Kris's Baby Journal 2
July 2004

Tuesday, July 6 (26.8 weeks)
When do people recommend weaning the mother?

I am becoming more and more afraid of finding a job and putting John in daycare. But if I don't give him up for some period of time everyday now, I may end up having a breakdown when Kindergarten rolls around. I miss him for the couple hours of class every Tuesday night. It's like he's been gone for days when I see him again and I just want to hug and kiss and hold him.

We had a really good weekend. He was a big sweetheart. Kari and Tony came over for the 4th and we walked down to the park for fireworks. I was pretty impressed. They lasted for half an hour and were really good. I think John liked them. He started off sitting in my lap, then went to Tony and then to John. He wore a red polo shirt and khaki shorts and was carrying a little flag. He was the cutest thing.

When we got in bed Saturday night, he climbed up between me and John and went back and forth between us giving us kisses. Last night he kissed me and then clapped, and kiseds me and then clapped a few times. I can't get enough of him.

He keeps imitating everything he sees us do. He has been sweeping for a while, but now he tries to use the dust pan and dump it in the garbage can. John painted the living room over the weekend and the little guy would act like he was spackling. He eats tortilla chips and likes dipping them in salsa. It's adorable.

Friday, July 23 (29 weeks)
What an awful appointment I had today.

We went a little early so that I could drink the glucose stuff and then do a prenatal visit during the wait. I got the lemon-lime flavored drink this time which is much better than the orange. Then I went up to my appointment, with the nurse practitioner this time. Colleen doesn't work Fridays and it was the only day we could go before 5pm for the glucose test, since John doesn't work Fridays. Anyway, I had to wait a while before going into the exam room, and then had to wait at least a half hour before anyone came in.

John and John had left the room after only 10 minutes because there was nothing for little John to play with and he was getting cranky. I almost left once, but instead I opened the door and asked if they forgot about me. Then a graduate student came in to see me before the NP. I didn't like her at all because she was wishy-washy and not really sure of what she was doing or saying. She noticed I gained 10 pounds since my last visit and made a point of telling me. Yeah? You have a problem with that? Then asked about my next ultrasound. "I'm not having one." I was pissed off. Then she asked if I felt at least 6 baby movements each hour, and if not, I should eat something and then lay on my left side and wait. Are you kidding me? This is what you tell every pregnant woman you see? Are you an idiot?

By this time, there was less than 10 minutes before my glucose waiting period was up. The girl measured me, but I had to ask what she came up with. She seemed afraid to touch my stomach, which was also irritating. Then I asked her to use the fetoscope instead of the Doptone and she acted like I had just asked her to perform some ungodly act. She said she didn't know how and would have to wait for the NP. Ok. It doesn't look too difficult to figure out. You're a grad student? In what?

She left. I waited 5 minutes and started out the door again when the NP was about to come in. I said I needed to get down to the lab to have blood drawn in the next 5 minutes. She asked a few questions, but didn't seem interested in mine. She couldn't get the heartbeat with the fetoscope. I told her I was trying to keep the unnecessary ultrasound to a minimum, but she wanted to use the Doptone anyway, and for at least 30 seconds. She asked if Dr. Jones was able to hear with the fetoscope. Well, I don't know who Dr. Jones is, so I guess that would be a no.

Finally I was told I could go. When I walked out of the exam room, I was discovered that a lab technician was on her way up to draw blood. I had to take a few deep breaths to calm myself down before she poked me. I was really pissed off.

Then we went next door to the hospital to check out the maternity unit. They have very nice, big rooms. The security was a bit more relaxed compared to Allegheny General, though. No little alarm bands on the babies with triggering devices near the elevator and no visitor registration downstairs. But there are tubs in each room and stereos and VCRs. The tubs are a little bigger than a regular bathtub and look like they have jets in the sides.

The nurse told us the usual. I asked about EFM use. She said everyone, including Colleen, runs at least a 30 minute strip upon arrival. I asked about cameras and she said no taping of the delivery. It seems a few people have used such tapes as evidence in later trials. So I was not too happy with either answer. I'll have to see what I can do about it. After this visit, I would be happy to hide all signs of labor from John until I'm ready to push and then hope for the best at home.

But on a lighter note. The little guy has been impressing me more and more. We went to the drive-in last night. I think he liked it a lot. There was a little swing for him, and then he got to play in the truck. He finally settled down and fell asleep before the end of the first movie, Anchorman (okay). He slept through the second movie, The Terminal (stupid). We didn't get to bed until 2am. It was a 30 mile drive one way.

He stepped down the two steps from his playroom without holding onto anything a couple days ago, and then the one step at the bottom of the stairs in the living room. He can open doors now, too. What else . . . he hurt his pinky finger Monday night. John was putting fertilizer spikes around the tree in the back yard with this big heavy metal spike thing and kinda asked John to hold onto it. It is very heavy and he couldn't keep it upright and it fell with his little hand holding on and his pinky got smashed between it and a wooden block. There was just a scrap on the outside of his finger, but it seemed like he could have really been hurt. We were going to take him to his doctor's office today after my visit to have someone take a look, but it seemed fine so I canceled the appointment.

He still isn't saying much. No new words since garage and shoes. I'm waiting for mommy and daddy. I can't believe he hasn't said those yet. And he's 17 months old now.

Monday, July 26 (29.7 weeks)
It doesn't look like I'll have a job before I have this baby.

Oh well. We'll figure out how to manage.

I forgot something else John has started doing. He'll grab the back of my head and John's head, push us toward each other and make us kiss. He gets a kick out of it. We had started to kiss in front of him, right in his face, to get him to kiss us. He goes back and forth between being a kissy baby and not wanting to kiss much.

We went to my sister's Saturday for some community park fair thing. There was some live music and John got to dance. Then he played on the playground equipment and really liked it. He was pretty agressive and fearless. He had no problem getting up on stuff and going down the big slides. There were a lot of kids. There were also quite a few pregnant women.

Yesterday we hung around the house. John cleaned the deck and it looks great. Little John took an early nap. I cleaned. I took a short walk, and the guys went a little farther. I started getting some pain in my lower gut last week near the end of a walk around the block and the week before that riding a bike. It went away after I stopped. I mentioned that at my appointment Friday but didn't get any comments on it. I may have to call to complain about the visit.

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