Chapter 365

The energy blew a crater into the ground as it exploded. The Guardians all turned and stared.

"Glad we weren't there for that,"Guardian Neptune said.

"Never mind that. Everyone take out those fighters," Guardian Mercury said. The group unleashed a barrage, the rest of the fighters banked away or were blasted to the ground. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"ECM, over my position," he said. A missile streaked up from a hidden SDF base and exploded in the air, scattering the area with various energy waves and such. Gmerc dropped a smoke pellet.

"Let's go," he said. The Guardian Scouts headed off quickly.

"We lost them sir...some sort of interference from the ground," Trision said.

"Very well," Sero said. "It is a successful test of our system though. We also know what their strengths are."

"We're going to need more troops down there," Trision said.

"Of course," Sero said. "Send them all."

"What? You're actually committing all of our forces."

"Yes, because we cannot wait for reserves to appear. Send out the fighters to scour those hills, I want those scouts found."

"Sir some of our other forces report engaging the enemy in the city, sector 24-B."

"Casualties,"Sero asked.

"Most of the 217 squad."

"Hmm...and the scouts."

"Four identified, Guardian Earth, Guardian Moon, and Sailors Neptune and Pluto."

"Understood," Sero said. "We must strengthen our position. However we have learned a lot."

"So have they," Trision said.

"Oh calm down," Sero said. "Now let's begin our defense. The scouts will think twice about attacking with our main cannon on line."

"Yes sir," Trision said.

In the bowels of the SDF base, the scouts had all regrouped.

"I'm glad to see my little toy worked so well," Doctor Richter said.

"Just how many of those do you have?" Gmerc asked.

"Seven, but we're working on more," Richter said. "Use them wisely though."

"We will, but it was necessary I believe."

"So true," Richter said.

"Their common soldiers seem to be hardly a threat, except in large numbers," Guardian Moon said.

"However, you put all they have together, those fighters, that gun of theirs, and a large amount of soldiers, and this will require strategy," Sailor Uranus said.

"Never mind the fact that we have to figure out some way to get rid of that ship as well as everyone on it," Guardian Jupiter said

"It'll be easier to get rid of the ship when their forces are beaten," Sailor Pluto said.

"But this is what I don't get, the vanishing going on," Sailor Uranus said. "Had those soldiers died, or was there some sort of recall. It seems a little too neat."

"You mean did they possibly transport their soldiers back somehow?" Sailor Mercury asked.

"We can't rule the idea out," Sailor Uranus said.

In another part of the base.

"It figures you'd start eating the minute we got here," Sailor Mars said.

"Gotta keep my strength up," Sailor Moon said.

"Besides this is good stuff," Sailor Venus said starting to eat her own food.

"It is huh?" Sailor Mars asked. "Seems like they were well stocked."

"Hey, don't knock it," Sailor Moon said.

Meanwhile in the control room.

"This is not a good sign," General Patterson said.

"More enemies?" Maverick asked.

"Yes," Patterson said.

"Just how many?" Tuxedo Mask asked.

"Well, we counted a force of five thousand fighters," Nagumo said chiming in. "In the battle we confirmed that at least fifty of those were destroyed, you scouts took out another twenty, which means they still have several thousand at least. And they all seem to be moving out."

"It won't take them long to find this base will it?" Tuxedo Mask asked.

"Well we're deep underground so it might," Nagumo said. "It all depends on how sophisticated all of their scanning equipment is."

"Then again if their ship could do it," Maverick said. "They wouldn't need the fighters."

"Probably,"Tuxedo Mask said.

"They're making a pass sir!"

Several fighters swooped overhead.

"Did they detect us?" Patterson asked.

"We'll find out soon enough,"Nagumo said.

"More and more troops are being deployed in the city."

"This is just like those stupid flowers again," Nagumo said.

"Well that's encouraging, we wont that one," Patterson said. "And we only had five scouts at the time."

"Those flowers were easier to fight though," Tuxedo Mask said. "And we had the whole city with us."

"That can happen again if we need it to," Nagumo said.

"I think it's obvious though, we need to get rid of all these forces of there before anything else can happen," Patterson said.

"Of course how to do that is a problem," Maverick said. "Especially if they're being retrieved before we can finish them off."

"What a mess," Nagumo said leaning back in a chair.

"So far so good sir, I don't think they detected us," an officer said.

"Incoming message from the UN."

"Oh wonderful," Nagumo said. An American officer appeared.

"SDF command, this is UN command, how goes it?" the officer asked.

"General Jackson it is goes better then expected however, we've got a city swarming with aliens," General Nagumo said.

"We are preparing for another attack," Jackson said. "Not on that ship, but on it's fighters. Are you in?"

