Chapter 380

It didn't take long for the government and everyone else to respond to the meteor. Soon Tokyo Bay was crawling with naval ships and helicopters hovered overhead. Large groups of citizens clustered on the pier curious as to what had been found this time.

A helicopter set down on a ship and Sailor Moon hopped out. Tuxedo Mask and all of the Sailor Scouts excluding Earth climbed out as well.

"Welcome Sailor Scouts, I be the Captain of this fine ship," a man said greeting them.

"Did you just say you "be" the Captain?" Venus asked.

"It's been known to happen," the Captain said.

"Oh..this is just the beginning I can tell," Mars said snidely.

The group headed into the ship.

And in the ship's control center.

"Nuke it! Take no chances!" Chief Ozaki snapped.

"You imbecile, do you know what a nuclear detonation would do to the city?" Nagumo snapped.

"Oh come on, don't you have smart bombs?"

"No," Nagumo said.

"It's all propaganda," General Patterson said. "This right here.."

He said motioning to a computer screen.

"Popcorn popper," Patterson said.

"You're mockery is unamusing," Ozaki said.

"No..really.." Patterson said and pulled a bowl out.

Ozaki sighed.

"Let's get serious this is our national defense," General Akita said.

"How is it you show up when we least need or want to see you?" General Patterson muttered.

"The Sailor Scouts be here," The Captain said.

"He did it again," Venus said.

"Ah..welcome Sailor Scouts," General Nagumo said.

"Say..just who's running the navy anyway?" Sailor Moon asked.

"What....well..him.." General Nagumo said.

"I'm Admiral Sarachi," a man said walking up.

"Why do you ask Sailor Moon?" Nagumo asked.

"Because I have a beef with you," Sailor Moon said.

"You do?" Sarachi said in surprise.

"Yeah..your ships are ugly," Sailor Moon said.

Everyone else sighed.

"Sailor Moon, isn't that just a little juvenile to say," Sailor Uranus said.

" I'm serious," Sailor Moon said.

"Uh..well you see.uh..we don't design them to look good, we design them for strength," Sarachi said.

"Hmm..well I'm the most powerful human being on this planet. Do I look ugly to you?"


"So you and power can mix, and they do! Hah! So you should go back to the drawing board bub!" Sailor Moon said. "This is the last time I want to be landing on one of these ugly things."

"Uh..I'll see what I can do," Sarachi said.

"We'd better get started with the briefing," Nagumo said. "What we're doing is searching for the meteor with one of our unmanned research subs. Once we find it we can go from there."

"We can patch into the sub's camera from here," Sarachi said.

An image appeared on the view screen.

"Dark down there isn't it?" Jupiter asked.

"Oh yes," Sarachi said. "It is hardly the deep blue sea."

"But it's the harbor, do you expect it to be clean?" Ozaki said.

The group all sighed.

"Anyway, this will still pick up what it is that's down there," Sarachi said.

"I hope it's not another monster," Sailor Moon said. "Maybe it's just a harmless glowing rock."

"There's no such thing as a harmless glowing rock," Sailor Saturn said.

"How can you be so sure?" Sailor Neptune asked.

"Just like any rock, someone can be hit by it, and hurt," Sailor Saturn said. "The only difference is at the very least this rock is glowing when it hits you."

"She's got you there," Sailor Uranus said with a smile.

"Any idea how long this is going to take?" Sailor Mars said.

"Well exploration is an indefinite field," Sarachi said. "One never knows what might happen."

"Hah...I bet by the end of it you'll be out a research sub," Ozaki said.

"What brings on your pessimism all the sudden?" Patterson muttered.

"Hey, I know how these things go, I'm being a realist," Ozaki said.

"It would be a pity if the sub was lost though. It represents such a great achievement in underwater research," Mercury said.

"Too bad it can't see anything in Tokyo Bay," Ozaki said.

"Our equipment is top of the line," Sarachi said.

"Hey, does it have one of those popcorn poppers?" Akita said gesturing.

"What is with you you just start arguing when you have nothing else to do?" Sailor Moon asked.

They all looked at her, then each other.

"Isn't that what you all do?" they asked.

"No," the scouts all replied. "It's not like that at all."

"Sometimes it is," Mercury said.

"Don't encourage them," Mars said.

"Girls, girls, calm down," Pluto said.

"I feel slighted," Sailor Moon said. "Besides, we're allowed to argue. We save the world."

"Right!" the scouts all chimed in.

Tuxedo Mask sighed.

Meanwhile on the pier.

"I wish they'd taken me along," Maverick muttered.

"We needed a backup team in case anything happened, still I know what you mean," Gmerc said.

"It could be worse I guess."


"Sure could. Think about how bad it would be for one of us, if the other one wasn't here to talk to.." Maverick said.

They looked over.

Guardian Neptune, Pluto, Uranus, Mars, Earth, and Moon were all trying to throw rocks into the bay, skipping them along the water.

"I am a master, the water is too choppy," Moon said.

"Heh, if your master you should still be better then me at this," Neptune said.

"I require the right conditions, these are not it," Moon said.

"You just stink that's all," Neptune said.

"You have no idea," Moon said as his eyes narrowed.

"Guys honestly, leave it to me, the first run was just practice," Pluto said and flung a rock. It skipped several times and plunked.

"Hmm..not very impressive there," Earth said. "I'll show you how it's done."

Earth flung his rock. It hit the water shot up and fell into the waves.

" you've perfected the ski jump that's good," Pluto said.

" all should learn to focus," Mars said and concentrated on the water. He drew back his hand and flung a stone. It bounced across the water.

"Focusing really doesn't help," Uranus said.

"All right, forget this, let's just get to the fighting.." Mars said.

The six looked at each other and then began to brawl.

Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter were having a conversation.

"Existentialism is merely the overstatement of what we know anyway, twisted in such a manner to make it appear impressive!" Jupiter said.

"That's not it at all, you're logic doesn't apply here!" Venus said.

"Actually, both of you are holding extreme viewpoints," Saturn said.

"But they're right!" the two snapped.

"Uh no you see.." Saturn said.

"Oh you have an opinion I suppose," Venus said.

"Yes, and as a writer I should know what I'm talking about," Saturn said.

"From all appearances, you don't," Venus said.

"Or at least are starting down the wrong path," Jupiter said.

"We'll see," Saturn said.

And the three began to argue.

"I don't think I could put up with this..for every long," Maverick said.

"You do adapt," Gmerc said.

"What? Through medication?"

"Well..that's always tempting..but there are other ways.." Gmerc said.

"Ah..they're approaching it," Sailor Earth said. Everyone turned towards her.

"It won't be long now.."

"Till what?" Everyone asked.

"The answer."

"Oh come on lay off the mystery stuff.." Mars said. "Are you telling me that these spirits or whatever that talk to you don't give out details?"

"If we know too much of our destiny we can change it and thus alter the journey in the wrong ways," Sailor Earth said. "The rules cannot be broken without reason. Only clues can be provided!"

"Sort of like Jeopardy," Neptune said.

"Good call," Pluto said.

"I can't believe you make light of the sacred powers that I possess."

"We're not," Guardian Moon said. "We realize their seriousness."

"Yeah, you know what you're talking about," Guardian Earth said.

"It may be true that you know what you're talking about, but why the dramatics?" Mars said. "You could just tell us."

"I treat my visions with great importance," Sailor Earth said.

"If you ask me you're just looking for attention," Mars said.

"Hey lay off," Guardian Earth said.

"Ah..jump to her aid, but that's what it is," Mars said. "Plan and simple.."

"Wanna go for a swim idol boy?" Earth asked.

"Don't make me laugh," Mars said.

"Oh..gee..they're going to fight again," Maverick muttered.

"Someone should stop them," Gmerc said.

" go.." Admiral Sarachi said.

The submarine slowly moved through a lighter patch of water.

"I think we're getting close," Sarachi said.

"Maybe for once it's a peaceful alien," Sailor Moon said.

"When have we had such good luck?" Tuxedo Mask said.

"Isn't the correct answer never," Sailor Saturn said.

"No..we've had good aliens, they just didn't realize it until they had fought us for several weeks, normally," Sailor Moon said. "So..maybe we'll get lucky."

" we are."

A massive blur swung forward and the sub's picture disappeared.

"Hah! There it goes!" Ozaki said.

"Looks like we found it," General Patterson said.

"And lost it," Sarachi said.

"Uh..everyone the sea's are rippling," The Captain reported from the bridge.

"Let's go!" Sailor Moon said. The scouts hurried up onto the deck. The water was roughing.

"It has decided to reveal itself," Sailor Saturn said.

"But where exactly?" Sailor Uranus asked.

The water began to glow.

"Right here.." Tuxedo Mask said.

"Well..guess we find out who the special guest is this week," Sailor Jupiter said.

"Sailor Mercury to Guardian Scouts, you there.." she said into her communicator.

"I read you," Maverick said.

There was a splash.

"We're waiting over here, what's happening?"

"We're about to find out," Mercury said.


"You idiots get out of the water!" Guardian Mercury shouted in the background.

"Eh..come in here and get us!" Guardian Neptune shouted back in the background.

"What's going on?" Sailor Mercury asked.

" know.." Maverick said. "Guardian Scouts up to their old tricks."

"I knew it!" Sailor Mars said. "You owe me on that bet Venus!"

"I thought they were just weird enough to eventually end up in the water.." Venus moaned.

"This is no time for that," Sailor Pluto said.

The glow got brighter, and then an object appeared. It rose out of the water. The ships rocked in the waves.

The scouts all starred. A large being faced them. It had a round chubby head and what looked like flippers for arms. A pair of eyes opened up and looked at them.

Mercury's computer came to life.

"This is odd.." She said.

"What is it?" Jupiter asked.

"I can't get a reading," She said.

"You can't?" Uranus asked.

"It doesn't look evil," Sailor Moon said.

"Don't let it fool you," Tuxedo Mask said. "It hasn't really made a move yet."

"Hmm..this is strange.." Saturn said.

"What?" Neptune asked.

"I can't sense anything from it, it's like it's not even there," Saturn said and winced.

"But isn't it there?" Sailor Mars asked.

"It's displacing water," Pluto said.

"Yes it is," Mercury said. "That I can see, but as for reading itself, nothing.."

"So we have no idea what we're dealing with," Uranus said.

"Oh come, we never have any idea," Sailor Moon said. "But this thing is just sitting here. Maybe it's harmless."

"So uh..should we attack it?" Guardian Neptune asked into his communicator.

"Of course not! We don't know if it's hostile or not?" Sailor Moon replied.

"An alien that's not hostile, now I find that whole concept hard to accept," Neptune said.

"Yeah, aliens are only good to people in science fiction movies," Pluto said.

"Ah..that was a good one," Neptune said.

"Thank you," Pluto said.

"Don't joke, this is a situation here," Sailor Moon said. "Sailor Earth, do you sense anything?"

"Nothing..from it..just the world around it," Sailor Earth said.

"Oh here we go," Guardian Mars said.

"So what exactly do we do know?" Sailor Moon said.

"We could just blow it up for good measure," Guardian Moon said.

"That's a terrible thing to say," Sailor Moon said. "No..we have to wait and see if it's aggressive or not."

"I think it's kinda cute," Sailor Venus said.

"I might if I wasn't afraid of it trying to kill us," Sailor Mars said.

"Still it's pretty cute," Sailor Moon said.

"This really isn't the issue, how cute it is," Sailor Uranus said.

"Well we're playing the waiting game aren't we? Trying to figure out what happens next," Sailor Moon said.

"Maybe we should try talking to it," Guardian Venus said.

"And risk antagonizing it?" Sailor Jupiter said. "No thanks."

"Maybe it's as unsure about this as we are though," Venus said. "Perhaps a gesture of friendship might convince it to show it's true colors."

"Why can't it just blast something so we can get on with this.." Guardian Earth muttered.

"Look, let's just let it make the first move," Sailor Pluto said. "All right."

"Yeah, we can wait it out," Sailor Moon said.

The creature just continued to look around.

Time passed. Night fell. The sailor scouts remained on the ship. The others remained on the land.

On the deck of the ship, Venus and Jupiter leaned against a rail.

"You know I had a date tonight," Sailor Venus said.

"Well I'm sure your date is just as upset about it," Sailor Jupiter said.

"No he's not, he's developed a new plan to turn every bad turn into a good turn. Don't ask me how he does it. He just does," Sailor Venus said.

"So yes I don't get to go out tonight, but instead I get more free time to explore my inner thoughts," Guardian Neptune said.

"Since when do you have inner thoughts?" Guardian Venus asked.

"Where else am I going to keep them?" Guardian Neptune said.

"It's a nice night at least," Sailor Moon said.

"Yeah, I like nights like this," Tuxedo Mask said.

"Me too, you can see everything," Sailor Moon said. "It's beautiful."

"And come to think of it, we don't often get to see a view of the sky from out here," Tuxedo Mask said.

"Guess the trip isn't all bad then," Sailor Moon said. "This destroyer can be our own romantic love cruise.

"Uh..right..well put," Tuxedo Mask said.

"Hmm...I hate waiting.." Sailor Mars said.

"I've learned patience in my pursuits," Sailor Mercury said.

"Well that's good, but patience has it's limits."

"True, but this isn't bad at all."

"I just don't like waiting."

"Oh..well..I guess there's not much I can tell you."

"Guess not," Mars said. "I bet you'll crack eventually."

"Oh no..I know how to handle these things," Mercury said.

"We'll see," Mars said.

"Besides, you'll crack before me, when you think about it, I mean there's really nothing for me to worry about," Mercury said.

"No I'm not going to crack really, I mean I'm cracking now, but it won't be a big deal. Now when you crack, now that's something to see."

"And why is that? Why does everyone find it so unbelievable when I show feelings you have all the time."

"Because you're such a nice girl," Mars said with a smile.

"How are you doing?" Sailor Saturn asked.

"Fine, you?" Guardian Saturn asked.

"Normal for conditions."


"You're nervous."

"I always am."

"Not true. I'm scarring you again aren't I?"

"No, no, not scarring."

"Worrying then?"

" at all."

"Why do you see the need to protect my feelings, I am well aware that I make people uncomfortable."

"Not that much. Look you're coming along fine."

"But I enjoy intimidation."

"You do?"

"Yes, the more I think about it."

"I didn't know."

"I just realized it, it's quite liberating," Sailor Saturn said.

"Glad to help," Guardian Saturn said.

"Help what?"


"You know Sailor Moon..I'm thinking, just why do all the scouts have to be here..I mean after all.." Guardian Mars said into his communicator.

"No dice, if I have to stay you have to stay, no one gets out of this one," Sailor Moon said.

"Hey, you're only an honorary leader you shouldn't be able to give orders," Mars said.

"Yeah, cut us some slack," Guardian Earth said from behind Mars.

"Hey, you guys aren't on this boat at least, it's one of the ugliest things I've ever seen," Sailor Moon said.

"But it can really move with the wind behind it," The Captain said wandering up behind her.

"Now we're all going to wait and not let this get to us," Sailor Moon said.

"You're showing great maturity here," Sailor Pluto said.

"Thank you Pluto," Sailor Moon said. Now will this stupid thing do something!

"So that's it huh?" Artemas asked. "Looks hardly worth the effort."

"Now now, it might be a kind hearted creature," Luna said.

"That just happens to live in a meteor," Artemas said.


"Sometimes you're weird Luna," Artemas said.

"I guess I can be," Luna said. "But Sailor Moon's right, we can't judge the creature without more information."

"And what if it's just building up to rampage?" Artemas asked.

"It doesn't matter, the scouts don't just take lives away like that," Luna said.

"But if it were to say have an accident.." Artemas said.

"That is cruel," Luna snapped.

"Aw come on!" Guardian Mars shouted out towards the bay.

"Calm down," Guardian Jupiter said.

"Well it's just sitting there!" Guardian Mars said. "Do something!"

"Yeah! Do something!" Guardian Earth shouted.

"It probably can't hear you," Sailor Earth said.

"I really don't need this," Maverick said. "I need a bed to sleep on.."

"Aw...learn do deal," Guardian Neptune said.

"You are in no position too.."

"Something's happening,," Gmerc said.

"Finally," the scouts all muttered.

"What's it doing though?" Sailor Neptune said.

"Just be ready," Sailor Uranus said.

The creature opened it's mouth looked around and then flopped to the sea laying on it's back. It's eyes closed.

"Did it just go to sleep!" Sailor Mars shouted.

"Apparently so," Sailor Mercury said.

"Now what?" Sailor Uranus said.

"Unfortunately we have another problem," Sailor Pluto said. "If we don't show up in school tomorrow they'll know for sure that we're the scouts. We can't just keep watching it."

"So what are you suggesting we just leave it, and come back whenever's it ready to do whatever it's doing?" Sailor Moon said.

"Essentially," Sailor Pluto said.

"Can we do that?" Sailor Moon asked.

"We're the scouts, we can do what we want. I don't like the way that sounds, but it's useful," Sailor Pluto said.

"Now wait a second, this is a risk to national defense, you can't just leave it?" General Nagumo said.

"Sure we can," Sailor Moon said.


"Sorry," Sailor Moon said.


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