Chapter 389

"Haruka you seem a little disturbed lately," Michiru said. "I really hesitate to ask, but it seems you're really bothered by something."

Haruka turned away from polishing her motorcycle.

"Yes, well.." Haruka said. "It's nothing you should worry about Michiru."

"Now I don't like that sound of that," Michiru said. "What's wrong?"

"Even now I don't feel I can relax."

"You never had that problem before."

"But can't you feel it? The way the waves still ripple, the sea isn't's not the way it used to be either."

"Haruka, that's just because of the uncertainty, but we know all about that," Michiru said.

"I know," Haruka said. "I just feel uneasy. Perhaps it's because we know so little about what we're facing."

"That's never bothered you before."

"That's what bothers me. I mean..I think I'm getting worried too easily," Haruka said.

"And that's what you're worried about?"

"Sort of.." Haruka said realizing that her argument was bordering on not making sense.

" just need to try and relax, and not over think it," Michiru said.

"That is becoming harder to do it seems," Haruka said. "I don't know why though."

"Maybe you need to get some professional help."

"And tell them what?" Haruka asked.

"I'm sure you could use abstract terms," Michiru said.

"I don't need a shrink," Haruka said. "And I won't use one either."

She finished polishing her bike and walked to the car.

"I'm going out. You coming?"

"No, I've some things to do here. Just be careful Haruka, we can talk more later," Michiru said.

Haruka nodded.

"Hey..uh..hold up!" came a voice. The two turned. Lita raced up the street.

" something wrong?" Michiru asked.

"Yes, sure is," Lita said. "I need to talk to you, one of you at least."


"Hop in then," Haruka said.

"Oh..uh thanks.." Lita said.

The car drove off.

"So what is this about?" Haruka asked.

"Well you two..are the only ones I know really who could both understand what I'm talking about..maybe..and who aren't..well..trouble.."

"Oh..I see," Haruka said.

"I don't want to impose or anything.."

"No, no go ahead," Haruka said.

"It's just..I don't understand why everyone thinks that Seiya and I going out is this big sideshow they should all keep an eye on."

"That's the way they are, haven't you noticed that?" Haruka asked.

"Yes, but..the way they push so hard..I just don't want to talk about it."

"That's what worries them."

"But it so wrong to want some degree of privacy?"

"No, it's not, but to be blunt, they're not used to you wanting any privacy."

"Still people change right? I do now."

"Then I guess you have to explain that, otherwise your friends are going to think something is wrong and want to help you."

"Yeah I guess that's what I have to do," Lita said. "But..what were they all thinking? Following us like that, and then Seiya baiting them. It's like they don't see the importance of it."

"Maybe you're taking things too seriously."

"How can I? It's supposed to be serious, that's what love is."

"That's true," Haruka said. "But..that has a certain meaning to it. You shouldn't be so angry when your friends get involved. Most likely they just want to see that you're happy. True love should be able to endure this, and shine through."

"I know," Lita said. "And I'm afraid.."


"What if it isn't true love?"

"I see..."

"Maybe I'm just deluding myself. Haruka..I know my friends well. I know what they do, I don't want my relationship exposed to the silliness that follows them around, I want to see if it can go forward first."

"So that's what this is, you think that by shielding your relationship it won't be allowed to be messed up inadvertently by your friends, your afraid of them hurting it rather then helping it."

"Yes, exactly, and so far I've been right."

"'ve also interpreted things that way," Haruka said. "You've been pretty stiff about it."

"They spied on us..when will they learn?"

"We all spy on each other, that's one of the things were good at, let it go."

"It just bothers me, and Steve..."

"Steve? What about him?"

"He was there to...I thought he had changed."

"He's in love, what can you say."

"But he's in love with me, I have a boyfriend."

"He can't turn off those feelings just because of that."

"But he should, I mean that's what he said he was going to do...right?"

"No, he said he would wait, but think of the turmoil he's in. He really does care for you."

"How do you know? We dated already he should understand his feelings."

"I think he realizes what he lost, and really wants to make up for it."

"Did he tell you this?"

"I can tell."

"But I can't have that hanging over my head, I've got Seiya now.."

"Do you like Seiya?"

"Of course."

"Are you afraid that you don't love him?

"It's not like that. I don't know if I love him yet though, but how am I supposed to find out with this circus atmosphere?"

"I see what you're saying," Haruka said. "I understand your frustration. I think your friends don't understand, you just have to explain it."

"Yeah I guess," Lita said. "But how can I talk to Steve while this is happening, we're just can I.."

"That is a problem," Haruka said. "I don't know what to tell you."

"Thanks anyway," Lita said. "You've been a lot of help."

"I try," Haruka said muttered.

"Something wrong?"

"No, nothing," Haruka said. "I've just been tired lately that's all."

"Oh.." Lita said. "Sorry to hear it."


"Meow, meow!"

The cats began talking to one another. Luna continued to look on in amazement. This is beyond insane. She thought. Just what is going on with these things? What are they up too..and when are they going to break up this meeting? Are they ever...I'm afraid to go get help or something. No I should try and contact Serena or something to break this all up. Then again, if I break it up I'll never figure out what they're up to.What a mess..and I'm hungry too.

"MEOW!" came a shout. She looked. Horace was pointing right at her. She stiffened. The cats all turned and looked at her up in her hiding place.

Oh dear. Luna thought.

In a park.

"Mina..if you ask me to meet you here you could at least make yourself noticeable," Mike said.

"Just thought I'd drop in," Mina said hanging off a tree branch.

" there you are," Mike said. "Hanging as our ancestors did centuries before."

"What ancestors."


"Yah.." Mina said and fell down.

"Sorry," Mike said.

"Never remind me of evolution again," Mina snapped. "Now let's go."

Mike smiled.

" would be nice if Lita would start talking to us again, we do have that little performance to deal with and we haven't practiced in two days," Mina said.

"Right, I love it when you're annoyed at Lita," Mike said.


"No, no go ahead, no use using our date as a chance to relax from our daily troubles," Mike said.

Mina glanced at him.

"You're right, let's talk about something else.." Mina said. "So what do you think of Yaten's new personality?"

"He should be killed I think," Mike said.

"Now that's not a serious response," Mina said.

"Of course it isn't," Mike said. "What'd you expect when you go off talking about Yaten when we're supposed to be talking about you."

"'re wrong of me," Mina said. " there a veiled insult in there.."

"Absolutely not, I'm just trying to hold to tradition."


Mina stopped again.

"You're being subtle.." she said. "Stop it."

"Okay," Mike said. "No problem. See subtleties gone."

"Good," Mina said. "Now let's paint the town red."

"Red's out this season, cyan is all the rage."

Mina growled.

"That's not subtle it's just stupid," Mike said.

"Cease the stupidity as well all right?" Mina asked.

"Then what do I have left?" Mike asked.

"Oh..yeah..well..oh never mind," Mina said.

Mike smiled.

"You enjoy this don't you, preying on the innocent and pure," Mina said.

"What does this first part have to do with the second part," Mike said.

" you don't..I'm the most innocent and purist of girls you can find aren't I?"

"Sure you are, when you exclude the two-timing and the general aura of playful evil that hangs over you....but I like that in a girl."

"Now we're getting somewhere," Mina said. "This date can now proceed without further difficulties."

"That's wonderful news," Mike said. "I'm so glad to hear it!"

Blocks away at the Cherry Hill temple.

"Serena you've been hanging around here all day. Is something wrong?" Raye asked.

"I don't know.." Serena said. "I'm just feeling strange, like I should be doing something, but I can't think of what it is. Do you know?"

"How would I?" Raye asked.

"Well you have the spirits with you."

"They could never understand you," Raye said. "No force in existence could."

"Oh.." Serena said. "Well I guess that's true. But you ever feel like you're missing the point?"

"All the time, especially when you have something to say," Raye said.

"This is no time for insults."

"No really I mean it."

"Yes, but what I mean you ever stop and say, I should be doing something else..something productive something to benefit the world."

"Yeah, sometimes. Don't tell me you're feeling that way?"

"I'm not, but shouldn't I?" Serena asked.

"Oh...uh..good question," Raye said.

"Isn't it...I can't figure it out?" Serena asked. "Shouldn't I want to help people, instead all I want to do is sleep."

"No eating involved?"

"Eat too..I thought that was a given."

"Sleep was a given too."

"Yes, well I couldn't have just left the sentence without a verb could I?"

"Uh..right," Raye said. "So you're saying you think you should feel guilty for being a louse but that you don't feel guilty?"


"This is completely out of my league, but Amy might know."

"Amy? You think."

"Sure," Raye said.

"Then it's off to Amy's!" Serena said and dashed down the temple steps.

Forgive me Amy. Raye thought.

"So Seiya, you really need to fight me do you?" Steve asked.

"I think now I do? You said you wouldn't nose in on us," Seiya said.

"Yeah I did," Steve said. "But things changed I guess."

"Really? Well now I've got to make you pay for that."

"Seiya, we really shouldn't fight, Lita won't like it."

"I don't care," Seiya said. "There are times when violence is the only answer."

"Not true," Steve said.

"It's the only answer for me."

"Fair enough," Steve said. "But as long as we are fighting. She'll never love you and you'll never love her."

"That's a lie, you're just deluding yourself," Seiya said. "Come back to earth!"

He shot forward. Steve met him and they were soon sparring.

"Hello Serena," Greg said opening the front door.

"Is Amy here?"

"No, she and Taiki went out.."

"They did? Wow..then maybe you can help me," Serena said.

"Uh..I'm not sure.."

"Come on you're a good guy," Serena said. "Smart too."


Serena let herself in.

"Come on, it'll only take a minute," Serena said.

"All right, fire away," Greg said.

"Here now this may take some time explain but I'll try," Serena said. "Just listen carefully."

"Okay," Greg said growing ever more nervous.

"Now let's start from the beginning," Serena said.

Meanwhile at the Crown Restaurant.

"Don't look now, but Akiro and Ai are sitting in the booth three seats up from us," Mike said.

"O..what a coincidence," Mina said. "I wonder how he conducts himself."

"Well he's twirling a fork around on his finger if that's any indication," Mike said.

Mina whirled.

"No don't," Mike said.

"Akiro.stop doing that," Ai said.

"Sorry, it's a nervous habit," Akiro said.

"To spin a fork on your finger."

"Yep," Akiro said.

Ai sighed.

"Hey it's Mike and Mina down there.." Akiro said. "Hi guys!" he shouted.

"Oh..hey.." Mina and Mike said.

"How are you?" Akiro asked.

"Fine, fine," the two said.

"Good," Akiro said. "Keep the faith!" he said sticking his fist into the air.

"Right on!" Mike said and returned the salute. Ai and Mina sighed.

"Why don't you two go on a date together?" Mina muttered.

"That's silly," Mike said. "Besides he's not what I look for in a man."

Mina sighed again.

"Akiro why do you insist on turning our dates in these sorts of affairs?" Ai asked. "Whatever happened to the wonderful man who used to take me on walks down on the beach and starlight cruises all day and all night..that man."

"You dumped him and started dating me," Akiro said.

Ai growled.

"So you enjoyed the aquarium yesterday?" Amy asked.

"Very much," Taiki said. "It changes your perspective on everything. How strange it must be to exist in a world surrounded by water."

"Not for them it isn't," Amy said.

"That's right but it makes you think, and what a wondrous world it is, all the colors, all the creatures with their various adaptations," Taiki said.

"Oh don't be so scientific about it," Amy said. "It's a fantasy world you know. One we can never be a part of, only observe. Yet I've always wondered what it might be like to be a part of it."

"That must be why you like swimming so much.."

"It's part of the same symptom. I guess I've always wished for freedom..haven't we all.." Amy said. "The water provides a different sort of freedom."

"You're right," Taiki said.

"But what a wondrous world it is just to float through, or glide along...taking it all in.." Amy drifted away from him caught up in the moment.

Taiki smiled.

"Amy you're losing your trademark humbleness."

"I guess I am.." Amy said. "At least for a little while, but haven't you always wondered..what it must be like?"

" is curious, but I tend to worry about my real problems."

"I don't blame you," Amy said. "But it's nice to think of other possibilities.."

"I am always in favor of that. You seem to be going overboard a little."

"I know it's odd...but I guess I never realized how much I've been looking for an escape. I haven't gone swimming in awhile. I really should."

"Yeah I guess so," Taiki said. "Why don't you do that? I've got to round up the band and see if Seiya has made any progress or things won't go off."

"What are you afraid of the water."

"Completely," Taiki said with a smile.

Amy laughed.

"No one's perfect I guess, I'll see you later then."

"Sure thing," Taiki said.

"You really are a fool!" Seiya said. Steve dodged him.

"I really have nothing against you Seiya, you've got a lot of good qualities to go along with the bad ones," Steve said.

"Don't try and take the high road, come on down into the dregs and let's really go man to man," Seiya said.

"I just don't feel like going there, but I understand. I'm being quite presumptuous, but I know I'm right."

"So I'm just supposed to believe you!" Seiya said connecting with a right hook. Steve stepped back but punched Seiya in the chest.

"I never asked you to believe you, but I know what I'm talking about," Steve said.

"Sure you do," Seiya said.

The two connected again and staggered back.

"Just how do you think you're in the right on this one?" Seiya asked.

"I'm not," Steve said. "But I can't stop now. I want her back."

"And what makes you think she'll go back to you after this?"

"It's a problem, but I'll find a way," Steve said.

"You may love her, and she may not even love me, but what makes you think she loves you?" Seiya said charging. Steve dodged.

"I don't know," he replied.

"Wonderful answer!" Seiya said throwing a kick. Steve stepped back.

"Wait Seiya.."


"Take your shot."


"Take it and be over with it," Steve said.

Seiya stopped for a minute and then connected knocking Steve to the ground.

"You stay away from her," he said and headed off.

"Sorry, I just can't do that," Steve said slowly getting up.

At the A.P.T. house.

"Well?" Serena asked.

Greg glanced at her.

"You're guilty then," he said.

" I just think I should be," Serena said.

"Then you are."

"I am?"


"No I'm misunderstood."

"I don't think I did."

"Yes you did," Serena said. "I'm sorry, I guess this is too complex, thanks for trying," Serena said.

"No..really..Serena..I mean it...that's what it is, guilt."

"Greg..I don't think so," Serena said. "Because if I was guilty I'd feel guilty. I don't. I just know I should feel guilty."

"But that's guilt! I'm sure of it."

"No it isn't," Serena said. "I get hungry when I'm guilty. I'm not hungry."

"Well that's a different matter entirely...but..I think that doesn't fit."

"Sure it does," Serena said. "Greg I'm sorry to have bothered you."

"Serena would you like something to eat before you go?"

"Oh..thank you," Serena said. "I'm starving."

Greg sighed.

" Akiro as insane on a date as he is in class?" Mina asked.

"Sure is," Ai said. "But he has a nice side."

"Same with Mike."

"How do we put up with them.."

"I don't know," Mina said. "But what can I say I love Mike."

"And I love Akiro, for some reason."

"We're hopeless," the two said.

"I'm thinking the true evil is the green devil," Mike said.

"The green devil?" Akiro asked. "I've never heard of him."

"That's just it, there's a white devil, red devil, blue devil, somewhere, but no green devil...there has to be a green devil, it's a primary color."

"Are you sure?"

"No, but the real issue is that to defeat the green devil we need a nation."

"You're right of course," Akiro said. "What do you call this nation?"

"Uh..Shreveport," Mike said.


"As if you weren't surprised for the first half of the conversation?"

"Well I was following along."

The two began to laugh.

Mina and Ai sighed.

"We really are truly hopeless," They said.

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