by Soulfingaz

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue

Part 11

The next day RJ was driving to his afternoon appointment to meet with his new business partner Wally Wilcott when he heard the sound of police sirens behind his car. He immediately pulled over to the right and stopped his vehicle. As RJ looked in his rearview mirror, he saw John Sykes get out of his Oldsmobile and walk towards his Sonota. RJ already had his license and registration available for John to see, and his hands were on the steering wheel. RJ knew why John was following him, but he kept his cool as Detective Sykes approached the car.

"John, we have to stop meeting like this?" Joked RJ.

"Don't play games with me, Gannon! I know you been sending me those gifts. It ends right now." Demanded John.

"Well look who woke up on the belligerent side of the bed this morning?"

"RJ, if you didn't have that incriminating information in your possession, I'd shove this revolver so far down your throat your breath would taste like gunpowder." Sykes said in an angry tone.

"I guess someone is forgetting about what Judge Fritzwater said about pattern of harrassment."

"You just remember that harrassment is a two-way street and if you keep pushing me, you'll find out how much of a bad cop I could be."

"Oh really? So am I supposed to be scared now? Sykes, you're skating on thin ice right now, so you better be careful because the next time you fall, there'll be no one to catch you."

"Don't you care what you're doing to me?! I'm very desperate here, RJ. I'll even join your gang." Pleaded Sykes.

RJ looked at him and laughed and said, "You want to join my gang?" He giggled. "Thanks for volunteering, but I'm not accepting applications. I'll let you know what I want you to do for me when the time is right. Now I really don't have time to chat. I'm late for my meeting. So give me my ticket and I'll be on my way."

"Why would I do that? You were obeying the speed limit. Sorry for the inconvenience." Apologized Sykes

"You definitely are sorry. A sorry excuse of a police officer with a poor attempt to threaten my life. Now get out of my face!" Scolded RJ as he rolled up his car window and drove away.

John couldn't believe that he backed down to RJ. He usually doesn't make it a point to bow down to the demands of hoodlums like RJ Gannon, but there wasn't anything he could do. John slammed his fists on the hood of his Oldsmobile before he opened his car door and rode off.

The scene switches to RJ Gannon at the doorstep of his new business partner Wally Wilcott. RJ originally was supposed to meet Wally at his Videoland Offices in Downtown Llanview, but Wilcott changed his mind and decided to hold their business meeting at his house. RJ rings the buzzer and when the door opens a beautiful brunette woman is standing in the doorway dressed in a pink and provocative robe and wearing bunny slippers. RJ immediately tells the woman the reason for his visit.

"Hi. My name is RJ Gannon and I'm here for my one o'clock appointment with Wally Wilcott." RJ politely said.

"Well hello." She said as she shook RJ's hand. "You must be the new business partner Wally was telling me about. Come in and make yourself at home!" She said with in a excited and sexy manner.

RJ walks in Wally's home and he's amazed at what he sees. RJ felt like he died and gone to Hollywood. There were wax statues of celebrities, movie posters and various pop culture memoribilla. RJ was truly impressed by his new partner's glamourous house. The woman takes RJ into the den and closes the door behind them. They both sit on the couch in the room.

"Are you thirsty? Can I get you something to drink?"

"I'm all set, ma'am."

"No need to be so formal. By the way, my name is Trisha McDaniels. I'm Wally's wife."

"I didn't know Wally was married."

"I didn't know my husband's new partner was such a hunk. I guess he wanted to surprise me. " She moves real close to RJ and puts her hand on his lap.

RJ feels really uncomfortable that Wilcott's wife is making a pass at him. In a situation like this he would return the favor, but he instead decides to ask Trisha about Wally's whereabouts.

"When do you expect Wally to arrive, Trisha?"

"My husband has no concept of time, but I can keep you occupied until he shows up." Trisha gets up from the couch and opens her robe. She's wearing a very revealing lingerie.

RJ gawks at her provocative appearance.

"Aren't you a married woman?"

"I'm married, but I'm not dead." She moves real closer to RJ. "Let's you and I make beautiful music together. I have a great singing voice. The two of us will make a great duet in bed."

As the sexual tension increases, RJ tries to resist Trisha's passes at him with no success. She continues to pursue him until Wally walks in the room. He's a dark-haired man with sideburns just like his idol Elvis Presley and wearing an Armani suit. He's surprised by what he sees.

"RJ, If you're making a pass at my wife, I want to participate." Said Wally in a playful voice.

"Hi Hubby. How's my sugar daddy doing?" She said as she walked over and hugged him.

"I'm as sweet as peppermint, baby." Wally kisses her on the cheek

RJ looks at Wally completely shocked and baffled and says, "Wally, what is with you?"

"I'm just free-spirited man who loves to have a good time and flaunt my fortune. Glad you can make it out here. Don't mind my wife. She's a flirtatous vixen."

"Like you're not frisky." Responded Trisha as she folded her arms. "You have more one-night stands than an HBO special."

"Yeah and you have more sexual partners than Microsoft has windows, but hey this is an open-relationship. Why not share the love?" Replied Wally.

"You can say that again." Trisha gives Wally a quick kiss on the lips and hugs him.

RJ felt very awkward watching what transpired between Trisha and Wally, but he wasn't there to discuss his loose morals. He was there to conduct business. RJ proceeded to talk to Wally about the meeting.

"Well now that you're here, I'm very anxious to get down to business and see what you have to offer."

"Oh, you mean besides cash? Just kidding. Well, RJ, I do all my business meetings in my hot tub. I have a pair of swim trunks for guests, so don't worry. I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable about my lifestyle. I'm not shy about it and neither is my wife."

"No problem. I'm just here for the meeting."

"Alright then. Let's go to the hot tub and discuss business, RJ." Wally then turns to his wife and talks to her. "Trisha, my new partner and I are going to be in the hot tub for awhile, so hold my calls." He said to Trisha as he slapped her butt.

"Stop being so fresh."

"When you stop looking so foxy, I'll stop being so fresh." He kisses Trisha again and she leaves the room.

Ten minutes later RJ and Wally are in the hot tub accompanied by four gorgeous women. They were associates of Wally and their names were Monica, Monique, Cheryl and Silvia. Monique and Monica had their hands all over RJ's smooth and muscular chest while Wally had his arms around Cheryl and Silvia. The four of them are drinking a glass of champagne. RJ takes a quick sip of his drink and commented to Wally about his house.

"I felt like I died and gone to hot tub heaven. Wally, you sure know how to live lavishly." RJ said as Monica gave his back a massage.

"Naturally. You see, RJ, I make it point to take pleasure in my business, and afterwards indulge in the fruits of my labor. When I was growing up a poor kid in Boston, my goal was to live a lap of luxury, and now that I achieved my dream, I'm going to enjoy my success."

"You definitely have a lot to show for it. Not bad."

"Exactly. I'm a self-made man. I owe nobody nothing and I want to keep it that way."

"So am I. I like being my own boss as well. So let's talk about your business proposal for Indigo."

"Certainly. I want to transform Club Indigo to the premiere entertainment epicenter of nightlife. I'm talking about major advertisement in magazines, Television, radio you name it. With my knack for marketing and your ear for music we'll be a hit. Who knows? We might be able to have a franchise of Indigos like my video stores."

"Sounds good, but before we go any further we need to rebuild the club."

"I was just getting to that, RJ. I could have Club Indigo rebuilt within six months. That shouldn't be a problem. I have friends who are in the construction business. They'll have Club Indigo up on its feet in no time."

"I'm anxious to set Indigo in motion, and you're just the right partner I need to make it happen."

"You can say that again, but I would like to make some additions to the club."

"Like what?"

"I was thinking about bringing in comedians to spruce up the place and some theme nights like celebrity impersonation night and Elvis night."

"Are you out of your mind? Club Indigo has an upscale jazz style to it and I'm not about to compromise what it stands for, for a pop culture approach."

"I see where you're coming from, RJ and I'm not asking you to change a thing. I'm just asking you to expand it more so we can increase our clientele. I'm not much of a jazz buff, I'm more into golden oldies, top forty and Rock N' Roll. I think if we are to take Indigo to the next level, we have to be willing broaden the appeal of it."

"I'll get back to you on that, Wally." RJ said in a firm and confident voice.

"Fair enough. We'll cross that bridge once we get there." Responded Wally.

A message comes over the intercom for Wally. The butler is informing him that Asa Buchanan is here to see him. Wilcott tells the butler to escort Asa to the hot tub room to speak with him further. The butler walks Asa into the room and then exits. Asa strolls toward the hot tub where RJ, Wally and their female companions are. He then makes himself comfortable by sitting on the folding chair next to the hot tub and then initaties a discussion with Wally.

"Quite a place you got here, Wally. I especially like the autographed poster of John Wayne you have framed in the living room."

"Glad you like John Wayne. You have great taste in celebrities."

"Speaking of taste, I would watch your back around RJ. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing."

RJ smirks at Asa and says, "I don't recall asking you for a character reference. You must be getting absent-minded in your old age." Quipped RJ.

Sensing animosity between RJ and Asa, Wally steps in and tries to change the subject.

"Listen, gentlemen, we're not here to exchange unpleasantries. We're here to conduct business, so let's settle down." Reminded Wally.

"You're right, Wally. I'll settle down alright." Asa gets up out of his seat and goes toward Monica and Monique by the hot tub. "Why engage in petty insults with these sexy young phillies around? "Hey baby!" He said to Monique. "Once you go Buchanan, you'll never go back." Remarked Asa as he put his hand on her chin.

RJ butts in and asks, "If that's true, why is Nora now with Sam?" Inquired RJ.

"You sorry son-of-a-bitch! I oughta choke you." Threatened Asa.

"Enough already." Wally says to the both of them. "I didn't invite you to my home Asa to make cheapshots at RJ. I invited you here because I'm interested in purchasing the Wild Rose Casino."

Asa sits back in the chair and says, "What makes you think I want to part with the Casino?"

"I'll throw in that autograph John Wayne poster for you to close the deal. It's valued at half-a-million dollars. That should make the interest."

"Come to think of it, Renee has been pressuring me to do something with that place since its been sitting around collecting cobwebs and dust. You got a deal, Wilcott." Asa said to Wally as the two shook hands. "I'll draw the contracts out and have them ready for you ASAP."

"Thanks Asa. Pleasure doing business with you. Feel free to drop by when you're in the neighborhood. Bring the wife too."

"We'll be in touch, Wally." Asa walks out the hot tub room.

RJ's female companions were busy rubbing his chest and stroking his dreds. He was in total ectasy and had forgotten the whole thing with Asa. Wally resumes conversing with RJ.

"Sorry for the interruption, RJ, but that was a business transaction I needed to nip in the bud."

"Well even if it was with a rotten apple like Asa, you handled it well."

"That's the bottom line. Now this calls for a celebration. I'm going to order some refreshments. Some nice exotic delicacies." Wally put his finger on the intercom and tells the butler to bring his sweets.

The butler brings Wally's sweets in a green cannister and leaves the room. RJ inquires about what's in the cannister.

"Do you have cookies in there, Wally?" Asked RJ.

"I have cookies, alright. Powder cookies. Very yummy." Responded Wally.

Wilcott opens the cannister and in it is small bags of cocaine. He takes it out and shows RJ and the women.

"Nose candy!" The women said in unison.

RJ looks at Wally disgust and said, "Are you nuts?"

"The only thing I'm nuts about is nose candy. Now dig in, RJ." Wally said as he set a line for RJ.

"Hell no! Not now and not ever." RJ shouted as he knocked the tray aside.

"RJ, I'm no junkie. I have my cocaine usage under control. I hope this doesn't affect our plans to do business together."

"Wally, in the business world you are either one out of two things. You are either on the way or in the way, and you're definitely in my way. I'm buying you out."

"With what money, Gannon? Max told me you were bankrupt. Let's face it. I'm your last chance. No bank is going to loan money to you. You're a risk."

"You're the risk, Wally, and I'm not about to put the club and my freedom on the line with a druggie like you. I'm outta here." RJ gets out of the hot tub and walks out.

"You'll be back, Gannon. I'm your best shot at reviving Indigo. You hear me?!" Exclaimed Wally.

RJ was very furious that Wally would try to offer him drugs. He hated being around that type of atmosphere and wasn't afraid to tell anyone about it. Especially since his niece Rachel had once fallen sway to cocaine. Now that he saw the other side of his business partner, he knew that he couldn't get involved with him. He needed another alternative to get money to re-open Indigo. RJ quickly got dressed and got into his Sonota and drove away.

The scene switches to Delmarco Delgado making a phone call on the docks to a mysterious person.

"Phase one completed. RJ and I made contact." Del said.

"Splendid. Keep RJ under surveillance and don't advance until necessary. I expect your next report in twenty-four hours." The mysterious man said.

"Will do." Del hangs up the phone and walks away.

The scene switches to Washington DC in the shadows of the mysterious man's office. On his desk is a open classified file with pictures of RJ Gannon. The cover of the file reads: TOP PRIORITY.

To Be Continued....

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue