Chapter 376

"You've created Crystal Tokyo, but how?" Sailor Pluto asked in surprise.

"I'm not sure," Sailor Moon, still attired in her princess robes, said resting on a couch back at the high school. "But I knew I had to do it, that that's what the dream Beryl sent was me was about."

"You didn't tell me about that," Tuxedo Mask said.

"It was something I had to figure out on my own," Sailor Moon said. "And I did."

"But now what? If I can be so bold?" Guardian Moon asked. "I mean we've got this thing up, but what exactly happens now."

"We defeat our enemies," Sailor Moon said rising. She weakly fell back down.

"Don't push it Sailor Moon," Sailor Mars said hesitantly.

"'re right," Sailor Moon said. "Anyway, we have the strength now. The city is protected."

"Forever though?" Guardian Neptune asked. "No offense to saving our hides, but I kinda liked not having to look through a crystal window to see the sun."

"I don't know what will happen," Sailor Moon said. "But I knew this was necessary. That ship will be unable to hurt us."

"It does mean we'll have to go to them,"Sailor Uranus said.

"Not if they agreed to meet us outside the city," Sailor Earth said.

"But why would they agree to that?" Guardian Jupiter asked.

"They're probably angry and anxious to get at us," Sailor Earth said.

"Anger doesn't necessarily lead to stupidity," Guardian Moon said.

"Well maybe it isn't stupid," Maverick said. "I mean there as confined in that ship as we are here. Maybe an open battle would appeal to them just to clear the air."

"It just might, but who's going to ask them?" Sailor Uranus said.

"I'm sure that can be arranged somehow," Sailor Pluto said. "You scouts have been through a lot right now. We're safe for now, let's rest up again."

"Exactly how do we get out of this city by the way?" Guardian Neptune asked.

"There are doors that can be opened," Sailor Moon said. "That's how."

"I hadn't noticed them."

"That's because their seamless until opened I presume," Sailor Pluto said.

"I guess," Sailor Moon said. "I'm not too sure."

"Oh..okay....this is going to take some getting used to," Guardian Neptune said.

"That is an understatement," Guardian Mars said.

"Hey yeah it is," Neptune said. "Good pick up."

Mars growled.

The leader of the monsters walked in.

"Oh hello," Sailor Moon said. "Thank you again."

"Well..we only provided the life," the leader said. "Anyway, Sailor Moon are you sure you want us to return to the underground."

"Especially now," Sailor Moon said with all seriousness. "I want you all protected. We'll take it from here, you've been a great help."

"Very well, thank you Sailor Moon, protect this world."

The leader headed out. The monsters soon headed back into the sewers and towards their homes.

At the SDF's temporary headquarters.

"What exactly is that?" General Nagumo said.

"The city's been surrounded by some sort of crystal," Doctor Richter said.

"But how?"

"Must be something the scouts did," Patterson said.

"It would seem so, it was in response to the enemy attack. It's fortunate too, that attack looked like it could have vaporized the city," Doctor Tomoe said staring at a computer screen.

"That would not have been a good outcome," Patterson said.

"But what is this now?" Nagumo said. " The city like this?"

"We'll find out." Patterson said. "I'm sure the scouts will let us know."

"Yes I guess they will," Nagumo said. "They'd better."

"So what is it?" Viko asked.

"I have no idea, it's crystal structured, which means it some of the hardest material that can be found on Earth, and it's bolstered by magical energy."

"Can we break through it?"

"Perhaps if the main cannon was up and we could fire it more than once. It would take time though."

"What about our own powers?"

"It's possible, but we would be here for a long time."

"Hmm...if they could do this, why didn't they do it before?"

"I don't know."

" changes nothing, we have to fight those scouts somehow. They need to fight us too so I believe we'll be able to reach some sort of agreement."


"Yes, for the final battle."

"Oh I see."

"Yes, we will defeat them whether their city is saved or not."

"Well this time lines been altered for sure now," Sailor Uranus said.

"I wouldn't say that," Sailor Pluto said.

"Why not? Originally Crystal Tokyo was formed when the world was enveloped by shadows right?"

"Yes, but there is no originally now," Sailor Pluto said. "You can never alter a time line, because what is, is."

"Oh..I guess that's one way to see it," Uranus said.

"It's the best way to see it, to prevent confusion," Sailor Pluto said.

"But what does this mean now? Crystal Tokyo was not supposed to come this early, I mean..well..was it? Oh I don't'd best wonder about those matters."

"That is a bit troubling," Sailor Pluto said. "The idea of the city rising from the ashes of a terrorized populace works, the idea of this city appearing in the modern world does not. But I guess we'll manage."

"Do you have any idea what forces are at work here?"

"I know what forces might be at work, but not really why."

" no help then."

"Not really," Pluto said.

"Although I respect the mystical it can really get on my nerves sometimes," Sailor Uranus said.

"I know what you mean."

"Oh right, I guess it's worse for you."

"Yes, well I've learned to deal with it."

"Are you forgetting that...."

"I broke down for other reasons," Pluto quickly responded.

"Oh..okay..sorry..I just wish we could get this war over with, I'm growing quite sick of it."

"Is that how you usually feel?" Pluto asked.

"No, not usually. I accept it. But this war, I really despise."

"I feel the same way."

"Back from the dead comes the leader of the valiant Guardian Scouts," Guardian Moon said wandering up to Gmerc. Gmerc said nothing.

"I died once too..annoying experience.."

"And who saved you?" Gmerc asked.

"A girl I used to know, the two Earth's opened the gate for her."

"Didn't know that was a possible."

"It was, but..she left me you know, found out who I was, couldn't believe it or understand it."

"I'm sorry.." Gmerc said.

"Don't waste your pity," Guardian Moon said. "We're soldiers, we fight, that's what we do. Still..all I had learned about you indicated you would never have accepted that girl, Ayeka."

"Things changed," Gmerc said.

"Like what?"

"It's not really your business."

"No it's not," Moon said. "Can I ask you one thing though? Now that you know what lies beyond do you fear death?"

"I don't"

"Sure," Moon said. "But I'll leave it as a mystery as to why."

"Did you come up here for a specific reason?" Gmerc asked.

"Yes, I've always believed that I am the rightful leader of the Guardian Scouts, but I did not know the ones that fought alongside you. They all hold your grudging respect. I guess you've earned it. You have mine as well. Don't let it go to your head or anything, we'll probably disagree more often then we agree, however, I think we both know we're on the same side."

"That much is clear," Gmerc said.

"Good," Guardian Moon said and headed off.

"I don't know about all this crystal stuff," Mike said. "It seems so unnatural."

"We'll get used to it I guess," Mina said. "But why is that fixated in your mind right now?"

"Just is, like most things unimportant," Mike said.

Mina smiled.

"We really have to work on that," Mina said.

A group of small monsters appeared at the end of the hall.

" we meet again," The monsters all said angrily.

"Uh oh..gotta go.." Mike said rushed down the hall. The monsters chased after him. Mina sighed.

"You've known them one day!" she shouted.

"Hey, I can accomplish wonders in minutes!" Mike shouted back and dashed into a stairwell.

Mina laughed.

"We've got a fighter coming in," Guardian Uranus said looking from atop the roof.

"Outside the wall you mean?" Sailor Neptune asked.

"Yeah," Guardian Uranus said.

"It's landing in the grass," Guardian Pluto said hurrying up.

"Let's go have a talk with them then," Tuxedo Mask said.

On the fields outside Tokyo a pilot emerged from the fighter and walked towards the crystal walls.

"Can they hear us through these walls?" Tuxedo Mask asked.

"Most definitely," Sailor Pluto said.

The pilot spoke their language.

"I come from our leader Viko," he said.

"And what does Viko want?" Tuxedo Mask asked.

"A battle out here, in the fields."

Tuxedo Mask glanced at Pluto and the others.

"He's on," Tuxedo Mask said.

"At sunset today then?"

"Today? No, tomorrow.." Tuxedo Mask said.

"Tomorrow then as the sun rises."

"Fine," Tuxedo Mask said.

The pilot got back into his ship and sped back to the ship

"We'll have to keep watch on this place make sure they don't set any traps," Guardian Moon said.

"Good idea," Tuxedo Mask said.

"You know if they have any of those weapons working they could just aim them at us," Guardian Jupiter said.

"We'll keep an eye on that," Guardian Moon said. "And once the battle begins they probably won't dare."

"We'll see, we'll just be careful, but we need this battle to end this," Tuxedo Mask said.

The group all nodded.

"Let's let Sailor Moon know."

In the school's lounge.

"Tomorrow, I'll be ready," Sailor Moon said.

"It's odd how your dress hasn't changed back," Sailor Pluto observed.

"I don't know, there must be some reason," Sailor Moon said. "It won't matter, because tomorrow we're going to blast them back to whatever planet they came from!"

"Yeah!" The scouts all said.

"Well aren't you all a happy bunch?" came a voice. They all turned to see Luna and Artemas walk in.

"Hey guys, how'd you get here?" Sailor Moon asked.

"That daimon of yours came and got us, Jupiter's suggestion I guess," Luna said.

"We got in before the city was covered in crystal, but it took us a while to get here, you really trashed the plumbing."

The scouts all looked at each other and smiled.

"You're proud of it aren't you?" Luna asked.

"No of course not Luna," Guardian Neptune said. "But you know the plumbing is always the first thing to go."

"WHEN?" Luna said.

"No..don't respond that's only the beginning," Artemas said.

"Well..allow me to explain," Guardian Neptune said.

"Now look what you've done?" Sailor Mars said.

"Sorry for breathing," Luna muttered.

Back on the warship.

"I guess these engineers won't be of any more use," Viko said blasting the group and draining their energy.

"And the pilots?" Aiko asked.

"Well..come to think of it..yes, perhaps there are better ways to handle this," Viko said. "After all this ship is worthless now anyway."

"So true," Aiko said.

"Drain everyone's energy. We need it," Viko said.

The warriors then proceeded to head throughout the ship looking for any source of energy they could find.

"The force of thousands of lives behinds us, you're not going to win scouts!" Viko shouted.

That night.

"Exactly just what happened?" General Patterson asked over the telephone.

"We created a city encased in a crystal wall that's what," Gmerc said.

"I know that!"

"Well then what'd you ask me for?"

"Don't get smart with me," General Patterson said. "How and what's going to happen now?"

"I have no idea."

"You're supposed to know these things."

"Well yes, but I've been a little behind of late, I sort of died too."

"Oh..really? WHAT?"

"Just thought I'd slip that in there. I'm fine."

"You're fine? Are you sure about that..considering your attitude."

"I don't know, I'm just nervous."

"You? Nervous?"

"I'm always nervous."

"Yes, but talking to me."

"That's not what I'm nervous about."

"Oh what?"

"We're fighting them tomorrow, it will be decisive," Gmerc said.

"Ah..I see..well enjoy yourself."

"Oh so now you've got the attitude."

" asked for it."

"So I did."

He hung up and headed down the hallway. He passed by one of the classrooms where the entire Guardian Scout contingent was sitting around a table holding cards in their hands.

"Okay, I've never played this game with nine people before, but I think it could work," Guardian Uranus said.

"Hey, we're all about wildness," Guardian Neptune said.

"I hardly call an oversized card game wild," Guardian Jupiter said.

"Yes, let's try to refrain from letting this getting too out of hand, I'm trying to relax," Guardian Venus said.

"Just deal will you?" Guardian Moon said.

"Are you suggesting that he should deal the cards, or deal with his growing inner turmoil?" Guardian Neptune asked.

"Either is fine," Guardian Moon said.

Gmerc grinned slightly and continued on his way.

"Can't sleep either can you?" Sailor Neptune asked.

"Not tonight," Sailor Uranus said. "I'm usually calm before a battle, but I really want to end this war. This enemy is unpredictable and we don't know just how powerful they are."


"You know better than that. We're all scared given the chance to be."

"Yes, I know, but I mean anymore than usual."

"I don't know," Sailor Uranus said. "I've been at this so long, some of my emotions are so hard to read."

"Oh..that's an interesting spin on it," Sailor Neptune said. "So you're saying that you're so used to them you can't even understand them?"

"More or less."

"I don't feel that way at all."

"We've always been different people."

"Yes we have haven't we...just the same mission. It's amazing how the mission unites all of us despite our mutual differences."

"So it," Uranus said. "And now this..Crystal Tokyo. I was not expecting this at all."

"I think we've both learned to adapt," Sailor Neptune said.

"Doesn't mean I have to like it," Sailor Uranus said.

"I think we'll be fine."


"You're in a real bad mood, that's always good before going into battle."

"Glad there's some use for it," Sailor Uranus said. "You don't get into bad moods do you Michiru?"

"Well..I haven't had one in a while that I can remember, but I must have them. I mean I've been in pain a lot. Sadness too.."

"But you're never depressed."

"Yes I guess I'm not."

"How do you do it?"

"I couldn't tell you."

"We're more similar then we think," Haruka said.

"Guess so," Michiru said.

"I never understood why everyone became so nervous before a battle such to the point they couldn't sleep," Sailor Saturn said.

"Don't you?" Sailor Pluto asked.

"I could sleep right now if I hadn't promised to keep watch."

"Oh," Sailor Pluto said. "So it doesn't get to you?"

"No, you forget I have very few emotions."

"You have plenty, you just repress most of them."

"Same difference," Saturn said. "Regardless I am fully prepared."

"Well that makes one of us."

"And you aren't?"

"Saturn, I can tell myself I have all the strength and that we the scouts have never lost a battle when it counted, but there's always something nagging at me,"

"I see," Saturn said. "I guess it is natural to second guess success because it is so vital."

"Well there's more to it then that. I guess we all worry about what could happen, what surprises await, and if our luck has run out."

"Luck? Yes I guess that is important, but destiny is what drives the universe. Luck is merely our word for destiny's actions."

"But destiny is not everything," Pluto said.

"True, we can stop destiny, but that takes effort, what were we talking about? Oh yes, so you fear the battle because something inside of you says we just can't win again," Saturn said.

"It's only natural to expect their might be one enemy that can beat us," Pluto said.

"But not if we are destined to survive. The human race is blessed by the ability to strike back at evil even if it takes time and casualties. Your worries are strange though. You can see in the future, don't you know what it holds?"

"I can't see into the future, I can only see time, and it's complexities. It's a different matter entirely," Pluto said.

"Oh I see, I misinterpreted," Saturn said.

"It's not hard to do," Sailor Pluto said. "Believe me."

"Yes, I guess so."

"The sailor scouts are still awake I see.."

" one's asleep, except Serena."

"Doesn't surprise me."

"Hmm...whatcha reading?" Mina asked.

"It's a chemistry textbook," Amy said.


"It relaxes me."

"Oh..but...never mind Amy, you're one of a kind."

"Actually, I'm not different from many other sorts of people."

"No one I know, but that's all right, after all, it's your thing, I don't understand, but I don't mind," Mina said.

"I guess I should appreciate that."

"How is it that Serena can fall asleep even with all this hanging over her?"

"She's Serena, what can you say," Jupiter said.

"Still," Mars said. "This goes beyond her usual laziness. But I don't blame her. Wish I could sleep."

"Yeah me too," Jupiter said. "I've never been able to do much sleeping in school anyway."

"That's a good habit," Mercury said.

"I got it, can use that textbook to good use, hit me over the head with it and I'll fall asleep," Mina said.

"No me first!" Raye said.

"Uh..that's really not a good idea," Amy said.

"Besides, it'll be more force if I do it!" Lita said.

" that's quite all right," Mars and Venus said.

The next morning.

"There they are," Sailor Moon said. The scouts all moved forward out of the protection of Crystal Tokyo. The enemy stood in the field waiting.

"It is good to see you all, so we may destroy you," Viko said.

"You don't know how wrong you are," Sailor Moon said.

The warship exploded in hail of energy.

"Don't mind that," Viko said. "We didn't need it anymore."

The scouts all turned back towards him.

"And just where are your troops?" Sailor Uranus asked.

"All with us in spirit and energy," Viko said. "They were worthless creatures anyway."

"You butcher," Sailor Uranus said.

"You wouldn't understand," Viko said. "Life is different when you are one of us."

"It still wasn't very honorable," Sailor Moon said.

"Yes, well I care little for honor," Viko said. "Only victory."

"Unfortunately for you after today, you will have neither," Sailor Saturn said.

"I second that," Guardian Earth said.

"I don't particularly care what you all think," Viko said. "I am the rightful conqueror of this world, I have surpassed my creators with power."

"Thanks to Guardian Jupiter over there," Sailor Earth said.

"Stop holding that against me!" Guardian Jupiter snapped.

"What are you talking about?" Viko asked.

"Nothing!" Guardian Jupiter said.

"He was in a hurry is his excuse, and now look what we've got to deal with," Sailor Earth said.

" least he made it interesting," Guardian Neptune said.

"Are you all quite done?" Viko asked. "I had thought we might have a decisive battle here!"

"Hey we're good for that," Guardian Pluto said.

"I don't know, I usually have a cup of tea before decisive battles," Guardian Earth said.

"They're dealing with this well," Sailor Pluto said.

"Can we get started here!" Viko shouted.

"Right!" the scouts said and took up position.

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