Chapter 382

Minutes before.

"Stop doing that," Hotaru said staring at Ai.

"Doing what?" Ai asked.

"Sending telepathic insults merely because you can."

"I wasn't."

"Then try this on for size," Hotaru said and stared at her.

"Well..I..that's rude," Ai snapped. "How can you say such a thing?"

Hotaru smiled.

"You're not going to take that are you?" Akiro asked.

"No," Ai said and stared back at Hotaru.

Hotaru growled.

"You take that back!" Hotaru shouted.

"No," Ai said.

"Fine!" Hotaru said and shot another insult telepathically.

"You...brat!" Ai snapped and stared.

"That's it!" Hotaru said and lunged at her.

"Oh..this is just what we need,"Greg said.

"Hey, don't all telepathic battles end up like this?" Akiro said.

"I think we're fighting amongst ourselves too much," Sai said.

"There's just transitions that need to be made," Akiro said.

At another part of the table.

"So Yaten's on board too.that's great," Rick said. "Now we'll really stick it to Chad."

"I am interested in the defense of the art," Yaten said.

"So am I, I just choose to enjoy it," Rick said.

"You can if you want," Yaten said.

"But just how exactly are we going to use our multiple talents to stop Chad," Mina said.

"Well that's something we need to work on," Rick said.


The group turned. A large mass of boys stood there.

"What do you all want?" Seiya asked.

" want to take on Chad don't you?"

"Yeah," Rick said. "So?"

"So..we don't like what you're doing. We Chad."

"That's not the issue," Rick said. "He's making a mockery of true music."

"But he's cool. I don't get it. He plays the same stuff you do."

"That's not true," Rick said. "He plays bad stuff in the same genre as us."

"Yeah, and he can't write a song to save his life," Seiya said.

"That's right," Mike said.

"We like it!" the crowd growled.

"We can't stand idly by why you attempt to try and destroy him."

"It isn't a matter of trying to destroy him. What we're trying to do is get him to see reason," Rick said.

"Yes, put him back on the right track that's all," Taiki said.

"You are dishonoring him!" the crowd.

"Ah..come on, they're not wrong," another group of guys said. "Come on these are the big crushers here..they know the score."

"Not true!" the other group said.

"There's a bigger issue here," a girl said marching forward. Several girls followed.

"Things are getting tense here," Ayeka Mizuno noticed.

"For some reason," Patterson muttered.

"How can you, the three lights, and you Raye and Mina join with the Big Crushers.."

"We did it before," Raye said.

"That's not the issue. Once we could understand. Twice we could excuse! But three times! You're music is not meant to mix! We cannot forgive you!"

"Now wait, the three lights know what they're doing!" another group of girls said hurrying up.

" we have four distinct elements. Stable situation you think?" Ayeka said.

"I'm relieved," Patterson said.

"Uh..everyone calm down here,"Rick said. "I think we can talk this out."

"Ehh..I think we need to go farther then that!" one of the mob's leaders shouted.


"Yes! We agree!"

"Wait everyone! You can't just start a fight in here," Seiya said. "I mean over this of all things."

"Sure we can," the crowd shouted back.

"But with those people from the National Board of Ed here, and all that's not a good idea," Lita said. "I mean..this won't get us anywhere."

"No...we must!" the crowds shouted.

" wait second here," Rick said.

"I didn't think this was going to be a big deal," Yaten said.

"Apparently the masses have once again decided to surprise us," Taiki said.

"Enough! Let's fight!" someone shouted.

"Yeah!" The entire cafeteria seemed to yell.

"Did we miss something here?" Haruka said.

"Apparently so," Michiru said.

The whole cafeteria broke into chaos as the melee began.

"Uh...guess we have little choice here!" Rick said and dived out of his seat as some one threw a right at him. He landed on the table and returned the favor.

"All right I"ll play if they want!" Steve said.

"I've done all I can," Seiya said and dived into the melee.

"You're all being real stupid!" Raye said.

"You betrayed our trust!" A girl said charging.

"Sorry.." Raye said and kicked her away.

"I'm not ready for this kind of thing!" Mina said diving over the table.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you," Mike said.

"Jerks!" Lita shouted cracking some heads.

"Die Yaten!" someone shouted leaping to an attack.

"Now that's just gratuitous!" Yaten shouted leaping out of the way of an assailant.

"I don't wish to fight, but you are really forcing the issue here," Taiki said flinging a boy aside.

"I guess I'll just jump in here.." Sai said.

"Why?" Akiro asked.

"Well because I can," Sai said.

"But on which side are you going to be on?" Akiro asked.

"Side?" Sai asked with a smile.

"I hear you!" Akiro said and followed him.

"How immature and on this of all days," Haruka said.

"There's something wrong here," Michiru said.

"No..this seems about right," Serena said.

A girl was knocked by her.

"Hey watch the food!" Serena shrieked.

"And somewhere in all this Hotaru and Ai are trying to kill each other," Greg said.

"Keen observation," Haruka said. Someone bumped into her.

"All right! Since there will be no peace here!" Haruka shouted.

She stood up and flung the person over a table.

"Uh Haruka you shouldn't," Michiru said.

"I'll stop this fight one way or another!" Haruka said.

"Oh gee..this is bad," Michiru said. "I'd better tell Setsuna, maybe she can stop this before it gets worse."

She hurried out of the room.

"I'm going to take care of this too," Serena said hurrying for a door carrying her food with her.

"We really have to stop this somehow," Amy said ducking a barrage of food.

"I think I'll just hide under the table here," Greg said.

"A good idea," Amy said.

"Aren't you tempted to get involved?" Ayeka asked Patterson.

"Not today," Patterson said.

"Me neither."

"I don't fight in pointless battles."

"You fought me didn't you?"

"That was hardly pointless."

" charmer," Ayeka said with a smile.

"What?" Patterson said in surprise.

Ayeka grinned and moved closer to him. He fell out of his chair.

"Hah...just a little nervous aren't ya?" she asked.

"Of course you know me," Patterson muttered standing back up.

A boy let out a shout as he was slid down the table.

"How annoying," Patterson said.

"Yes, I've never been fond of brawls like this," Ayeka said. "Not much honor, just people punching each other."

Mike leapt over them. Someone chased after him.

"Pretty agile isn't he?" Ayeka said.

"Yes," Patterson said.

It was at this point that Principal Oksua arrived.

"Uh oh.." he said starring at the mess.

"Well it seems like this evaluation is going to go out the window!" the lead evaluator shouted.

"Stop it!" Principal Oksua shouted.

The brawl continued.

"Moon Tiara Magic!"

The golden disc flew around the cafeteria catching everyone's attention. They all turned and followed it.

"Stop right there.." Sailor Moon said standing on top of a table.

"That's all we need," Oksua muttered.

"I protect love and justice against evil, but this is ridiculous..." Sailor Moon said. "On behalf of the moon I order all of you to stop fighting."

She glanced over at Oksua and the administrators.

"Because of that evil curse put on you by the evil force I just fought off in the hallway!" she shouted.

"Ehh..what?" everyone said.

"That's made you fight.."

"No it didn't!" the crowd shouted.

"Yes it did, you just didn't see it. I was following it, and it's really evil, but I took care of it. Now I all I have to do is heal all of you and it will be fine."

"Oh.." the group all said still confused.

"We might as well go," Oksua said. "See problem solved."

"Apparently. So there was yet another evil attack here?" the lead evaluator asked also a bit overwhelmed by the scene.

"We sure draw the tough crowds, but Sailor Moon wouldn't step in if it wasn't serious," Oksua said.

"But isn't she a student here?"

"Yes, but she doesn't just show up gratuitously, only when there's bad news," Oksua said.

"All right..I guess maybe things were beyond your control."

The administrators headed out.

"All right listen up, if you all don't stop fighting and behave yourselves, we'll all get in trouble, so cool it," Sailor Moon said.

"Yes Sailor Moon," they said.

"And just for good measure. Moon Healing Activation!"

The room was filled with light.

"Wow..I feel so pure!" someone shouted.

"Amazing!" someone else shouted,

"Are you sure you should have done that?" Amy asked.

"Sure, had to make it look like I know what I'm talking about and now we don't get into trouble," Sailor Moon said.

"That was quick thinking Sailor Moon," Greg said.

"Thank you," Sailor Moon said.

"Well Principal Oksua, aside from that little mishap it looks like things are fine here."

"We're proud of everyone," Oksua said.

"Then we'll be glad to name your school one of the best in the country."

"Thank you so much," Oksua said. "So glad you could come."

The evaluators all headed out the door.

Oksua collapsed.

"Are you all right sir?" Setsuna asked.

"Do I look all right?"


"No..I'm not all right..I'm going home."

"Yes sir," Setsuna said.

"If I don't come back you're in charge."



"Uh..yes sir.."

Oksua staggered out.

Weird. She thought.

"I don't think what happened today was right," Haruka said.

"You felt it too," Michiru said.

"The students can get rowdy, but that was beyond the usual, maybe Serena's hastily made cover story was correct."

"Unfortunately we can't check it because she healed the students."

"But maybe it's not exclusive to just the school," Haruka said.

"We really should look into that," Michiru said.

"Let's not wait."

"So.Hotaru are you over fighting Ai?" Greg asked.

"Absolutely not, we still have a lot to settle."


"It is necessary," Hotaru said.

"There are other ways."

"I'm afraid for the two of us, with the emotional exposure we've been through, this may be the only way. We must understand each other through violence."

"Oh.." Greg said. "Are you sure?"

"Quite sure," Hotaru said.

"Well I guess you would know more about this then I would, but it still doesn't seem right."

"Ai understands."

"I had her," Ai said.

"I think you're getting too into this," Akiro said.

"No, I'm sure I had her."

"That's not the point," Akiro said. "I mean.."

"No it is the point," Ai said. "I must defeat her. She knows."

"But there are better ways, I mean I don't mind a good girl fight, but.."

"You're so vain, I'm fighting her for much higher level reasons then that," Ai said.

"Hey..I'm not doubting that, but I'm just wondering about those..I mean..just why is it that you have to fight her like this," Akiro said.

"You wouldn't understand."

"No I just don't know them..."

"No you wouldn't understand."

"Aw..come on, are you staying I'm stupid?"

"No, just that you wouldn't understand the complexities of emotional strife that exist between Hotaru and I. The answers are clear and simple to me and her alone."

"All right, then let's get off the topic, want to go shopping?"

"Yes, it will better prepare me for battle."

"Uh..whatever.." Akiro said.

In the high school Gym the makeshift band had formed for the first time.

" now that we're free of distractions, how are we going to do this?" Rick asked.

"Uh..I think we need streamers," Mike said.

"That is not the core issue here!" Rick said.

"Well..we need to prove that Chad just isn't that great at what he does, the best way is to hit him from all sides," Taiki said. "We have to prove not only that his brand of music is not as good as ours, as well as his brand of music is not as good as your brand of music."

"Ah..I see..and so in the process we prove your supremacy," Rick muttered.

"Hey let's go with that one," Seiya said.

"No, this is not about the three lights, or the big crushers, this is about the Anti-Chads," Mina said.

"What a colorful name," Raye said. "Guys we have to do this right, we can't scar Chad, we just need to do the right thing."

"Look it's simple," Yaten said. "We hit him from all sides like Taiki said, only we do it right. First of all, the big crushers will outrock Chad, then we up the ante, gradually adding singers and such. Then the three lights will hit him with a message song that proves the beauty of things. We'll finish it off with all of us proving that when we work together we are the most powerful force music has ever seen."

"Now that's a better idea" Steve said.

"Chad's in for it now," Rick said.

"I think you're all getting into this to much," Raye said. "We don't want to destroy him, just wake him up."

"And we will," Seiya said. "This will do the job, surefire."

"All right," Raye said. "Let's just be careful all right?

"No problem," Rick said. "We'll do it right and not destroy any lives."

"I'm glad for that," Raye said.

"Can't we destroy someone's life..just anyone...please?" Mike said. They all glanced at him.

The War Room.

"So what are you doing?" Ayeka asked.

"Research," Patterson said.

"Oh.I see..that's the path the meteor took, and..the wind direction?"

Patterson nodded.

"Ah...I see what you're thinking," Ayeka said.

"Look at this," Patterson said. "That meteor flew right over the Juuban district. The wind currents could have blown anything that came out of that meteor in these directions."

"Within that radius," Ayeka said. "But that would mean what?"

"Well..there have been other things happening besides the high school, look at this."

"Several violent attacks, more bar fights then usual," Ayeka said.

"There wasn't a bar in the city that didn't have a fight."

"That's usual though. However the magnitude..." Ayeka said.

"What's more they all were started by Juuban residents."

"You work fast."

"Yes I do," Patterson said.

"Too fast."


"So we've got some sort of particle that's causing the whole region to get violent. So what do we do?"

"Well..first we try and see if we can trace these particles, and then try and heal everyone."

"Oh..wonderful, but what makes you think we can trace the particles if we can't scan that alien?" Ayeka asked.

"Because there's the chance that the alien and the meteor are not alike."

"Guess you're right," Ayeka said. "You really enjoy this don't you?"


"Investigating all this stuff, it excites you."

"I wouldn't say that," Patterson said and headed out the door. Ayeka followed.

"You don't need to," Ayeka said. "Well it excites me too. So let's roll."

"Where are you two off to?" Amy asked.

"To solve this mystery."

"Oh..have fun," Amy said.

"Amy..don't you care that we're trying to solve this problem?"

"Got homework," Amy said. "I'm sure you can handle it."

"Slacker," Ayeka said.

"Now, now Ayeka, if it wasn't for people like you getting possessed and trying to take over the world I wouldn't be as behind in my studies like I am," Amy said.

"Touche," Ayeka said.

The two hurried out.

Amy smiled.

"Glad they're having fun," she said to herself.

The phone rang.

"Anderson residence," She said. "Yes this is she. What? You're kidding..Well I really can't accept such an honor."

Greg walked in.

"Uh..I really have to think it over...uh..thank you.."

She hung up.

"Greg, they want to name me Student of the Year."

"That's wonderful."

"But I don't want an award like that."

"Hey, you deserve it."

"I know, but I really..don't want to appear snooty like that."

"Then I'll take it."

They laughed.

"Apparently though there's a trip to London in it."

"Oh come on, you can't pass that up."

"I guess not," Amy said. "I mean I could just teleport there, but there's something to be said for having earned it. Still I don't know."

"Come on Amy, go for it. Everyone in the city knows you're the best."

"Yes, I guess so," Greg said.

"A fight broke out at school? That's strange," Darrien said.

"Not that strange," Serena said. "There's something really wrong with that high school."

"I figured."

"'s your work coming. Any time off coming up?"

"Fraid not."

"Oh..that's too bad," Serena said. "You need your rest."

"Why do I get the sense that all that rest time would be spent with you."

"I'm completely relaxing."

"You getting anything?" Maverick said.

"No," Gmerc said staring at his watch. "Which is annoying. We should be able to pick up something."

"Wait..just a blip when that person walked by."

"Maybe we just need to get real close."

"Well we can't exactly check like this..but there's hope at least."

"Yes I guess."

There was a laugh that came from behind them. They turned.

"And just who are you?" Maverick said.

"I'm your worst nightmare. I rule the night!" the figure shouted.

"It's 3 PM.." Maverick said.

"I rule the day too!"

"You're an idiot,"Gmerc said.

"No..I'm not, I'm evil, a vile evil that will take you on and destroy you!"

"I don't think you will," Maverick said.

"I'm getting a reading from him," Guardian Mercury muttered.

"Of course you are! I'm GAT MAN!"

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