by Soulfingaz

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue

Part 29

While Sophia and RJ were dealing with their latest predicament, Detective John Sykes was arriving at his apartment after a hectic and busy day at the police station. Now that Sykes is no longer dating Tea Delgado, his after work activities consisted of viewing his favorite movies on videocassette like “Eddie and The Cruisers” and “Reservoir Dogs”. Watching these two movies were escapist entertainment for John because it gave him the opportunity to live vicariously through different characters in the films.

Sykes would also spend endless hours looking at his partially blackened out birth certificate wondering who his biological parents were and if he has any siblings. John also enjoyed reading his favorite column in The Banner called “Ask Rae”. Before Sykes engaged in his regular routine, he decided to go through his mail.

When John looked through his pile of mail, he noticed a letter that stood out like a sore thumb. The envelope was postmarked from Acapulco and was sent via airmail. There was no return address on the envelope and John wanted to know who wrote him. Sykes quickly opened the envelope and was surprised by what he saw.

It was a picture of Tea, Todd and Roseanne on the beach. The photo came with a note attached to it that read: GUESS WHO CAME OUT TO PLAY? John was in a state of disbelief when he saw the letter. He thought someone was playing a joke on him.

Since John found this revelation so hard to swallow, he decided to go to the warehouse where he had secretly locked away his ex-girlfriend and her niece to make sure the mail he received from Acapulco wasn’t true. As soon as Sykes arrived at the warehouse, he quickly ran upstairs to see if Tea and Rosie were in the room.

When John went to the area where he locked Tea and Rosie, he was shocked that the door was busted. Sykes walked inside and saw graffiti spray painted all over the walls that read: TODD & TEA FOREVER./ John was consumed with anger and fear that Tea and Rosie managed to escape from the room, along with his secrets. He was more worried that his days as a police detective were coming to an end.

The scene switches to Sophia and RJ walking down towards a long and bumpy road. If there was a time Sophia felt guilty in her life, this was it. She felt partially responsible for what happened and she couldn’t bare to look RJ in the face.

As the two of them were walking, there was nothing but dead silence. The lack of noise and chatter was driving Sophia nuts. Sophia began to realize what she had done and she desperately wanted to make up for it. For awhile, Sophia was starting to justify her role in the ambush by saying to herself that RJ deserved to pay for standing her up at the pool hall. After all, he lied about why he didn’t show up, she thought.

Sophia then briefly reflected on the officer that assaulted RJ. When she gazed in the cop’s face, she noticed that the cop reminded her of someone she encountered before. As Sophia recalled the police officer’s mannerisms and voice, she made a shocking discovery.

Sophia immediately recognized the officer as the man who tried to assault her by the pool hall sometime ago. When she realized this, Sophia knew that she had been lead astray by Marco. Although Sophia set up the ambush, the rest of plan was in Marco’s hands. Sophia didn’t ask too many questions regarding the plan because she knew Marco was going to take care of it.

Realizing that she had been used, Sophia was determined to tell RJ the truth. But first, she had to put RJ at ease before she told him of her role in this fiasco. Sophia quickly initiated a conversation in an effort to break the silence between RJ and her.

“God, I feel like my feet are going to fall off from all this damn walking.” Complained Sophia.

“Well get use to it.” Remarked RJ in a cynical tone. “Those good ol’ boys in blue took the Sonota, so we’ll have to do without.”

“This isn’t our night.” She stated in a exhausted manner.

“I don’t think it ever was, Sophia.”

“Why do you say that?” Sophia asked as she looked at him curiously.

“Ask the cops.” He responded.

When Sophia heard RJ make a reference to the cops, she was nervous. The bad vibes she received from RJ when they were walking was making her spine tingle and her skin shiver like a cold winter day. In her mind, RJ’s attitude was unpredictable like a tornado. His mood was explosive like an atomic bomb. For the time being, Sophia decided to close the subject.

“I’ll leave it at that.” Gulped Sophia.

“Why bother? Those two cops were serving and protecting themselves. I’m not going to worry about it.”

“Do you really feel that way?”

“Let’s just say sooner or later everybody will get what’s coming to them. Mark my words.” RJ slyly said.

Sophia realized getting RJ to express his feelings was a major mistake. She started to feel very uncomfortable about the whole situation. After hearing RJ talk, she was convinced that he was onto her. Sophia decided to save face and tell RJ the truth.

“RJ.” She paused as he looked into her teary eyes. “There’s something I have to get off of my chest. I’m not sure if you’re going to like me after I say this, but I want to clear the air with you once and for all.”

“You said a mouthful so far. I’m all ears.” RJ eagerly said.

“Those two cops were phony.”

“Now that’s something I already suspected.” RJ’s suspicions were confirmed. He knew that this whole scenario had the word “scam” written all over it. Sophia backed up RJ’s theory.

“There’s more to it than that. You see, this whole ambush is my fault. My mother’s ex- boyfriend arranged the ambush. He also fixed the pool tournament so we would win and he would make a killing gambling on us. The plan was for myself and him to skip town with all the money. I’m sorry.” Sophia said as she put her head down.

“I’m not sure what’s painful; getting clocked by that so-called cop or getting backstabbed by you?!” Blasted RJ.

“This wasn’t easy for me, either. I did all this because you had the nerve to stand me up at the pool hall for another woman. But, you know something, I don’t care why you were with her. You’re just like all the other men I’ve dealt with.”

RJ was shocked when he realized that Sophia knew that he met with Tea shortly before their pool date. Caught between a rock in a hard place, RJ decided to fudge his way out by being noble to her.

“If you felt that I wronged you, why didn’t you come to me in the first place?”

“I dunno. I wanted to do that, but my mom’s ex said that the best way to beat someone like you was at your own game.”

“Well you shouldn’t play games like this. Do two wrongs make a right?”

“You do the math. None of us are perfect. We all fall short of the glory.”

“And there’s nothing glorious than setting a person up to get robbed. You’re a real class act, Sophia.”

“Well I told you the truth, didn’t I? Shouldn’t that count for something?” Sophia looked at RJ for his approval.

“What good is that going to do now? The damage is done.” Smirked RJ.

“Well I intend to make things right. Starting now.” Sophia said in a determined voice.

“I’m not sure if I could trust you, and what was all that talk about comparing me to the other guys?” Wondered RJ.

“It’s just that when I first met you that I thought you were above being a player. My first impression of you was that of a knight in shinning armor that came into my life to rescue me from boredom and poverty.”

“Nice perception, but it seems like you were more hung up on a fantasy version of me rather knowing the real person.”

“You think? I tried and tried to know the real you and each time you pulled away. Did jail hardened your heart?

“If prison did anything for me, it deepened my self-awareness to what goes on around me. I keep to myself. ”

“That’s a horrible way to live, not confiding in someone.”

“I’m involved in a business that’s not well-embraced by the law-abiding community, so I’m careful about who I choose to let into my circle, other than the people I have dealings with. I have to be discreet and cautious at all times.”

Sophia easily read between the lines and figured that RJ was more than just a club owner. She understood that RJ’s line of work also consisted of illegitimate business ventures. Sophia wasn’t turned off that RJ participated in shady activities. RJ’s confession to the contrary actually intrigued her. After hearing him explain his reasons for keeping to himself, Sophia knew that there was one question that she had to ask him.

“Have you thought about leaving it?”

“Lord knows I tried, but when you’re in deep as I am, it’s not that simple. Things have a tendency of following you.” Explained RJ.

“Well you should have someone to have your back. Like me.” She offered.

“Like you? You expect me to forget that you tried to set me up?!” Exclaimed RJ.

“I don’t expect you to, RJ. In fact I deserve all this treatment.” Sophia nodded her head in agreement.

“Nothing personal, Sophia, but I always look out for number one, because numbers two and up are ambitious.”

“You act as though you have eyes behind your head.”

“It’s just instinct and insight. We all have it. It’s just that some of us don’t use it.”

“I just want to know if you could ever forgive me? After all, we did dirt to each other. So all of this deceit should balance itself out.”

“I’m not the forgiving type, Sophia. I’m not sure if I ever will be.”

RJ could hear Hank’s chilling words to him about forgiveness in his head as he answered Sophia’s question.

“I never thought I could be a person to tell the truth, but I’m doing it now.” Added Sophia.

“Well I’m telling you the truth about where I stand as far as forgiving you, or can’t you accept that?”

“I won’t and I’ll tell you why: I don’t have that many friends and I notice the connection the two of us have being outcasts and all. I don’t want to lose what we have because I don’t know if I’ll ever get it back.”

“You’re really that determined to fight for our friendship?”

“I want to redeem myself and start on a clean slate. My feelings for you are as real as the tears on my face. “ Sophia said as her eyes started running like a leaky faucet.

“In that case, who am I to stand in the way of your beliefs and convictions?” RJ said as he cracked a smile on his face.

RJ looked into her eyes and realized that there was truth to what she was saying. Although he was wary of being trusting and opening his soul to Sophia, He wasn’t sure whether he could let go of a grundge or be forgiving. He reluctantly agreed to try.

“You’re just looking out for number one. I just want to help you out.” Grinned Sophia.

“You know something, I never had anyone fight so hard for me before.”

“There’s a first time for everything.”

“Well let’s make your second chance count.”

“Thank you, RJ.” Sophia kisses him. “Thank you so much!” She kisses him again.

“Before we celebrate, I want in on this scheme.” He demanded.

“You already are, RJ. You already are.”

“You’re so self-assuring.”

“I know.”

“You didn’t know until I told you. Now let’s get down to business.” RJ put his arm around Sophia.

RJ and Sophia quickly put their heads together to formulate a plan. The two were now a team once again, working together for a common cause.

The next morning Sophia had a rendezvous with Marco Dane at an all-night restaurant by the docks called the Crow Bar. Unbeknownst to Dane, Sophia slipped a mickey finn in his glass of orange juice. After they finished their drinks, the two walked outside the parking lot where they continued their conversation.

“I’m telling you, Sophia, you are going to like the tropics. Fresh air, sandy beaches and lots of sun. It’ll be everything you dreamed of. Damn, I feel groggy.” Marco said as the effects of the Mickey Finn were kicking in.

“I know what you mean, Marco. I can’t wait to experience it for myself.”

“Sophia, I don’t feel so good. I shouldn’t have guzzled down that ojay so quickly.” Marco hears footsteps behind him. He turned around and is surprised to see RJ Gannon. “You?” He said as he fell to the ground.

RJ smiled and said, “You’re right. It’ll be everything she dreamed of, except you’ll be out of the picture.”

To Be Continued


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue