Chapter 383

"Gatman huh?" Maverick said.

"He's human, but he has power," Gmerc said.

"Hah, let's do combat!" Gatman shouted and drew a sword.

"He's serious isn't he?" Maverick asked.

"Apparently," Gmerc said. "You keep him busy while I study for them more."

"Oh jee...leave me with all the hard work," Maverick said. "This guy's going down."

"Gatman is the champion of the world!"

"That I think will change," Maverick said.

Gatman hurried forward. Maverick met him and knocked the sword away.

"Oh..uh..well." Gatman said and backed up only to pull another sword out.

"Oh..great..he's got another one," Maverick said. "No form at all."

"YAH!" Gatman said and charged forward. Maverick knocked the sword away.

Gatman moved to tackle her.

" you are amusing," Maverick said and leapt over him turning in mid air. Gatman stood up.

"I think I have all I need.." Gmerc said. "He's obviously human taken over by evil. We just need to heal him."

"Fear my wrath!" Gatman said charging at Maverick.

"Oh..please," Maverick said blasting him.

"We need to call Sailor Moon," Gmerc said.

"But can't any scouts heal someone."

"Well sometimes, the other scouts can, but.."

"But what..."

"We should make sure."

"So we can try, and if that doesn't work, we'll call Sailor Moon."


"What's wrong?"

"I uh never have healed someone before."

"Now's your chance."


"What are you..embarrassed?"

"Uh yeah sort of.."

"Oh deal with it and handle him before he does something else."

"All goes."

Maverick just frowned.


White light flew from his power stick and covered Gatman.

"Is he normal?" Maverick asked.

"He is now.." Gmerc said staring at his watch.

"Well see, that wasn't so hard," Maverick said.

"I know," Gmerc muttered.

Serena had decided to eat some dinner by herself that day.

Need to think about things. She thought. Darrien's got hard work again. A lot of my friends are working on that band thing. Amy's got work. Everyone else is..doing things..what is there to do around here on a day like this. There should be something.

"Ahem.." came a voice.

She looked up.

"Greetings..I am Evil Man."

"You're what?" Serena asked.

"Evil Man, my card."

Serena took it warily.

"Sidney Sternberg, Certified Public Accountant," Serena read.

"Well they should say Evil Man, I'm taking a survey."

"About what?" Serena asked.


"Oh...what about it?"

"Well are you in favor of it?"

"How could I be in favor of evil?" Serena asked.

"Well...the world needs evil doesn't it?"

"No, believe me I know."

" you're not in favor of evil?"

"Who would be?" Serena said in surprise.

"A surprisingly large amount of people," Evil Man said.

Serena frowned at him.

"Just what are you all about anyway?"

"I am merely trying to get evil accepted through legal and rational measures."

"You're what?" Serena muttered.

"Yes, sure many evil forces try to use force to get what they want, I am going to turn to public opinion."

"I see, well good luck with that," Serena said.

"Why would you wish me good luck if you don't agree?"

"I'm being polite."

"Oh I see," Evil Man said. "There will be none of that if I have my way."

A siren wailed.

"Hmm..I'd better be going. To the evil mobile!"

He raced out and hopped into a normal car. Serena glanced at it. Across it's door was a strange looking E. Under it were the words scribbled in paint.


Serena sighed.

Kook. She thought.

The car sped away from the curb, the police car raced after it.

"Doesn't surprise me," Serena said.

The next morning at the High School.

"Oh there you are Setsuna," an office secretary said.

"What is it?" Setsuna asked.

"Well you see Principal Oksua hasn't come in and if he doesn't come in he left us a note to say you should be in charge."

"He told me that, but what about the assistant principal?"

" go ahead," the assistant principal said sticking his head out of the office. "The last thing I want is to run this school."

"Oh..uh..but..I.." Setsuna said.

"It's just until Oksua gets back from wherever he is," the secretary said.

"But..I don't really know how to run a high school, and my class?" Setsuna said.

"We've found a substitute," the secretary said.

"Who?" Setsuna asked.

Soon afterward in classroom 3-1.

"Hi everyone! It's me again, Sakura Love!"

"Oh geez.." the class muttered.

"I don't know what you have against me," Sakura said. "I'm just a normal person like everyone else. Anyway, with Ms. Meio as acting Principal that means we get to spend some time together."

"Oh joy.." the class said.

"'re not the first class I've dealt with who has been trouble," Sakura said. "Let's see there are a few announcements here, for some reason."

"What's the deal with her?" Sai asked.

"You really don't want to know," Rick said.

"She seems pleasant enough," Akiro said.

"Yes, but there are other forces at work," Steve said.

"'s've been named one of the students of the year for the entire city! That's wonderful!" Sakura said.

"Uh..yes..well..I..don't really like to brag about it..I.."

"Oh come on Amy, just because you're better then everyone else doesn't mean you shouldn't say so,"Sakura said.

"I think I know how this is going to turn out," Akiro said.

"I'm beginning to get the picture," Sai said.

"Oh..we have some new students..too..Akiro.where are you?"

"Ah..she's seen you..too late to escape," Mike said.

"Here Miss" Akiro said.

"Aren't you a cute boy..." Sakura said.

"'m just a man," Akiro said. "Nothing more."

"I can see you're going to be trouble," Sakura muttered. "And let's see, Sai...what an interesting name. I had a friend named Bo..."

She began to laugh.

"A pun based on traditional weaponry...this is bad," Ayeka said.

"Actually it's probably a pun based on the long running American televisions series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," Mike said. "Which involved the same weaponry of course."

"I love to see that show, subtitled of course," Steve said.

"Yeah, the dubs suck," Rick said.

"Ahem," Sakura said. "Oh and you must be Ai?"

"No I am Ai, not you," Ai said.

"Uh..what?" Sakura asked.

"That joke usually doesn't work," Ai said. "But I just had a feeling when I saw you it would."

"Is that an insult?"

"Not really."

Sakura frowned. "All right, I can see that this is going to take some work, but we'll just try to get going and see what happens."

"The key is not to let her get started teaching," Raye said.

"Mike, that's your cue," Mina said.

"Oh right, say Ms. Love?"

"Call me Sakura.." Sakura said. "I hate's ironic, I haven't had love in years, a warning to you girls, men are scum, every one of them. It doesn't matter how nice they act, they're made of scum."

"I didn't know that," Mike said. "But I'll look through the latest medical journals, maybe there's something about that. Anyway..I was hoping we could hear how things have been going with you."

"How they've been going?" Sakura asked. "What do you mean?"

"Well..I mean don't you have a bunch of stories to tell us about how you've been since we last met. Because we love to hear them."

"No you don't, you just don't want me to start teaching."

"Well it's as hard for you as it is for us," Mike said. "Just trying to save you the trouble."

"Your concern is appreciated, but not necessary," Sakura said. "I'm going to teach this class right."

"Is that even possible?" Akiro asked.

"Oh you'll see," Sakura said. "I know each and every one of you. Your personalities. What makes you tick. How to twist myself inside you and then..."

She made a gesture with her hands.

"Now that I would pay to see," Seiya said.

"Anyway..let's get started," Sakura said. "Where were we?"

"You were telling us about your weekend," Akiro said.

" I wasn't..." she snapped.

She walked up to Akiro.

"So you think you're special do you Akiro?"

"Sure do."

"Well then you can be our first volunteer to read today's poem."

"Are you sure, I have inflection problems," Akiro said.

"You had better not have," Sakura said.

"I can't help but be me," Akiro said.

"Hmm..that's a road I don't want to go down, fine then, Yaten you're the poet you read it."

"I protest, this poem is of low quality!" Yaten snapped.

"What?" Sakura said.

"Yes, I cannot respect it enough to give it a good reading."

"AMY! Read the poem!" Sakura said.

"Yes..of course miss," Amy said.

" least there's one good student in here, you don't hate me do you Amy?"

"I'm sure no one here hates you."

"Oh...what would you call it then?"

"I uh..don't see any problems..we uh..treat all our teachers this way." Amy said and blushed.

"You do?" Sakura asked.

"What Amy means," Lita said quickly. "Is that we just like to have fun that's all..we uh...we're just relaxed that's all."

"You know what I think," Sakura said staring at them. "I think..that we'd better just drop the subject."

The class all sighed.

Setsuna didn't know what to make of her new job. She wasn't fit to be a principal.

"It's very simple Setsuna," The Assistant Principal said. "Problems will come up, you find some way to solve them."

"What sort of problems?" Setsuna said.

"It varies."

"Between what and what?"

"Well, look if you have a problem just ask," the Assistant Principal said. "I'll handle the other administrative stuff, but there's a lot of it, so leave it to me."

"Whatever," Setsuna said.

Now she sat in the office waiting for something to go wrong.

If it was so simple why was the assistant so eager not to have this job? She wondered.

Then again he probably doesn't want to get blamed if something goes wrong. And here it could go wrong at any point.

This is so boring though. Is this what Oksua does all day? No it couldn't be, he's too stressed out for that.

"We have a little problem Miss Meio?" a secretary said poking her head in the office door.

"Which is?"

"Well'd better just get down to room 106."

"" Miss Meio said.

At lunch.

"So you're saying he was taking a survey?" Raye asked.

"That's exactly what he was doing," Serena said. "It was so weird."

"I wonder if he was like the person we ran into," Ayeka said. "He was definitely under the influence of some sort of energy."

"Wait are you saying we have another problem to deal with?" Serena asked.

"Not necessarily," Ayeka said. "It was probably nothing."

"She's right, I mean just one random guy appearing out of nowhere probably doesn't mean much," Raye said.

"But this evil man.what a kook," Serena said. "I hope they caught him."

"Yeah, we don't need weirdos like that on the street when we know Mike is already out there," Mina said.

"Gotta protect my turf," Mike said.

"AH!" Serena shouted.


"I spilled the ketchup on my uniform.. I gotta go wash it out!" she hurried for the door.

"Wait up Serena, there's a certain way you have to do it," Raye said following her.

"I didn't want to say this with Serena around," Haruka said. "But we've had our own suspicions."

"About a new enemy force you mean?" Ayeka asked.

"Yes, we've been looking into it, apparently, the two sightings are not the only ones. The characters all seemed confused, but warped and dangerous. We took care of one ourselves," Haruka said.

"So these things are just wandering around the city?" Sai asked.

"Yes," Haruka said.

"We have to track them down," Sai said.

"We don't know who they are until they're close enough," Ayeka said.

"But is there someone at the heart of this?" Taiki said.

"No, it was most likely caused by the debris drifting from the meteor," Ayeka said.

"Oh, then this is random," Sai said.

"But we've dealt with things like this before," Michiru said. "We need to find out what exactly makes one person become warped, and everyone else remain normal."

"Keep in mind though about the fight here yesterday," Taiki said. "Maybe everyone has been affected, but to varying degrees."

"That's what we thought," Ayeka said. "So we may need to clean everyone in this section of the city."

"Serena could do it, but it would take time," Amy said.

"Yes, and it would look strange," Mina said. "Still we gotta do it."

"The problem is telling her about it without getting her upset," Haruka said.

"Especially after we tried to convince her there wasn't a problem," Lita said.

"We can't hold off stopping these things because of her feelings," Sai said. "We need to go ahead with it."

"But Serena's been pushed to the limit, she can't take anymore," Amy said.

"But if we tell her that then the problem is over, shouldn't that not be a problem," Sai said.

"Yeah, she'd understand," Seiya said.

"They're right," Michiru said. "We have to tell her."

"You go for it Michiru," Mina said.

"What? Me?"

" can tell her better than anyone."

"Why exactly?"

The rest of the table just smiled at her.

"Fine, fine, I'll be the sacrificial lamb," she said.

In Room 106.

"So how did this happen?" Setsuna asked.

The classroom was filled knee deep in wheat.

"Well you see.." the teacher began.

"Setsuna! The Superintendent is here!" the secretary said hurrying up to her.

"Oh wonderful," Setsuna said and hurried out the door. "Where is he now?"

"The Cafeteria."

"That's the last place anyone should go!" Setsuna said and raced down the corridor.

Raye and Serena had since returned to the cafeteria.

"Well we got the stain out," Raye said. "Mercifully easily."

"Thank you Raye," Serena said.

"Serena we need to talk later," Michiru said.

"About what Michiru?" Serena asked innocently.

"Something important, but it can wait."

"You found something didn't you? Oh why! When will this cycle of misery end!" she screeched. The whole cafeteria turned and looked at her.

"We all have problems!" she shouted and sat down.

"AHEM!" came a shout. The group all turned. The Superintendent stood in the doorway.

"Who's he?" Mike said.

"The superintendent!" Amy said in surprise. The whole cafeteria stood.

"Thank you for the show of respect," The Superintendent muttered. "Everyone sit."

They did.

"My this cafeteria isn't regulation is it?" the Superintendent asked standing at the 20 person table the scouts inhabited. "Oh never are you doing?"


"Very good. I hope you will consider accepting the city's award. There is no one I've been prouder to give it to then you, Tokyo's jewel."

"I hardly think of myself that way sir. I'm just a student," Amy said.

"Ah..but you're much more. You are a role model."

Amy noticed her friends all smiling at her amused by the event.

"Anyway..we'd like to send you, our potential student of the year, to the national meeting of students tomorrow in Okinawa."

"Uh...sir isn't that a bit short notice?" Amy asked.

"Well we just heard about it ourselves, paperwork mix up, but I'm sure you'd represent the students well."

"Sure she would, because we're just like her," Mike said with a smile.

"Oh definitely," Akiro said. "She's my role model after all."

Amy blushed.

"I do detect some sarcasm there," The Superintendent said.

"Ya think!" the students replied en masse.

"Hmm...well I sort of expected this, anyway, Amy will you please accept the honor?"

"I guess.." Amy said.

"Oh thank you.." The superintendent said. "This is wonderful. We'll get you all the info you need, I've gotta go."

Setsuna hurried in.

"Superintendent.." she said.

"Ah..Acting Principal Meio, don't worry, my visit's over."

"It is?"

"Yes, everything is under control, but have those two students put on file.." he said pointing at Akiro and Mike.

"Sir, that's already been done."

"Ah...I see..carry on then," The Superintendent said and headed out.

Amy blushed again as everyone stared at her.

"What.." She said. "I..uh.."

"'t worry Amy, you're a role model," Lita said.

The cafeteria burst out laughing.

"By virtue of the fact she's the only student here no one's afraid of!" Mike shouted.

The rest started laughing.

"I resent that, I'm pretty calm myself," Greg said.

"Please..this is uncomfortable for me," Amy said. "I..uh..don't want to have to deal with all of this."

"Sorry Amy, we couldn't help it," Lita said. "Can you forgive us?"

"Sure,"Amy said.

"It's an honor, we're proud of you," Raye said.

"Sure we are,"Mina said.

"Well thank you," Amy said. "But I really don't like to think of myself as better then anyone really.."

"We know." The group said.

"So what's happening Michiru?" Serena asked.

"We suspect that there are sporadic evil forces running around because of the meteor, but we figure that if you just heal an area the danger should pass."

"Is that all?"

"Yes, really it is.."

"All right," Serena said. "Then let's take care of it."

"You're taking this well."

"I'll take it better once it's over with."

"Then we'd better get to it then," Michiru said.

"Can it wait a little while. I'm hungry."

Michiru sighed.

"Well of course it can wait, but we should settle it soon."

"Sure, but I need a donut."

"Uh..right...keep those priorities in line," Michiru said.

"What? If I don't have food I'll get tired. Trust me, this is a command decision."

Michiru smiled.

"All right, sorry for doubting you."

"Right, I'm the leader," Serena said. "So let's get to it! Donuts, then healing!"

"And with that battle cry she's off," Michiru said.

"You know me," Serena said. "Say how just how big is this area we have to take care of."

"Uh..well..several square miles..."

"I'm going to need a lot of donuts then," Serena whined.

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