"I don't know about this Jackson, if we engage them in the vicinity of their ship they'll have a major advantage," Nagumo said.

"General, if we don't stop these ships they'll eventually attack us."

"You should have more faith in the scouts," General Nagumo said. "Everyone should hold off and be defensive while we figure out a strategy."

"I'm afraid we are growing impatient, we must keep fighting them, maybe we can open it up for the scouts," General Jackson said.

"Not with that warship still there," Nagumo said. "Give us some time to figure it out before we have a bloodbath. A week."

"A week? We may not have a week."

"Forty eight hours."

"Very well, we will hold off that long," Jackson said. "Good luck."

The U.N. commander disappeared off the screen.

"I'm sorry, that's the best I can do," Nagumo said.

"We understand," Tuxedo Mask said. "I'd better tell the scouts."

Maverick followed him.

"This is all well and good, but are we in any position to get rid of five thousand fast moving alien spacecraft?" she asked.

"I'm sure we'll come up with something," Tuxedo Mask said trying to hold back his own concerns.

"Hit me," Guardian Neptune asked.

Guardian Pluto handed him a card.

"Excellent," Guardian Neptune said.

"You haven't looked at it yet," Guardian Uranus muttered.

"That's what you think," Guardian Neptune said.

Uranus glanced at him.

"How can you be playing cards at a time like this?" Guardian Mars said walking up.

"And what else should we be doing," Guardian Neptune said. "Cracking up perhaps?"

"No, but you have to stay focused," Guardian Mars said.

"We are focused," Guardian Pluto said. "On keeping sane, now if you don't mind."

"Hey, can I get in on this?" Guardian Earth said.

"You're setting a bad example here," Guardian Mars said.

"Like we follow each other's examples," Guardian Earth said and sat down.

Guardian Mars sighed and headed off.

"Let it go," Guardian Venus said. "I don't blame them."

"Yeah, whatever," Guardian Mars said. "Just what are we supposed to do next huh?"

"Patience, this war may take some time to win," Guardian Venus said.

"So you say," Guardian Mars said. "But..."

"Calm down," Venus said. "You act like you've never dealt with this kind of thing before."

"I don't want to relive it Yaten that's all," Mars said. "You know what we went through."

"I know," Venus said. "Don't worry...we won't let that happen again."

Guardian Mars sighed.

Later the group of scouts had filed into the bunker's briefing room to figure out a plan.

"We have to strike them hard now!" Guardian Moon said. "Everyone we have should hit them, and then run. Their fighters will be too late to get us.:"

"I agree," Maverick said. "If we pop up out of the sewers they shouldn't be able to track us."

"That would work fine except that we don't know the sewers that well, only Gmerc, Sailor Mercury, and Guardian Moon have the capacity to steer us through them,"Sailor Uranus said.

"Well the sewer daimon can help he must know the way," Sailor Moon said.

"All right that's four, groups we can have at one time," Sailor Uranus said. "At best."

"Then that's what we'll use," Guardian Moon said.

"I'm not sure we should all go in, they may have some more surprises for us," Guardian Jupiter said.

"That ship could have more to it then they let on," Sailor Neptune said.

"But they didn't know we were in the sewer system the first time," Guardian Moon said.

"I don't think their scanners are capable of scanning what they can't see," Guardian Mercury said. "At least on appearances anyway."

"Sure we have to be cautious," Sailor Uranus said. "But we also have to cut down those forces before they get heavily fortified."

"We've got forty eight hours," Tuxedo Mask said.

"Oh how I hate this," Sailor Moon said.

"Are you all right?" Tuxedo Mask asked.

"I just..all of this," Sailor Moon said. "Excuse me."

She headed out. Tuxedo Mask hurried after her.

"Look here's a compromise," Maverick said. "We send four groups in of four scouts each. The others will stay behind."

"Fine," Guardian Jupiter said.

"That may be the best way to do it, just hit and run," Sailor Neptune said.

"I think it's what we're going to have to go with," Sailor Pluto said.

"Someone has to go find the sewer daimon though and let him know," Guardian Saturn said.

"I'll do it," Guardian Moon said. "I'll go alone, that way if they do get onto me it won't be a colossal failure."

"You shouldn't go alone," Sailor Pluto said.

"It's better this way," Guardian Moon said.

"No, it's too risky," Sailor Pluto said. "I'll go with you."

"You?" Guardian Moon asked.

"Yes, now lets go," Sailor Pluto said.

"All right." Guardian Moon said.

"You all figure out who's going and who's staying," Sailor Pluto said.

The two then headed out.

"You okay?" Tuxedo Mask said.

