always In My Heart - Britney/Christina - Incomplete - *2 Chapters*
What's the one thing that's supposedly strong enough to break them apart?

Back To Your Heart - Britney/Christina, Britney/Willa
Sequel to Gone. Contains lyrics from Back To Your Heart by Backstreet Boys.

Cry - Christina/Britney
Lyrics from Mandy Moore's Cry. The price of fame and the rock that has to keep you afloat.

Gone - Britney/Christina, Britney/Willa
Title is self-explanatory. Contains lyrics from Gone

I Turn To You - Britney/Christina - Incomplete
Justin is abusing Britney. Britney turns to Christina.

I Would Die For You - Britney/Christina - *5 chapters*
Contains death and sex.

Just A Dream - JC/Lance
JC dreams about Lance, and then something weird happens. Is it real, or is it still just a dream?

Last Kiss - Nick/Brian
Nick gets his last kiss.

lbs. - Britney/Christina - *5 chapters*
Christina has an eating disorder. Britney tries to help.

Never Ending Pain - Britney/Christina - Incomplete - *3 Chapters*
How can Christina ever learn to overcome her past and trust again when she doesn't see the only person that will always love her, that's right in front of her?

Obvious - Britney/Christina
Isn't it obvious?

Promise - Lance/JC, Justin/JC, Nick/Justin
Justin cheats on JC. Lance comes to his rescue.

Reason - Dan Miller/Ashley Parker Angel
Dan doesn't know his reason.

Reflection - Christina/Britney (implied)
Christina's life as a celebrity.

Respect - Britney fic (not slash)
All that matters is that you recognize that it's just about respect

Rivals - Nick/Justin
Why do they have to be rivals?

Stare - Britney/Christina - Incomplete - *5 chapters*
Britney wants Christina. Christina is engaged to Jorge but wants Britney.

That Night - Britney/Christina, Justin/Lance - *2 chapters*
Britney sleeps with Christina and is confused about how it happened.