The march of Civilisation
Came to Port Phillip in 1841
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Arrivals from Overseas - Vessels named Agostina, Ariadne, Deva, Frankfield, Hamilton, Middlesex, Sir Charles Forbes, Westminster,
Coastal shipping - Abeona, Devonshire, Maguasha, Shamrock,

They came by the 'Ward Chapman' as Self-funded and as Bounty Immigrants in 1841

Use the list of Notes on over 41,500 people, to find the page with details of individual passengers -
this list omits details from the ship list of calling, religion and ability to read and write. Other details of life in Port Phillip are being sought

Ward Chapman

arrived 16 Dec 1841, 740 ton barque, Capt Lewis Bilton master, from Bristol 26 Aug 1841 to Port Phillip Surgeon Superintendedt Richard Dawes/Davies a Images 230-241 notes
Passengers Messrs Harding, Brown, Gruppy, Penner, Edwards, Lewleyllen, Tucket, Galloway, and Miss Harding, also 338 emigrants under Dr Davies

'Perilous Voyages to the New Land' by Michael Cannon, pages 84- reports that JP Hinton, a shipping speculator, purchased and fitted the vessel, and decided to use tinned food instead of the foods usually loaded.

The Melbourne merchant Arthur Kemmis had agreed to act as Agent,
and was shocked when Bounty was refused.
Tinned food had been invented,

but the seals were not perfected, and much of the food was spoiled.
"The Passengers Cook was simply a crew member, not a Chef."
I have found several web sites, so have the notes on a separate page for the Ward Chapman

280 Bounty souls landed, 7 sons and 6 dau under 1 year, 43 sons and 27 dau under 7, 28 sons and 28 dau under 15, 3 sons under 18, and 142 adults (36 simgle males and 17 females, 70 couples, total 270 souls. 22 died during the voyage -2m, 1f, 5 chn aged 7-14 and 14 aged 1-7. There were 7 births. Bounty was refused for several young women deemed to not be 'protected' during the voyage - in fact the whole question of paying any Bounty took years to resolve, so poorly was the voyage managed.

Captain Lewis Bilton, and ships surgeon Dr Richard Downes, 1st Mate John Major, 2nd Mate Thomas Edwards and 3rd Mate WH Tuckell were overwhelmed by the number of sick passengers. They employed 8 passengers - Thomas Hicks as School Master to help with the children, and Hospital Assistants Alexander Brodie, Susan Drew, Sarah Hennesy, John Hughes, Arthur Hobbs, James Dempsey, Richard Davis and one whose name is illegible, may be John Oneil or William Owyen (I copied 'oaner')

Passengers included Elizabeth Harding and her brother William, John Hill and his family, Catherine Munger, John and Grace Pagan, Ambrose Pullin 31 with wife Sarah's cousin Samuel Wall and his family

ShipTotalStaffOtherDiedBorn CouplesWith chnHusWivesSons DausChnBountyFamiliesUn malUn fem
Ward Chapman 38254922722507373 81681413402733818
Passengers Messrs Harding, Brown, Gruppy, Penner, Edwards, Lewleyllen, Tucket, Galloway, and Miss Harding. The other 49 passengers includes 28 who were 'disallowed Bounty' for various reasons, including James Davis who was a Cooper (with wife and baby dau), John Turner a Baker (with wife and 4 chn), John Thomas aged 44 was too old (wife and 3 chn), and William Owyen who was a widower with 7 year old Mary Ann, wnd worked as a hospital assistant during the voyage.

"The Somerset Years", by Florence Chuk, page 58 begins a chapter on the Ward Chapman, including a description of the voyage.
Harriet Abbot 23 from Bristol
Charles Adams 30 with Jane 25, Mary 9, Daniel 7, Eliza 6
Joshua Bennett with Caroline 37, John 18, Matthew 15, William 14, Caroline 13, James 10, Sabina 7, Melina 6, Elizabeth 2, Joshua 7 months. Joshua was son of Ambrose Bennett of East Pennard, wed Caroline Parker of Barton St David where some of the children were christened. Bounty refused for James as he suffered from white swellings of the knee. James died aged 49 and then Caroline wed James Ingles
Eliza Coleman 25 refused Bounty, wrong trade.
John Drake 37 with Ursula 29 from Bristol
John Dyer 36 with Grace 32, Maria 12, Esther 9, Peter 6, Hannah 3 and unnamed infant son
William Evans 24
Maurice Flynn 25 from Bath
Mary Griffiths 33 and son James 11, her husband died at Sea
John Hill 38 with Naomi 37, Alfred John 16, Edward 13, Rowland 14, henry 11 and William 6. Naomi Vickery born 1794 at Stogumber, wed 1820 to George Stenner who died. In 1824 wed John Hill, son of Elizabeth Withers and John Hill of Wiviliscombe
Arthur Hobley 38 with Mary 28 from bristol
William Iddles 20 appears not to be related to fellow passengers Peter and Ann Iddles
Joe James 25
Thomas Prosser Lawrence 32, Mary Jane 34, Mary 5, Elizabeth 4 and Thomas 2. Thomas son of Winifred Prosser and William Lawrence of Bristol, wed 23 Dec 1832 to Mary Jane Williams.
William Lewis 22 and Eliza 21 from Bristol
James Marsfield 35 and Mary 34, son James 10
John McCarthy from Bristol
William Owin 31 with Mary 7, came as a widowerer, not eligible for bounty
Eliza Passmore 18 from Bristol
Thomas Pills 25 with Ann 31
Thomas Rix 26 with Margaret 30, Frederick 3 and Mary 6m
Thomas Saville 38 with Lavinia 33 - Thomas wed 16 Apr 1829 to Lavinia Stevens at St Nicholas' Bristol
Joseph Spear 35 with Mary 32, Joseph Richard 9, Ellen 5, Mary 3 Joseph wed 1 Mar 1829 to Mary Hazell at Temple, Bristol
Frederick Stoddart 27
James Sullivan 26 from Bristol
John Thomas 44 with Mary 39, Alfred 8, Mary Ann 4 - John too old for Bounty
Thomas Thomas 32, with Susan 33, James 15, Elizabeth 8, George 6, John 2 and David 14m
James Timm 25 from Bath
John Turner 32 with Elizabeth 34, Elizabeth 8, Henry 5, Joseph 3 and John 1 from Bristol, he was a baker, considered not eligible because was not approved trade under bounty system
Thomas Walton 33 with Mary 31
Eliza Workman 41, widow with Mary 7, not eligible due to age
William Williams 25 with Zoa 27, William wed 2 June 1836 to Zoa Howard,
William Yewbury 31 with Sarah 32, Sarah 8, Emily 7, William 4 and Alfred 1. William born 12 Aug 1812 son of Ann Sultan and William Yerbury of Frome, wed 1831 to Sarah Adams