"You know I don't take these things well, and this war is so depressing, I mean, all of us huddled in this bunker," Sailor Moon said.

"Yes, I know," Tuxedo Mask said. "But we're all working on it."

Sailor Moon turned and began to walk back and forth.

"I just want to go there and fight them all, everyone of them, you know with my power I could probably take on all of them..."

"Maybe..maybe not.."

"I just want to get rid of them. At least with the other enemies I could enjoy myself in between the fights, but not here, no way, not a chance, they've got the entire city in their grasp."

"Yes, well that's true," Tuxedo Mask said. "But we'll get it back."

"Did you see how that ship cast a shadow over the entire it'll be there in darkness, no sun shining through..just what are we going to do about it?" Sailor Moon asked.

"You're asking all the right questions, I don't know yet," Tuxedo Mask said.

Sailor Moon turned away.

"Here I am the leader and I'm running off to cry."

"No one blames you for that."

"Yes, but they all need to believe in me, and I'm right here, just crying and hiding from it."

"Sailor Moon, that's not wrong, we all have to deal with this in different ways."

"Yeah I guess," Sailor Moon said. "Don't you ever cry Darrien?"

"Well..sure..I do."

"But I never see you do it."

"I try to keep to myself, but it happens. It's a tough world, but look, this is a challenge, but we're the scouts, we rise to them, and I'm sure we'll beat them."

"Let's just stay here for a little while okay?"

"Sure," Tuxedo Mask said hugging her.

"So why were you so surprised when I came on this mission?" Sailor Pluto asked.

"I just didn't think you were the in the trenches type, I just mean I figured you would prefer to stay behind and keep an eye on things because of your position," Guardian Moon said. "I don't have a problem with it."

"It is true my role is a little different from the others, but I have my own fighting responsibilities, however, this also gave me a chance to talk to you, and I believe that's worthwhile since I don't believe you've forgiven me."

"Forgiven you?"

"For not bringing the scouts to your aid, for not letting them know you existed."

"That's behind us, for better or worse," Guardian Moon said.

"I don't think it is," Pluto said.

"Look I was mad, maybe I still am, but we've got other things to worry about."

"That's exactly why I'm trying to settle this before the fighting gets out of hand," Pluto said.

"You shouldn't worry," Moon said.

"But I do."

"Look just what are you hoping to accomplish? I believe you were in the wrong, I've been willing to let that go, but now you bring it up again? Do you want me to forgive you?"

"No, but I want you to try and understand my position. You've seen the type of enemies the scouts have had to fight," Sailor Pluto said.

"I understand all that now. I still don't think it justified holding them back, but the past is the past."

"In so many ways," Sailor Pluto said. "But I think you want something from me."

"You can't fill the holes that have been made."

"Maybe I can."

"No you can't."

"You seem to want to tell me what those losses are."

"Oh so that's it. You think I want to make you understand just how bad it was."

"I'm willing to listen," Sailor Pluto said.

"Not now, we've got business," Guardian Moon said.

Pluto sighed and did not press the issue.

"All right, here's the plan," Sailor Jupiter said. "So everyone listen up!"

The scouts excepting Sailor Moon, Tuxedo mask, Guardian Moon, and Sailor Pluto were standing listening.

"Team one is Guardian Moon, when he gets back, that'll consist of Guardian Earth, Sailor Earth and Sailor Uranus," Sailor Mercury said.

"Team two is mine, that'll have myself, Guardian Uranus, Sailor Mars, and Guardian Jupiter."

"Team three is Guardian Mercury's, it will consist of Maverick, Sailor Saturn, and Guardian Saturn."

"Team four is the sewer daimon, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Jupiter, Guardian Mars, and Guardian Pluto will go."

"Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask, Guardian Venus and Neptune, Sailor Venus and Sailor Pluto will remain in reserve back here," Sailor Mercury finished.

"Everyone got it?" Sailor Jupiter asked.

The scouts all nodded.

"The daimon should be living somewhere in the general vicinity here," Sailor Pluto said.

"Yes, I'm picking up his energy signature nearby," Guardian Moon said.

"Good," Sailor Pluto said. "Seems like we got in undetected."

"Yes, and fortunately it doesn't appear that they can pick up our communicator signals either, or they would have honed in on us before," Guardian Moon said.

Sailor Pluto nodded.

"Here he comes," Guardian Moon said.

The sewer daimon slid to a stop.

"Ah..something I can do for ya?" he asked.

"Yes actually," Sailor Pluto said. "We need your help. Would you come along with us?"

"Sure thing," the sewer daimon said. "I wanted to let you know something though. I did a little spying of my own. Seems like they're moving some sort of devices into the sewers."

"Into the sewers?" Guardian Moon asked.

