by Soulfingaz

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue

Part 17

"So why are you spending the night over here anyway, RJ?" Blair curiously asked as she massaged RJ's shoulders.

"Well my apartment was broken into and your darling aunt was kind enough to let me stay here until my home is repaired."

"You mean I have to put up with you until then?!"

"Will that be a problem, Blair?"

"No, and even if it was I'm not going to let you run me out of my home."

"Naturally. This is your turf and not mine. Why should you leave because of me?"

"RJ, I hope that you aren't taking advantage of my Aunt Dorian. I know how much of a conniver you are."

"Why do you think I would take advantage of Dorian?"

"Don't play Mr. Innocent with me. I know how you like to prey on people when they're weak and vunerable. When I met you in Atlantic City, you used Max's gambling addiction against him."

"Don't even go there. I'm surprised you would imply that I would take advantage of Dorian's hospitality to freeload off of her. I'm her best friend and I been here for Dorian even when her family wasn't. Speaking of which, Kelly and yourself should be more supportive of her. Your aunt really needs her nieces right now."

"I know what you're talking about, RJ. This is about Kelly and I not going to David's funeral. I'm sick of funerals. I lost too many people in my life and I'm tired of getting teary-eyed and saying "goodbye". As for Kelly, she's had a hard time with the untimely deaths of Ian and Drew. She wasn't up for it either. None of us were, which was why we ended up yelling and screaming at each other and not talking afterwards."

"That's terrible. I hope you Cramer women can work your problems out and make up."

"Let's change the subject. How are you liking my massage?"

"I think you can do better. Damn, your hands are so cold and stiff. Put your weight into it." Joked RJ.

"You ungrateful creep." Blair smacks RJ on the back. "I'm going to kill you."

Blair and RJ began to playfully wrestle and tickle each other on the couch. They were both laughing and giggling. She then got on top of RJ and gazed in his gleaming eyes. She started to move closer to his lips when the doorbell rings.

"Dammit! It's the door. I'll go and get it."

"You do that. I'll be right here waiting for you to return."

Blair went to go answer the door. When she opened it, she was surprised to see Max. Holden and her haven't been on the best of terms lately since the awful situation that happened at Rodi's. Max was feeling guilty about what he called her, while Blair wasn't in the mood for him. She immediately asked him what he was doing here.

"Max, what do you want?!" She asked impatiently.

"Blair, you've been on my mind for awhile and I want to work things out between us."

"There is no US Max. Not anymore."

"You haven't been returning any of my phone calls and I miss you deeply. Look, I know I messed up going after your cousin Kelly, but I want to put that behind us now and start on a clean slate."

"Max, can't you take a hint already? I don't want a relationship with you again."

"I know. You want to throw it away over RJ, right?"

"This has nothing to do with him."

Blair and Max are unaware that RJ is easedropping on their conversation. When RJ hears his name mentioned in their conversation, he walks over and decides to join in.

"Did someone mention my name?" RJ asked with a smile on face.

"I knew it!" Angered Max. "I had a feeling that something was happening between you two. I knew it from the look on your face."

"The only thing going on between RJ and I is in your own sick and twisted imagination."

"Then why is he here?"

"I'll answer this, Blair. That's none of your business. Now why don't you go home and take it easy before you do something stupid."

"Well I couldn't do any worse than Blair. She must've been brain dead to be with a scum-sucker like you."

"Max, don't you think for a minute that the restraining order you have against me will deter me from kicking your ass, but this isn't the time or place for that, so get lost."

"I don't hear Blair telling me to leave." Max looks at Blair.

"You heard him Max." Smirked Blair.

"Fine. Good riddens." Max walks away.

Blair slams the door loudly and is so relieved that Holden left her doorstep. RJ was pleased that the outcome of his confrontation with Max was peaceful. He put his hand on Blair's shoulder.

"Are you alright, Blair?"

"I'm okay. I just need to sleep this off". Blair quietly said.

Meanwhile Max was driving home. He turns on the radio to forget the scene that transpried not long ago. Holden is disgusted to hear songs like "All By Myself", "Missing You" and "Everytime You Go Away". The moment he heard those songs, he thought of Blair. He turned off the radio and opted on a silent ride home.

Max finally arrives home. Once inside his house, he goes in his liquor cabinet and fixes himself a glass of Vodka mixed with orange juice. Shortly after he hears a knock at the door. When he opens the door, it's John Sykes. The two immediately initate a discussion.

"Hello John. What brings you here?" Max asked.

"I'm here to ask you questions about a mutual dreadlocked friend of ours."

"Oh you mean my ex-partner ?"

"Yep. Him."

"Well come inside, Johnny. Make yourself at home. I'll help you out with anything you need."

"Thanks Max." John walks inside Max's house and closes the door.

Holden and John then have a seat in the kitchen and strike a further conversation about RJ.

"So what do you want to know about RJ?" Max asked as he guzzled down his mix drink.

"I heard that RJ and yourself have a very complicated history together and I wanted to know if you can tell me all you know about him. From the time you met him until the present."

"You don't beat around the bush, do you? You want a beer, John?"

"No thanks. I don't drink on-duty." Replied John.

"Come on, John. Loosen up and have a brew. Don't make me look like an alcoholic."

"Alcoholics aren't made in a day, Max."

"Considering my spare time, I should practice. Maybe I'll be good at it." Max goes in the freezer and gets a Budweiser. "Looks like more beer for me. Have a cola then."

"Thanks for the cola, Max." John takes the cola from Max's hand and sets it on the table. "Now let's talk about RJ Gannon."

Max then sits down and tells John his history with RJ Gannon while he rapidly guzzles down his beer. During their chat, Max singlehandedly consumed a six-pack of beer. They sit and talk for an hour about him until Max passes out. John wakes Max up.

"Holden!" John Shakes him. "Rise and shine."

"Oh, I'm awake." Max opens his eyes. "Where was I? Oh I told you that I met him in Atlantic City, right?"

"Yeah and you also told me how RJ hired some hoods to give you a hard time, and how you lost all your money and businesses and were no longer able to take care of your kids. I think that covers it."

"I mentioned Blair, right?"

"Several times her name came up in your story. Well, Max, I want to thank you for your time and we'll be in touch." John gets up and heads for the door.

"If you need my help again, don't hestitate to call me. I like cops."

John says nothing to Max and walks out the door. Holden then closes his door. When he takes another step, he tripped and passed out on the floor.

While in the car, John begins to think of the best way to handle RJ. Sykes thinks about how he can beat him at his own game.

The next morning RJ, Blair, Kelly and Starr were in the living room waiting for Dorian to come downstairs. While Dorian was upstairs, RJ decided to kill time by performing some magic tricks for Starr. Starr was amused when RJ pulled a quarter from the back of her ear and she was also dazzled by his card tricks. Blair and Kelly were smiling and having a good time as RJ continued to entertain Starr with his charming tricks.

Moments later, Dorian came downstairs and she was happy with what she observed in her living room. Tears of joy ran down her cheek as she saw her family gathered around and having fun. Dorian hasn't been this happy in awhile and seeing her family and best friend made her smile. She quickly shared the good news with her nieces about Mel being alive. She even showed them a picture of him that was a bit wet from her tears. Kelly and Blair were in disbelief about the whole thing and Starr didn't understand it. RJ was grateful that his friend was doing okay. He kind of had his doubts about whether Mel was alive or not, but he put his suspicions aside for the time being.

Dorian then told them that she was going aboard to see Cassie and then follow up on Mel Hayes. It wasn't long before it was time for Dorian to go to the airport. RJ helped Dorian carry her things to the car and drove her there. Blair, Kelly and Starr rode along with them. Minutes later at the airport, Dorian, RJ, Kelly Blair and Starr engaged in a group hug when it was time for Dorian to get on the plane. As she walked towards the gate, she waved "goodbye" and left for her trip to Switzerland. The four of them looked out the window and watched the plane Dorian boarded on fly into the sky.

Later that day, RJ went to the Crossroads to see Sophia. He walked in as she was practicing her pool game and heard her mumble to herself.

"Dammit. I'm never going to be ready in time for the pool tournament." Sophia said as she missed getting one of the balls in the left pocket.

"Now how are you going to win with an attitude like that?" Smiled RJ.

Sophia turned around and was thrilled to see RJ Gannon.

To Be Continued ....

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue