Extravaganza (n.) -- a literary work marked by extreme freedom of style and structure; a lavish or spectacular event.

Hey, all! HERE IT IS! The Extravaganza!

Here at the Extravaganza, there is currently a lot of disco-related schtuff, and a joke page that I am creating with my HUGE file of jokes!

Ok, the following is what has been the original plan since I started the site back in February. This whole Extravaganza is broken down into 2 areas:

Disco-Related Stuff and Humour

Disco-Related Stuff

First, the Disco-Related Stuff consists of WAV files, which can be found on the Disco Sound Page! Also, there are pictures, and cool disco and 70s stuff found throughout the Extravaganza! If you have any sound files or pictures that are disco/70s-related, and you think that they would go well here at the Extravaganza, please send them to me!


And secondly, there is the ever-growing Humour section. Here, Joke Page 1 and Joke Page 2 are found. The jokes are being added slowly but surely! Stay tuned! And of course, they are all intertwined with the Joke List....more info on that later.

And, by the way, if you have jokes that you think are funny, send'em to me at BallODisco@aol.com!

Also, be sure to sign up to my joke list! It's a combination of many other great joke lists, and it's FREE, so you needn't be subscribed to more than mine! If you aren't currently on my list, and you want to be, just send a piece of mail to BallODisco@aol.com! I'll just add you manually like that....But before you sign up, you gotta see my funny disclaimer!


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***LINK TO THE EXTRAVAGANZA!*** Use either discoball.gif (on this page) or banner2.gif (not featured on pages), or any other marking graphic, and use it as a link...if you need help doing it, mail me!

Being you're here.....

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And if you want to be notified when I make changes in the Extravaganza,

And finally, being they make me display this banner (to keep the shortcut address):

My URL: http://fly.to/extravaganza

I got it for free at http://come.to

The Extravaganza's sister site, the Extraordinaire, will be released soon! More details to come!

You are Visitor #! Groovy! :-)

<=== Aren't those neat? I amaze myself! Oh well...easily accomplished! :-) But anyways...

Comments? Input? Disgruntled and/or otherwise blasphemous slander? Send it to me! The address is BallODisco@aol.com! Send whatever you want! I love mail! You can even send... (gasp)...jokes! (Seems to make sense to me!)

DiscoInferno77's Great Extravaganza!


All text on all pages copyright 1998 by the owner; if you wanna rip off any of the pictures, go for it! But consult me before taking any text.

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