"Yeah I don't know what they are," the daimon said.

"Do you know where one is?" Guardian Moon asked.

"Sure," the daimon said.

"We should find out what these things are," Guardian Moon said. "If the mission is to proceed that is."

"You're right," Sailor Pluto said. "We'll risk it. Show us will you?"

"You got it. I'll take you around back so they don't see us coming."

Pluto called Guardian Mercury on her computer.

"Yes Pluto?" Gmerc asked.

"I've got the sewer daimon, but apparently the enemy is lowering some sort of equipment into the sewer. We're going to find out what is if we can."

"That's risky."

"We know, but what if it's some sort of search device, they could sneak attack us when we returned."

"I understand," Gmerc said. "Please be careful."

"We'll talk soon," Sailor Pluto said.

In another area of the SDF bunker.

"Gentlemen, I give you a remote controlled buzz bomb," Doctor Richter said. "What we've done is modified a normal toy air plane to explode on impact."

"But will that do any good against those guys?" General Patterson said.

"Well if we had a fleet of these, it would at least be a distraction," Nagumo said.

"That's right, and we're working on it. I've got everyone we've got working to building innovative weapons so we can hit them from afar, and not worry about being hit back," Richter said.

"Where's Tomoe anyway?" Nagumo asked.

"He's working on some very different ideas," Richter said. "But I've got the crews working on the basic concepts."

"All right." Nagumo said. "Keep on it."

"That's it.." the daimon said.

"It's hard to figure out what it's for," Guardian Moon said scanning the object in front of them. "Is this the only one?"

"No, they're lowering them into every sewer they can find,"the daimon said.

"Geez.." Guardian Moon said. "They can't be good whatever they are. We have to take them out now before they go online."

"But..the two of us?" Sailor Pluto said.

"Well..we have to clear a path for the others, but they should come too. Our new mission should be to hit these before they hit us.."

"Maybe we should pull back and rethink this," Sailor Pluto said.

"And lose the only advantage we have."

"But if they're already looking for us down here..."

"Then let's discourage them," Guardian Moon said. "He pulled out his communicator.

"Guardian Mercury here, what is it?" came a reply.

"They're trying to either mine or set up detection devices all over the place down here, we need to take them out now," Guardian Moon said.

"Is that what you think too Pluto?" Guardian Mercury asked.

"I think so," Pluto said. "He has a point."

"All right, the teams will head that way," Guardian Mercury said. "You just make sure they don't have any surprises waiting."

"That's the plan," Guardian Moon said.

"Fine," Guardian Mercury said.

"Let's get to it," Guardian Moon said.

"Allow me," the sewer daimon said and sent a blast of energy flying through the air. It smashed into the device and it began to crackle. The few soldiers turned.

Guardian Moon's attack blasted down the sewer and blew them apart. The soldiers vanished.

"Vanishing..a little too neat I think," Guardian Moon said.

Pluto held up her hand.

"Do you hear that," Sailor Pluto said.

"Footsteps, let's go," Guardian Moon said. The three raced down a tunnel.

The rest of the scouts were hurrying into the sewer network.

"Is it wise to be rushing into this?" Guardian Jupiter said.

"Theoretically no," Guardian Mercury said.

"But if they get those things on line whatever they are," Maverick said. "We could find this a lot harder."

"I'm really beginning to hate these guys," Guardian Earth said.

"That's good it'll make it easier for you to kill them," Sailor Earth said.

"Not the way I wanted to put that," Guardian Earth said.

"This is Sailor Pluto where are all of you?" she asked into her communicator.

"About two minutes from you!" Sailor Mercury said.

"Watch out, there's a bunch of enemies in your way," Sailor Pluto said.

"I see them," Guardian Mercury said. "They're coming around the corner in"

"Mars Fire Ignite!"

"Jupiter Thunder Crash!"

The two attacks slammed into the enemies pushing them back.

"Uranus Fire Spikes Attack!"

"Pluto Storm Fist!"

"Jupiter Star Inferno!"

The enemies disappeared.

"There we go!" Guardian Earth said.

"This is a problem," Guardian Mercury said.

"What is?" Sailor Mars said.

"Well it seems we've got thousands of enemies dropping into these sewers.

Guardian Moon and company emerged from behind a tunnel.

"We got some of them, but the enemy's right behind us," Sailor Pluto said.

"So what now?" Guardian Jupiter said.

"Guardian Mercury is in charge..isn't he? After all Sailor Moon isn't here," Guardian Moon said.

All eyes turned to Mercury.

"Uh..we stay here and fight," Gmerc said.

"You sure?" Guardian Earth asked.

"Absolutely," Gmerc lied.

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