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© 1997 TCRA


October 1997 Newsletter
Last updated 12/28/98

This is a sample TCRA Newsletter. To post all newsletters on the web would be a royal pain in the %##@&^. To receive a nice printed TCRA newsletter, delivered to your personal mailbox, please join the TCRA for the ridicuously cheap fee of $10 per year.

Message From The President | Miscellaneous Notices | Board Meeting Minutes
Cane River Marathon | Off Season Fun and Fitness | Jr TWS Race Results
Trinity River Challenge Results | Safari Slide Show | Ottine Dam Warning Sign
Come-and-Take-It-Race Results | TCRA Officer Election Results | TCRA State Race Results


It's been a busy fall for canoe racing. I've been to races four weekends in a row and I'm actually getting a little faster but so is Tim Rask so would someone please feed him a cheeseburger? In case you missed it, the Dallas Downriver Club put on an excellent race and meal on the Elm Fork of the Trinity, the Junior Water Safari brought many racers out of their post -Safari slumber, the 'Come and Take It' race had excellent water and the TCRA State Championships saw some excellent racing efforts.

In other news, the TCRA board and officer elections are complete. Please note that beginning in January 1998, Cindy Meurer will become Secretary/Treasurer and West Hansen will be the Newsletter Editor. Grady Hicks and I will retain the Vice-President and President's positions respectively. I have also asked John Mark Harras to head up the publicity committee. I think that there are about 10,000 potential canoe racers in Texas that need to find out about TCRA and the races in this state.

Martindale Triathalon Oct. 25

This fund raiser for the Texas Water Safari is one of the most popular and hotly contested races in the state. I used to enjoy the Triathalon until my belly started dragging the top tube of my bicycle. This year should see a good contest between the Fred Mynar/Chuck Stewart and Donald Baumbach/Johnny Prochaska teams as well as David Thielman, Dave Sing and 'Rip'. Volunteers are always needed to man the course, particularly the bike leg. Please call Jerry Cochran or Phil Bowden.

Ottine Dam Safety Project and San Marcos Cleanup

Please look inside this issue for more information on how you can help with this Ottine project scheduled for Nov. 1 and Nov. 8. Also please note that the Fall cleanup will be held on Nov. 8 at Palmetto State Park.

TCRA State Championship Race and Survey

As mentioned previously, attendance this years race was below expectations. Sixty-three paddlers entered at least one race. Over half of the paddlers entered were cadet youth and junior paddlers which was a great turnout but I wonder what happened to about 50 adults that I expected to see. Participation in the women's classes was particularly weak. The Board needs to find out what would attract you to come to our State Championships so please take the time to fill out the enclosed survey.

Dec. 6 TCRA Board Meeting

The TCRA Board will meet Dec. 6 following the San Marcos Solo Race to discuss the following: review of TCRA's bylaws, the 1998 TCRA State Races and the current dues structure. TCRA will close 1997 with a small budget deficit. The primary reasons for the loss are free entries for youth and cadet paddlers at the State Championships, a drop in paid members, expanded (and more expensive newsletters) and a large number of exempt members (mostly reciprocal club affiliations). We plan to cut newsletter expenses by offering the newsletter electronically to members who will accept it electronically. We may also consider a modest dues increase. If you have an opinion on this please call me or any board member.

A Word to Mike Riley and Sammy Prochaska

Mike on behalf of TCRA thank you once again for going to the time, trouble and expense (not to mention missing a golf tournament) to make the State Races complete with the Fish Fry. Sammy, if your male modeling career doesn't work out, there is work for you at the Catfish Parlour.

See you at the races - Lee Deviney


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