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Merlin the Return


Rik Mayall is Merlin
Tia Carrere is Joan Maxwell
Patrick Bergin is King Arthur
Adrian "I'm Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod..." Paul is Lancelot
Craig Scheffer is Mordred

What the box says:

In ancient times, the vast army of evil sorcerer Mordred, (Craig Sheffer) brought the legendary King Arthur Pendragon (Patrick Bergin) and his Knights of the Round Table to their knees.

In desperation, Merlin the wizard (Rik Mayall) used the immense powers of Stonehenge to banish Mordred to the Netherworld. He then consigned King Arthur and his knights to a long, dark sleep: promising future generations that Arthur would be on-hand to save the world should Mordred ever escape to threaten it again.

Fifteen hundred years later, Merlin's spell is subject of legend...and is weakening. Scientist, Joan Maxwell (Tia Carrere) is experimenting with the magnetic flows of the Earth, the precise source of Merlin's magic. She has made contact with Mordred and in return for his promise of power: she is using her knowledge to free the sorcerer from his prison.

Fourteen-year old Ritchie Gould is plunged into teh age-old battle when his father dies and Ritchie's mother moves them to her former home in England Arthur and his Knights are awake, fifteen hundred years out of place, and Mordred is preparing to firge a dimensional gate to freedom.

The only thing standing between Mordred and success are the ragged loyalties of Lancelot (Adrian Paul) and Guinevere whom Merlin banished alongside with him.

The forces of good and evil once more do battle. And at stake is the world, as we know it...


We get a brief summary of the King Arthur legend. Merlin banished Mordred and his followers to the Netherworld. Isn't there were Beetlejuice and those giant sandworms are? King Arthur and his knights were put into a deep sleep like suspended animation just in case Mordred escapes.

In a dark cave that has green illumination, some woman tosses green lightning at Mordred who has glowing green eyes. A medium is channeling Mordred for Tia Carrere. I know I should use Tia Carrere's name in this movie: Joan Maxwell. But, I keep thinking of her as Cassandra from Wayne's World. Merlin's spell is weakening. And, Joan will build a machine to free Mordred.

Mordred returns to the Netherworld still giant worm free. Apparently, Guinevere (or Guin for short) is a servant wench. Merlin pops up for some reason or other and is being chased. Guin tells Lancelot (would it be fine if I just call him Duncan of the clan Macleod) about Merlin. Apparently, Joan is a danger to other dimensions.

Mordred has Merlin surrounded. Lancelot slides by in the waterslide next to Merlin. It isn't a waterslide, supposed to be a water system. Mordred looks mad, but he always does. A car is careening down a country road. We get our first look at Ritchie the kid hero who will help save the day in the end. Ritchie's father died, so Mom decided to return to England. Back in the Netherworld, Lancelot and Merlin continue water sliding. They reach the ending pool. Meet up with Guin.

Joan is mad about traffic. She is nearly run into by the car Ritchie's aunt is driving. We get to see Joan's car splashed with a puddle. Unfortunately for her, she had her window rolled down. She is pretty much a serious though oh so hot scientist who visits psychic mediums and communes with guys that should have died well over a thousand years ago.

Merlin is worried about Mordred escaping. Merlin, Lancelot, and Guin run from Mordred's forces. Guin wants to be unbanished. But, the spell has enough force to keep her imprisoned. She asks Merlin about Arthur. Merlin realizes the spell holding Mordred is weakening so the spell on Arthur will break first. Merlin leaves,

Merlin appears in the real world present day. I'm not going to go into detail about him losing his long robes. Merlin should learn about pants. And, he is nearly run over by Ritchie's aunt. If a guy popping out in front of car isn't strange enough, does a soul in the car mention the fact Merlin is missing his pants? Not a soul. They all think it is funny that Merlin is without pants. They call him Merlin.

King Arthur and his knights are awake and in the forest. None of the knights have full suit of armor or helmets. They look like refugees from flashback of Duncan's before he died originally in the Highlander TV show. That probably won't be the only Highlander reference. Arthur sees a semi truck. Apparently, he is thirsting for battle. One of the more surreal things in this movie, King Arthur is climbing the grill of the semi and attacking the hood. The knights are whacking the sides of the trailer. This thing happens a lot. The trucker isn't bothered by seeing a group of guys with swords attacking his truck. The trucker isn't even bothered when a knight manages to drive his sword through the cab's roof right next to his head. The trucker calmly decides to drive away.

A car with an old couple sees this from a distance of a few hundred yards away. Arthur and the knights think it is the cub of the beast they just fought. This couple has the great idea of driving away before a group of sword-wielding guys slash at their car. Fortunately, for them and their car insurance, they manage to drive away. Could you imagine an elderly couple explaining a group of temporal displaced knights wrecking their car?

Merlin the pantless is almost run over by the car. He manages to avoid being hit. But, he's run over by a large group of sword-wielding guys chasing the car.

Ritchie has an attitude problem. He's sullen and upset about living in England. What do you bet he'll change his mind before the end of the movie?

Merlin is upset by events. Arthur wants to know what is going on. We get a flashback to the final confrontation in the past between Arthur and Mordred. At Stonehenge, Arthur's forces are surrounded by the army of Mordred. Mordred has captured Lancelot and Guin. Mordred is extremely powerful due to him wielding the sword Excalibur. Arthur had Guin get rid of it. But, evil old Mordred got it. Mordred says that Lancelot loves Guin. He sort of implies more than that, but it could just be to upset Arthur. Anyways, Lancelot plunges Excalibur into a rock. The energy backlash destroys part of Stonehenge. This also allows Merlin to banish Mordred. Merlin explains about Mordred's attempt to escape and how Joan is helping.

This banana tastes bad

Meanwhile, in Joan's research facility, Joan is overseeing various aspects of the project that will allow Mordred to return to Earth. But, she cannot be totally evil. She has an iMac. This is close to science fiction. Tia Carrere is a scientist. Let alone in England. Well, she's more believable as a scientist than Denise Richards as a nuclear physicist in the James Bond movie The World Is Not Enough

So, she's an evil scientist. They did make her wear her hair in a ponytail. The taut disciplinarian ponytail....And they give her short skirted assistants...

I only work here for the chicks thinks the bearded man.
So, she has iMacs, assistants with nice legs, weird purple things in the background, and some evil craving for power.

Ritchie's aunt is explaining how tough it was on his mother to return. Ritchie complains he has no friends. A girl about his age shows up at the store. Auntie introduces Ritchie to Kate, our plucky female sidekick heroine. They seem to hit it off. It turns out Kate's mom is the medium Joan uses to contact Mordred. They see Mordred being channeled. Pleasant Mordred wants the portal opened immediately to get him out of the Netherworld. Joan is unsure about getting it done in the next day. She was promised power if she aided Mordred. We don't know what kind of power. Kate's Mom returns. Kate and Ritchie decide to stop Joan. They hide in the trunk of her car. Joan takes Mordred's wicked evil helmet with her.

Mordred is weakened from after being channeled. Lancelot and the really hot Guin make plans to escape through the gate when it is opened. Near a waterfall, Arthur, his knights, and Merlin are making plans of their own. Merlin is unable to contact the Lady of the Lake. He hopes Arthur can contact her. They need Excalibur to defeat Mordred. As Arthur jumps in the lake, a green portal opens and sends him to the Netherworld where Excalibur was struck in stone.

Joan is going back to her lab. Wait, it's not a lab. It's a huge sprawling factory complex. Merlin sneaks into the facility. Ritchie and Kate get into the only lit ventilation system I've ever seen in a movie. In the main lab where Joan is about to begin opening the gate, Merlin sneaks into the room. This room also draws Ritchie and Kate, too. The large purple gate starts doing the mysterious energy crackling that all portals do.

The Gate is opening on the other side to the Netherworld. Mordred is preparing to enter it. Merlin drops his disguise in the lab and starts using his magic to stop the gate. Ritchie and Kate decide to help Merlin. They use a fire hose to hose down lab workers and guards. Mordred gets through the gate. The kids turn the hose on Mordred which distracts him enough for Merlin to use a magic bolt to get him through the gate. In the Netherworld, Lancelot and Guin make their move. Lancelot distracts everyone enough for Guin to get through the portal before it closes. The gate closes. Joan is very mad and is doing the typical screaming "GET them...." rant. The kids turn the hose down on her. A wet stern Tia Carrere with her hair pulled up to distract us from the fact she is hot... Where was I? Merlin, Guin, and the kids escape.

Mordred is unhappy with Lancelot. I never really understood why Mordred didn't Kill Lancelot earlier. Everyone in the Netherworld is on Mordred's side except Lancelot and the recently escaped and very hot Guin. Probably, he never thought to hunt Lancelot down. They fight. Lancelot gets away. The gate isn't fully closed. There is a small part of it still open.

Guin is trudging along. She's very happy about being out in the world, able to see stars, etc...She learns that Arthur is now in the Netherworld. The kids head home. Ritchie is happy about being in England: running around with sorcerers, a chick in chain mail, friend and hosing down Tia Carrere in a few hours. England sounds like a cool place. Kate checks on her Mom.

Now, for the creepy part. Mordred is being rubbed down by 3 chicks. Mordred is acting all freaky... Lancelot is spying on all of the goings-on. Mordred has one chick killed. Somehow, Mordred uses the ghost of her skeleton to go through the crack in the gate. Joan is in the lab waiting. Well, this is the first of many skeleton ghosts that are sent through the portal. It's kind of like the scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark when the spirits are flying out of the Ark. And, the skeleton ghosts fly into the night.

Arthur's knights are on watch. The skeleton ghosts are flying all over the place. They are computer generated. Skeletons on strings would be tacky. A skeleton ghost crams itself down the throat of one of the knights, possessing him. The skeleton ghosts surround Merlin's cabin. Merlin just evaporates those ghosts.

The skeleton ghosts come to town. Start to possess the townsfolk. Kate checks on her mom and finds she is gone. Possessed townsfolk grab Kate, already have her mother. Ritchie wakes up to see townsfolk taking Kate and her mom away. Ritchie who we know has an attitude problem is wearing a leather jacket in the middle of the night. He is grabbed next.

Kate's mom is used to channel Mordred at the lab. Mordred wants Ritchie to help him. Ritch refuses of course. He's brave when torture is mentioned. But, when Mordred threatens his mother, Ritch has to do what Mordred wants. And, that is to kill Merlin. Joan gives Ritchie a techno babble weapon. Let’s call it a phaser. It is some sort of magnetic disrupter which if used on Merlin when he's casting a big spell will reverse the polarity of the spell causing it to backfire on him. Or something like that.

In the Netherworld, Arthur is sneaking around. Lancelot finds him. Good trustworthy Lancelot apologizes for falling in love with Guin. Needless to say, Arthur doesn't seem to accept the apology. So, sword fight ensues. Lancelot tries to calm Arthur down explaining he'll need his help to regain Excalibur. Lancelot manages to hide. Arthur finds him. Then, they fall into the middle of Mordred's forces. Arthur is happy to stop fighting Lancelot at this point.

Mordred is being the typical arrogant villain. He isn't concerned about Lancelot and Arthur running around fighting his men. We'll call this mistake number 3. I lost track of his previous mistakes. Mistake number 2 is endangering the plucky kid-hero's mom.

Back to the knights, Gawain isn't happy. He argues with uber-hot Guin. She's got chain mail and is doing the painted Braveheart face thing. Ritchie and Kate are trying to decide what to do. The possessed knights attack Guin but only manage to barely wound her. This gets Gawain, Merlin, and Guin on the same page.

Joan is setting up at Stonehenge. She has a long row of iMacs. iMac, the official computers of Mad Scientists everywhere. Promotional consideration paid for by Apple. We've just had a vague idea that Joan wants power. Power will enable her to bypass red tape and stupid bureaucratic fools. What a let down. Kate's mom tries to get her to realize Mordred might think she was a threat and eliminate her. Joan isn't worried about that fact.

At Merlin's cabin, Ritchie is debating whether to use the phaser to kill Merlin or not. Merlin is looking for something. He sort of hints that he knows Ritchie is debating whether to use the phaser. Guin and Kate have a little discussion.

Joan gets the other phaser. The conniving minx. Merlin, Guin, the knights, and the kids are getting close to Stonehenge as Joan is preparing to open the portal. Portal begins portalling. Various beams of energy streak around Stonehenge. Merlin and everyone else heads for the gate.

In the Netherworld, the portal opens. Mordred heads towards at with catlike grace until he begins a regal approach to it. Maybe, the bloodlines of Arthur and his half-sister Morganna have some problems. I'm sure various genetic disorders have had to screw Mordred up in the head.

The knights are readying for the attack. Mordred and Morganna come through the gate. Merlin casts a spell at Mordred and Morganna retaliates by casting a spell at Merlin. Joan is about to use her phaser on Merlin. Gawain stops her. Merlin manages to knock Morganna unconscious.

Arthur and Lancelot prepare to storm Mordred's throne room. Unfortunately, very clumsily they make it to the throne room teeming with Mordred's forces.

Merlin is holding Mordred in check barely. Arthur and Lancelot keep fighting the forces of Mordred in the Netherworld. Mordred starts to gain the upper hand. Arthur and Lancelot keep fighting the teeming hordes. Merlin isn't doing too good. Ritchie phasers Mordred who demands he kill Merlin or Ritchie's mom dies.

Arthur pulls Excalibur from the stone. Arthur and Lancelot are at Stonehenge. WE can anticipate the final confrontation between Arthur and Mordred. Mordred threatens to kill Ritchie's mom unless he gets Excalibur. Arthur solves this problem by throwing Excalibur to Mordred by having him catch it in the stomach. Mordred lies dying and then implodes only leaving Excalibur.

Arthur and the knights are going to the Netherworld. The real world is too much for them. They are of the past. Arthur knights Ritchie who lost his attitude long ago. Guin gives her wedding ring to Kate. Guin is staying with Arthur but implies they have a lot to work through. The only knight who is staying behind is Lancelot; he feels he has spent enough time in the Netherworld to last him. Apparently, Joan is coming along, too. Gawain since the fight has an arm around her grinning at her. Joan just has this uneasy look on her face. Arthur plunges Excalibur into the stone and the movie ends...

What I say:

The case calls this movie a family classic. It is surprising dark in places: the creepy rubdown part, the skeleton ghosts, and the threats to kill Ritchie's mom. It does have many attempts at humor which I thought for the most part fail. This movie isn't rated. But, I couldn't see it more than PG. It is awfully tame for the most of the time.

Adrian Paul does a decent job as Lancelot. The man can handle a sword. Could this be revenge for Highlander? The original Highlander starred Christopher Lambert who has a French accent as a Scottish immortal. Adrian Paul with a Scottish accent was in the Highlander TV series and is playing Lancelot who is supposed to be French but has a Scottish accent.

Rik Mayall doesn't do a bad job as Merlin. As I was watching the movie, he kind of reminded me when Sam Neill played Merlin. Who in their right mind thought Tia Carrere would be a decent mad scientist? Stereotypical mad scientist. I can't even say she was good at hamming it up. The only thing they didn't do was give her a pair of glasses to wear. The last thing a woman needs to complete a mousy scientist type. You know movies that have the seen where the mousy scientist girl takes off her glasses and lets her hair down and as Wayne of Wayne's World would put it "Baberaham Lincoln."

The kids weren't as annoying as I was afraid they would be. But, they weren't that good. Ritchie is mad he doesn't have any friends, etc... Kind of on the whiny side. The leather jacket, is it supposed to make me think he is rebellious? He doesn't do anything rebellious. Kate is on the other hand awfully bland. About all she does is check on her mother and actually able to get Ritchie following her around, too. Kate is the leader. Maybe kids could relate to them better.

A sword wielding Adrian Paul. Patrick Bergen attacking a semi. How did they convince him to do that? He probably needed to pay some bills. Was Tia Carrere so hard up before Relic Hunter she needed the money that bad? I probably would be harder on this movie if the last one I had reviewed wasn't Robo Vampire . Well, I've got to give this move the benefit of the doubt.

2 ninjas

Quotable Dialogue

"He's out jogging in his underwear."
"Do you want to live forever?"
"For the dragon!!!"

Morals of the Story

Patrick Bergin will attack a semi with a sword.
Kids can open car trunks by pulling on them without a key.
Trunks open just as easily from the inside as the outside.