The Ward Chapman passengers

In this ship list, people are numbered within the classified group - families or single male or single female. In this ship list, people are classified families or single male or single female, and each person has a different number.
Colour code Staff and Crew, Paid own passage Bounty Immigrant Disallowed Bounty departing PP
Harriett Abbott 23 (single woman 1) Bristol
Charles Adams 30 hus (family 1) Gloucestershire
Jane Adams 25 wife of Charles (family 1)
Mary Adams 9 dau of Charles (family 1)
Daniel Adams 7 son of Charles (family 1)
Eliza Adams 6 dau of Charles (family 1)
James Amos / Arumes 28 (single man 1) Whitomburg?
William Barclay / Bartley 19 (single man 2) Clifton
Charlotte Bennet / Bennet 21 No Bounty (disallowed 1) Gloucestershire
Josua Bennell / Bennett 39 hus (family 6) Somersetshire
Caroline Bennell / Bennett 37 wife of Joshua (family 6)
Matthew Bennell / Bennett 15 son of Joshua (family 6)
William Bennell / Bennett 14 son of Joshua (family 6)
Caroline Bennell / Bennett 13 dau of Joshua (family 6)
James Bennell / Bennett 10 son of Joshua (family 6)
John Bennell / Bennett 8 son of Joshua (family 6)
Sabina/Selina Bennell / Bennett 7 dau of Joshua (family 6)
Melina Bennell / Bennett 6 dau of Joshua (family 6)
Elizabeth Bennell / Bennett 2 dau of Joshua (family 6)
Josiah Bennell / Bennett 7 months son of Joshua (family 6)
David Bicketts 31 hus (family 5) Gloucestershire
Ann Bicketts 36 wife of David (family 5)
Crusla Bicketts 4 dau of David (family 5)
Albert Bicketts 2 son of David (family 5)
Lewis Bilton / Bilton - Captain (Staff 1)
Betsy Bissell 17 No Bounty (disallowed 3) Gloucestershire
Isaac Bendall / Blendall 37 hus (family 3) Gloucestershire
Mary Blendall 32 wife of Isaac (family 3)
Elizabeth Blendall 9 dau of Isaac (family 3)
Louisa Blendall 7 dau of Isaac (family 3)
Hanah Blendall 3 dau of Isaac (family 3)
Alexander Brodie 23 Employed as Hospital Assistant (disallowed 3) Wales
Mr Brown (Cabin 2)
Timothy Brusman / Bruisman 25 hus (family 4) Co Kerry
Margaret Bruisman 22 wife of Timothy (family 4)
Catherine Bruisman 1 dau of Timothy (family 4)
Emily Burford 19 No Bounty (disallowed 4) Gloucestershire
Denis Burns 34 hus (family 2) Co Kerry
Mary Burns 25 wife of Denis (family 2)
Emma Burns 4 dau of Denis (family 2)
Anne Burns 3 months dau of Denis (family 2)
Frank Campbell 26 (disallowed)
Mary Cann 19 (single woman 5) London
Henry Clarke / Clark 30 hus (family 7) Somersetshire
Anne Clark 21 wife of Henry (family 7)
Henry Clark 2 son of Henry (family 7)
Eliza Coleman 25 No Bounty (disallowed) Somersetshire
John Coleman 19 (single man 5) Gloucester
William Coleman 21 (single man 6) Gloucester
Hannah Coleman 17 dau of John (single woman 7) Gloucestershire
John Coleman 40 hus (family 8) Gloucestershire
Sarah Coleman 39 wife of John (family 8)
Sarah Coleman 11 dau of John (family 8)
James Coleman 8 son of John (family 8)
Alfred Coleman 4 son of John (family 8)
John Conolly 21 (single man 4) Co Limerick
William Delaney / Dalery 26 hus (family 9) Queens County
Eden Delaney / Dalery 21 wife of William (family 9)
Richard Doogerfield / Dangerfield 29 (single man 9) Gloucestershire
Saml Dangerfield 18 (single man 11) Gloucestershire
John Daniel 21 (single man 12) Caermarthenshire?
Samuel Davis 29 hus (family 11) Gloucestershire
Mary Ann Davis 32 wife of Samuel (family 11)
Richard Davis 25 hus Employed during voyage (family 13) Trentypool?
Eliza Davis 25 wife of Richard (family 13)
George Davis 4 son of Richard (family 13)
Catherine Davis 10 months dau of James (disallowed 7)
James Davis 22 hus Cooper is wrong trade (disallowed 5) Bristol
Hanah Davis 23 wife of James (disallowed 6)
Elizabeth Davis 9 months dau of Richard (disallowed 13)
George Davis 19 hus (family 10) Wiltshire
Esther Davis 20 wife of George (family 10)
James Davis 22 hus (family 15)
Hannah Davis 23 wife of James (family 15)
Catherine Davis 10 months dau of James (family 15)
Richard Dawes / Dawes - Surg Supt (Staff 2)
James Dumpsy / Dempsey 38 hus Employed (family 14) Co Cork
Mary Dempsey 32 wife of James (family 14)
Mary Ann Dempsey 7 dau of James (family 14)
John Dempsey 0 son of James born on board (family 14)
Anne Depsey / Dempsey 16 (single woman 8) Bristol
Thomas Dodds 26 (single man 10) Wales
John Drake 37 hus (family 12) Bristol
Usula Drake 29 wife of John (family 12)
Susan Drew 29 Employed (disallowed 9) Carmarthon
James Dunn 23 (single man 7) Wales
George Dyer / Dwyer 21 (single man 8) Gloucestershire
John Dyer 36 hus (family 16) Bristol
Grace Dyer 32 wife of John (family 16)
Maria Dyer 12 dau of John (family 16)
Esther Dyer 9 dau of John (family 16)
Peter Dyer 6 son of John (family 16)
Hanah Dyer 3 dau of John (family 16)
Infant Dyer 0 son of John born on board (family 16)
Mary Eacoot / Edcott 19 No Bounty (disallowed 10) Gloucestershire
Mr Edwards (Cabin 5)
Thomas Edwards - 2nd Mate (Staff 4)
William Evans 24 (single man 13) Somersetshire
John Finlay 31 hus (family 17) Limerick
Margaret Finlay 31 wife of John (family 17)
Honoria Finlay 0 dau of John born on board (family 17)
Maurice/Morris Flynn 25 (disallowed 14) Bath
Mr Galloway (Cabin 8)
Griffith - hus Died during voyage (family 18)
Mary Griffiths / Griffith 33 wife (family 18)
James Griffith 11 son (family 18)
Mr Gruppy (Cabin 3)
Anne Hale 20 (single woman 11) Herefordshire
Mathew Hales 21 (single man 16) Monmouthshire
Mr Harding (Cabin 1)
Miss Harding (Cabin 9)
John Harris 34 hus (family 19) Devonshire
Isabella Harris 33 wife of John (family 19)
William Harris 12 son of John (family 19)
Mary Harris 10 dau of John (family 19)
Ann Harris 8 dau of John (family 19)
Francis Harris 6 son of John (family 19)
Elizabeth Harris 2 dau of John (family 19)
Pat Hayes 35 hus (family 27) Co Limerick
Bridget Hayes 30 wife of Patrick (family 27)
Thomas Hayes 10 son of Patrick (family 27)
Pat Hayes 5 son of Patrick (family 27)
Mary Hayes 3 dau of Patrick (family 27)
Margaret Hayes 22 (single woman 14) Cork
Sarah Hennessy - Employed (disallowed)
Thomas Hicks 28 hus Employed as School master (family 31) Cornwall
Eliza Hicks 22 wife of Thomas (family 31)
Daniel Higgins 27 hus (family 22)
Ellen Higgins 28 wife of Daniel (family 22)
Maurice Higgins 2 son of Daniel (family 22)
Edward Hiley 29 hus (family 25) Perthshire
Bridget Hiley 27 wife of Edward (family 25)
John Hill 38 hus (family 30) Somersetshire
Naomi Hill 37 wife of John (family 30)
John Hill 16 son of John (family 30)
Roland Hill 14 son of John (family 30)
Edward Hill 13 son of John (family 30)
Henry Hill 11 son of John (family 30)
Isaac Hill 9 son of John (family 23)
Henry Hill 28 hus (family 23) Limerick
Henrietta Hill 31 wife of Henry (family 23)
John Hill 7 son of Henry (family 23)
William Hill 6 son of Henry (family 30)
William Hill 20 (single man 17) Gloucestershire
Arthur Hobley / Hobbs 38 hus Employed (family 32) Bristol
Mary Hobbs 28 wife of Arthur (family 32)
Mary Horgan / Hoigan 17 (single woman 17) Cork
Charles Holder / Holden 39 hus (family 26) g
Ellen Holden 39 wife of Charles (family 26)
Anne Holder / Holden 19 dau of Charles (disallowed 13)
George Holden 18 son of Charles (disallowed)
Charles Holden 12 son of Charles (family 26)
Ellen Holden 10 dau of Charles (family 26)
Timothy Harrogan / Horgan 29 hus (family 28) Co Cork
Margaret Horgan 37 wife of Timothy (family 28)
John Horgan 12 son of Timothy (family 28)
Mary Horgan 17 (disallowed)
Anne Horgan 15 (single woman 15) Cork
Humphrey Hughes 38 hus (family 24) Monmouthshire
Susan/Jane Hughes 36 wife of Humphrey (family 24)
Ellen Hughes 14 dau of Humphrey (family 24)
Evan Hughes 13 son of Humphrey (family 24)
Elizabeth Hughes 8 dau of Humphrey (family 24)
John Hughes 6 son of Humphrey (family 24)
Susan Hughes 3 dau of Humphrey (family 24)
David Hughes 17 son of Humphrey (single man 15) North Wales
John Hughes 24 hus Employed (family 21) Cork
Margaret Hughes 21 wife of John (family 21)
Sarah Humphrey 28 Came on board a Widow (disallowed 29) Co Tipperary
Anne Humphrey 10 Dau (disallowed 29)
Anne Humphtey 28 No Bounty (disallowed 12) Wiltshire
Agnes Hunt 21 (single woman 16) Waterford
James Haden / Hyden 32 hus (family 20) Devonshire
Sarah Haden / Hyden 33 wife of James (family 20)
Elizabeth Haden / Hyden 10 dau of James (family 20)
Mary Ann Haden / Hyden 8 dau of James (family 20)
James Haden / Hyden 5 son of James (family 20)
Peter Iddles 28 hus (family 33) Gloucestershire
Ann Iddles 31 wife of Peter (family 33)
Joe Iddles 8 son of Peter (family 33)
Mary Iddles 6 dau of Peter (family 33)
Dinah Iddles 3 dau of Peter (family 33)
Emma Iddles 1 dau of Peter (family 33)
William Iddles 20 (single man 18) Somersetshire
Joe James 25 (single man 19) Somersetshire
Pat Kennedy 36 hus (family 34) Co Limerick
Mary Kennedy 30 wife of Patrick (family 34)
Ann Kennedy 10 dau of Patrick (family 34)
John Kennedy 6 son of Patrick (family 34)
Sarah Kennedy 30 (disallowed)
Pat King 25 hus (family 35) Co Limerick
Margaret King 25 wife of Patrick (family 35)
Wm Mr Knapp - hus (disallowed)
Mary Mrs Knapp - wife of William (disallowed)
Thomas Knapp 22 son of William (disallowed - a Surveyor 20)
Caroline Knapp 20 dau of William (single woman 20)
Flora Knapp 15 dau of William (single woman 19)
Matilda Knapp 14 dau of William No Bounty (disallowed 18)
Augustus Knapp 12 son of William (disallowed - too young to be single man 21)
Thomas Laurence / Lawrence 32 hus (family 36) Bristol
Mary Jane Lawrence 34 wife of Thomas (family 36)
Mary Lawrence 5 dau of Thomas (family 36)
Elizabeth Lawrence 4 dau of Thomas (family 36)
Thomas Lawrence 2 son of Thomas (family 36)
Caroline Lee 20 (single woman 21) Kings County
William Lewis 22 hus (family 37) Bristol
Eliza Lewis 21 wife of William (family 37)
Pat Lewis 23 (single man 22) Co Tipperary
Mr Lewleyllen (Cabin 6)
George Lusty 39 hus (family 38) Gloucestershire
Harriett Lusty 36 wife of George (family 38)
John Lusty 12 son of George (family 38)
Joseph Lusty 11 son of George (family 38)
Frances Anne Lusty 8 dau of George (family 38)
Edward Lusty 6 son of George (family 38)
Patrick Lyons 22 hus (family 39) Co Cork
Margaret Lyons 24 wife of Patrick (family 39)
William Mack 35 hus (family 40) Co Limerick
Sarah Mack 25 wife of William (family 40)
Edward Mack 4 son of William (family 40)
Mary Anne Mack 1 dau of William (family 40)
Maurice Mahoney 29 hus (family 41)
Catherine Mahoney 29 wife of Maurice (family 41)
Maurice Mahoney 7 son of Maurice (family 41)
Pat Mahoney 6 son of Maurice (family 41)
Mick Mahoney 2 son of Maurice (family 41)
John Major - 1st Mate (Staff 3)
William Mahony / Marney 23 (single man 24) Co Waterford
James Marah / Marsh 25 (single man 23) Co Tipperary
Timothy Mccarty / Mccarthy 36 hus (family 43) Co Cork
Bridget Mccarthy 34 wife of Timothy (family 43)
Eliza Mccarthy 6 dau of Timothy 2 (family 43)
Catherine Mccarthy 3 dau of Timothy 2 (family 43)
Mary Mccarthy 9 months dau of Timothy 2 (family 43)
Timothy Mccarthy 30 hus 2 (family 44) Monmouthshire
Mary Mccarthy 29 wife of Timothy (family 44)
Timothy Mccarthy 12 son of Timothy (family 44)
Thomas Mccarthy 11 son of Timothy (family 44)
Mary Ann Mccarthy 7 dau of Timothy (family 44)
Hannah Mccarthy 4 dau of Timothy (family 44)
Daniel Mccarthy 1 son of Timothy (family 44)
John Mccarthy 27 (single man 25) Bristol
Thomas Mckay 28 hus (family 46) Co Cork
Ellen Mckay 28 wife of Thomas (family 46)
Benty/Bartholomew Mckay 2 son of Thomas (family 46)
Mortimer Mcmahon 32 (family 45)
Mary Mcmahon 36 (family 45) Co Limerick
John Mcnamara 27 hus (family 47) Co Limerick
Judith Mcnamara 24 wife of John (family 47)
Mary Mcnamara 2 dau of John (family 47)
James Marsfield / Merryfield 35 hus (family 42) Somersetshire
Mary Merryfield 34 wife of James (family 42)
James Merryfield 10 son of James (family 42)
Charlotte Morgan 19 (disallowed 22) Gloucestershire
Catherine Morger / Morgan 21 No Bounty (disallowed 23) Gloucestershire
James Nicholas 25 hus (family 48) Wales
Susan Nicholas 25 wife of James (family 48)
David Nicholas 3 son of James (family 48)
George Older 18 (single man 26) Gloucestershire
John Oneil 38 hus (family 50) Co Limerick
Mary Oneil 35 wife of John (family 50)
Michael Oneil 5 son of John (family 50)
Daniel Oneil 2 son of John (family 50)
William Owen / Owyen 31 Father (disallowed 49) Taunton
Margaret Owen / Owyen 7 dau of William (disallowed 49)
John Pagan 37 hus (family 51) Dumfries
Grace Pagan 38 wife of John (family 51)
Mary Pagan 11 dau of John (family 51)
Elizabeth Jane Pagan 8 dau of John (family 51)
Elizabeth Passmon / Passmore 18 (single woman 24) Bristol
Joe Peglar 33 hus (family 54) Gloucestershire
Susan Peglar 34 wife of Joseph (family 54)
Anne Peglar 12 dau of Joseph (family 54)
Joe Peglar 11 son of Joseph (family 54)
John Peglar 8 son of Joseph (family 54)
Henry Peglar 5 son of Joseph (family 54)
Eliza Peglar 0 son of Joseph (family 54)
Absolom Peglar 3 son of Joseph (disallowed)
Mr Penner (Cabin 4)
Thomas Pitts 25 hus (family 53) Somersetshire
Anne Pitts 31 wife of Thomas (family 53)
Ambrose Pallin / Pullin 31 hus (family 52) Gloucestershire
Sarah Pallin / Pullin 27 wife of Ambrose (family 52)
Sarah Pallin / Pullin 6 dau of Ambrose (family 52)
Thomas Pallin / Pullin 4 son of Ambrose (family 52)
William Pallin / Pullin 2 son of Ambrose (family 52)
James Rapkins 23 hus (family 55) Hampshire
Bridget Rapkins 21 wife of James (family 55)
Anne Richards 24 (single woman 25) Devon
Benjamin Rickets / Ricketts 25 (single man 27) Gloucestershire
Thomas Rix 26 hus (family 56) Somersetshire
Mary Rix 30 wife of Thomas (family 56)
Frederick Rix 3 son of Thomas (family 56)
Mary Rix 0 dau of Thomas (family 56)
Benjamin Russel / Russell 29 hus (family 57) Gloucestershire
Esther Russel / Russell 25 wife of Benjamin (family 57)
William Russel / Russell 6 son of Benjamin (family 57)
George Russel / Russell 0 son of Benjamin (family 57)
Eliza Saunders 26 (single woman 26) Wales
Thomas Saville 38 hus (family 58) Yorkshire
Lavinia Saville 33 wife of Thomas (family 58)
Francis Scammell / Scanmell 26 (single man 28) Dorsetshire
John Scully 26 hus (family 61)
Margaret Scully 21 wife of John (family 61)
Catherine Scully 0 dau of John (family 61)
Mathew Shaughnessy 19 (single man 31) Co Limerick
Maurice Shehan / Sheehan 24 (single man 34) Co Limerick
Rebecca Smith / Smyth 26 (single woman 29) Gloucestershire
Joe Spear 35 hus (family 60) Somersetshire
Mary Spear 32 wife of Joseph (family 60)
Joseph Richd Spear 9 son of Joseph (family 60)
Ellen Spear 5 dau of Joseph (family 60)
Mary Spear 2 dau of Joseph (family 60)
John Staghouse 35 hus (family 59) Gloucestershire
Eliza Staghouse 30 wife of John (family 59)
Ellen Staghouse 10 dau of John (family 59)
Susan Staghouse 8 dau of John (family 59)
Esther Staghouse 5 dau of John (family 59)
John Staghouse 2 son of John (family 59)
Thomas Stenah / Stenner 22 (disallowed)
Thomas Stevens / Stenner 22 (single man 29) Somersetshire
Martha Sterne 18 No Bounty (disallowed 28) Gloucestershire
Joseph Stevens / Stevans 18 (single man 32) Gloucestershire
Mary Stevens 17 (single woman 27) Gloucestershire
Frederick Stoddart 21 (single man 30) Somersetshire
Mick Sullivan 34 hus (family 62) Kings County
Margaret Sullivan 24 wife of Michael (family 62)
Edward Sullivan 5 son of Michael (family 62)
James Sullivan 26 (single man 33) Bristol
Alice Sullivan 20 (single woman 30) Co Kerry
Henry Slaine / Swaine 34 hus (family 63) Gloucestershire
Catherine Slaine / Swaine 34 wife of Henry (family 63)
John Slaine / Swaine 4 son of Henry (family 63)
Charles Slaine / Swaine 3 son of Henry (family 63)
Joe Slaine / Swaine 0 son of Henry (family 63)
Frank Thomas 19 son of John (single man 37) Wales
John/Joseph Thomas 20 son of John (single man 38) Glamorganshire
John Thomas 44 hus (disallowed 65) Bristol
Mary Thomas 39 wife of John (disallowed 65)
Alfred Thomas 8 son of John (disallowed 65)
Mary Anne Thomas 4 dau of Thomas (disallowed 65)
Thomas Thomas 32 hus (family 66) Bristol
Susan Thomas 33 wife of Thomas (family 66)
James Thomas 15 son of John (family 66)
Elizabeth Thomas 8 dau of Thomas (family 66)
George Thomas 6 son of Thomas (family 66)
John Thomas 2 son of Thomas (family 66)
James Thomas 2 son of Thomas (disallowed)
David Thomas 1 son of Thomas (family 66)
John Thomas 32 hus (disallowed)
Elizabeth Thomas 34 wife of John (disallowed)
Mr Tucket (Cabin 7)
William H Tuckett - 3rd Mate (Staff 5)
John Turner 32 hus (disallowed 64) Somersetshire
Elizabeth Turner 34 wife of John (disallowed 64)
Elizabeth Turner 8 dau of John (disallowed 64)
Henry Turner 5 son of John (disallowed 64)
Joseph Turner 3 son of John (disallowed 64)
James Turner 1 son of John (disallowed 64)
James Turner 25 (single man 40) Bath
William Turner 20 (single man 39) Northamptonshire
George Walder 28 (disallowed)
Samuel Wall 36 hus (family 69) Gloucestershire
Anne Wall 37 wife of Samuel (family 69)
Thomas Wall 11 son of Samuel (family 69)
Frederick Wall 10 son of Samuel (family 69)
Elizabeth Wall 6 dau of Samuel (family 69)
Harriett Wall 2 dau of Samuel (family 69)
Thomas Walton 33 hus (family 67) Somersetshire
Mary Walton 31 wife of Thomas (family 67)
George Watts 31 hus (family 68) Somersetshire
Susan Watts 30 wife of George (family 68)
Thomas Watts 0 son of George (family 68)
Edwin West 23 (single man 35) Gloucestershire
Joe Whimple / Whimfrey 25 hus (family 72) Monmouthshire
Margaret Whimple / Whimfrey 25 wife of Joswph (family 72)
John Whimpey / Whimple 24 hus (family 70) Somersetshire
Caroline Whimpey / Whimple 23 wife of John (family 70)
Pearce White 35 hus (family 71) Co Tipperary
Mary White 34 wife of Pearce (family 71)
Henry Wills / Wiles 22 hus (family 74) Caermarthenshire?
Mary Wills / Wiles 23 wife of Henry (family 74)
William Williams 25 hus (family 75) Somersetshire
Zea Williams 27 wife of William (family 75)
Adel Williams 21 (disallowed)
Eliza Workman 41 Widow No Bounty (disallowed 73) Somersetshire
Mary Workman 7 dau of Eliza (disallowed 73)
Thomas Wright 27 (single man 36) Wiltshire
William Yarbury 31 hus (family 76) Somersetshire
Sarah Yarbury 32 wife of William (family 76)
Sarah Yarbury 8 dau of William (family 76)
Emily Yarbury 7 dau of William (family 76)
William Yarbury 4 son of William (family 76)
Alfred Yarbury 1 son of William (family 76)

Ward Chipman, ship, Bilton master, cleared out 3 Feb 1842 from Melbourne for Bombay
Other lists - Agostina,space Agricola,space Alexander,space Allan Ker,space Argyle in March,space Argyle in April,space Ariadne,space Branken Moor,space Brilliant,space Catherine Jamieson,space Diamond,space Duchess of Northumberland,space England,space Enmore,space Ferguson,space Forth,space Frances,space Frankfield,space George Fyffe,space Georgiana,space Gilmore,space Grindlay,space Intrinsic,space John Cooper,space Lysander,space Marquis of Bute,space Mary Nixon,space Middlesex,space Neptune,space Royal Saxon,space Salsette,space Sir Charles Forbes,space Strathfieldsaye,space Thomas Arbuthnot,space Wallace,space Ward Chapman,space Westminster,space William Abrams,space William Metcalf,space William Mitchell,space York,

1839,space 1840, space 1841, space 1842, space Home,

Please Email me.
Victorian Pioneer families
England - Tetbury around 1735
First site was our Anglican parish
This latest is Victoria to 1847