by Soulfingaz

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue

Dark Agenda
Part 23

Influenced by the story he watched on the tabloid TV show "Top Edition", RJ devised a plan that would require the skills and expertise of Detective John Sykes. Since RJ started blackmailing John, he made it a point to belittle Sykes and make him sweat, but now RJ felt that the time was right to utilize the incriminating information on John to its fullest extent. Aside from concocting his latest scheme, RJ's mind was on Sophia.

Earlier this evening, RJ was supposed to meet Sophia at the pool hall, but he got so caught up with Tea and Delmarco Delgado that he didn't make it to the pool hall in time. When RJ tracked Sophia down at her house, he was able to convince her that he went to go see Rachel at Statesville and his car brokedown on the highway. Once again RJ talked his way out of a difficult situtation. RJ also didn't want to drag Sophia into his personal war with Detective John Sykes.

On the other hand, Sophia found herself cornered by a big, frightening brute outside the pool hall. Thanks to the help of Marco, she was able to escape the man's grasp unharmed. Marco also gave Sophia one-hundred dollars to keep her mouth shut and to not tell RJ or the police about what happened to her. Sophia wanted to tell RJ all about Marco, but she didn't want to break her word to him. Sophia also feared that more random acts of assault and battery would occur if she spoke about the incident.

Sophia and RJ focused their thoughts once more on the shocking news report entitled "When Hoods Go Hi-Tech." After the program ended, RJ took Sophia home. Soon after RJ dropped Sophia at her apartment, he made a stop at a payphone and called John Sykes. RJ inserted his thirty five cents into the phone slot and dialed the number to Sykes' apartment. RJ then waited for John to answer the phone.

"I know you're there, John. Pick up the phone." RJ impatiently said.

The scene switches to John's apartment where Tea and he are having an important discussion about their relationship. Sykes ignores the phone ringing in the background and let's the answering machine take the call. The caller didn't leave a message on the machine, but called again instead, much to John's surprise. Agitated from the constant ringing of the phone, John excused himself from Tea to go answer it. He picks it up and is shocked to hear RJ's voice.

"It's about time you answered your phone." Snapped RJ.

"Can you call me back? I have company." John asked.

"This isn't a social call, detective. Meet me at the docks in about an hour. No excuses. No exceptions." Demanded RJ.

"Swell. I'll talk to you later." Responded John.

"You better be there, Sykes or you'll live to regret it." Warned RJ as he hung up the phone.

Meanwhile at John's apartment, Tea observed the way John was acting on the phone and asked him if he was okay.

"Hun, is everything alright?" Tea asked in a concerned voice.

"Yeah." John nervously said. "That was just one of the boys from the station. They called to give me an update on the serial rapist investigation." Explained Sykes as he lied to Tea.

"I notice you been very busy since you were assigned to this case. I hope you catch him. Right now it's not safe to walk the streets with that maniac running around."

"The streets will be safe once I put that scum behind bars where he belongs." Vowed John as he secretly pictured RJ in a jail cell.

The serial rapist investigation provided the perfect cover for John to continue his personal war against RJ Gannon. Sykes noticed how glum Tea looked and quickly changed the subject.

"Well, Tea, I believe you're here because you want to talk about our relationship. Reminded John.

"I know it's been hard to spend time with you since you've been working around the clock to apprehend this rapist, but I really miss you. It seems like the two of us have been drifiting away. I'm not sure if I know you anymore."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because lately you seem very withdrawn, almost like you're hiding something."

"That's nonsense, Tea. I have nothing to hide from you. I told you about myself. We have no problem being intimate, so what's on your mind? Why are you saying all these things?"

"John, I'm just going to be straight with you. I had a run-in with RJ earlier this evening and he said some awful things about you that were unbelievable." Disclosed Tea.

John looked at Tea and feared the worst. He was worried that RJ told Tea his secrets, but he wanted to know what RJ revealed to Tea without saying too much to her. John then continued to ask Tea about her encounter with RJ.

"So what did that bastard tell you about me?" John curiously asked.

"It wasn't what he said, John. It was what he showed me." Responded Tea in a calm voice. "So tell me, John. Is RJ telling the truth?"

John's worst fears were confirmed. RJ not only told Tea his secrets, he showed her pictures of all the dirt he did. John was having problems looking Tea in the eye and answering her question, but he tried without breaking a sweat.

"Now come on, Tea. RJ's a conniver. Why would you believe what he has to say?" John said nervously.

Tea looked at him and notice how John eyes were twitching. It was obvious that he was hiding something, but she wanted to hear what Sykes had to say about it.

"John I want to believe you, but I need you to level with me. Is RJ telling the truth?" Persisted Tea.

"I don't think you can handle the truth."

"Try me?"

"What did RJ show you?"

"Well on RJ's videotape, you were dressed as drag queen singing showtunes and I also saw you fatally shooting a police officer in cold blood. Now I want to hear your side of the story."

"There's no story tell. RJ's selling you a bill of goods." Denied John.

"I guess I was right. I don't know you. I'm not sure if I can see you again. Tea sadly said.

"I don't believe this. You're going to believe that loser over your own boyfriend?! It sounds like you're the one who doesn't value our relationship."

"Relationships are built on trust, honesty and communication. We're not connecting, John."

"Okay, you want to know the truth? RJ's right! I'm a cross-dressing, killer cop. There. Are you happy?!" Exclaimed John.

"No. I'm far from it. I would like to know more about this." Tea curiously said.

"I can't tell you Tea." Paused John. "What I will say is when I did those things I was a completely different person. A reckless, irresponsible, young man who was tired of living up to a wholesome, family values image perpertrated by my late guardian. Now I'm an older, confident, responsible and wiser human being. I'm the man who you fell in love with and I'm entitled to a second chance. Everybody can change."

"I'm not sure what to believe, John. I don't think this relationship can work. We need some time apart."

"This is exactly what RJ wants. He wants us to break-up. I'm sure we can work it out."

"You want to work this out, John? Turn yourself in. I'm sure if you explain your circumstances to Bo and Hank, something can be worked out."

"Are you kidding? That's the last thing I'll do. I'm not going to prison. Do you know what they do to police officers in jail?"

"It can't be worse than the prison you're living in right now. You locked yourself in your own web of deceit. I'll tell you what, I'll accompany you to the station." Offered Tea.

"I'm not turning myself in. I'll take my chances outside of the bighouse." John said in a stubborn voice.

"If that's the way you want it, fine. I'm not going to tell Commissioner Buchanan, if you're wondering, but I'm not staying with you." Tea starts to walk out of John's apartment when John stops her from leaving.

"Tea, I have an idea. Why don't you try to seduce RJ and entrap him by wearing a wire?" Suggested John.

"I'm not going to be used as bait in your mousetrap."

"Why not? You can't catch a rat without a piece of cheese."

Tea slaps John in the face. She wanted to tell John that RJ set his own club on fire, but she feared what RJ would do to her if she told him about it. Tea then snapped at Sykes.

"Is that what you think of me?" Tea asked in a disgusted voice.

"You're my woman, Tea. You're supposed to stand by me, not away from me."

"I would like to, John, but not like this. I'm sorry."

"No you're not. You're doing this because I'm not good for you. Admit it? You had no trouble standing behind Todd, but I'm a problem. So what's wrong with me? What type of mental disorder do I have to have? What crimes do I have to commit? Am I trying too hard?"

"This has nothing to do with Todd. It's about doing the right thing. When you're ready to turn yourself in, give me a call."

"I guess our relationship is over. Nice knowing you, counselor."

"Too bad I can't say the same for you, John." Tea exits John's apartment.

John looked at the time and realized he had less than ten minutes to go meet with RJ. He grabbed his coat and left his apartment. John arrived at the docks and spotted RJ along with two menacing, musclebound goons with guns.

RJ's henchmen did a thorough search of John for wiretaps and weapons. They found a revolver on John and took it away from him. RJ then ordered his henchmen to leave John and himself alone while the two of them discussed business.

"Well look what the cat dragged in?" Smiled RJ.

"Well look what the dog forgot to take out?" Quipped John.

"I notice that you're not wearing one of the ties I sent you. I guess you prefer sporting prison jumpsuits."

"That's funny because I rather see you wearing some nice and shinny silver bracelets, but I can't get everything I want." Retorted John.

"Well I can. I'm taking you up on your offer to join my gang."

"What makes you think I want to be down with your posse, Huggy Bear?" John said in a condescending tone.

"You have no choice, cop. My gang or the chain gang?" RJ said in a stern voice.

"Go to Hell, Gannon." Answered John.

"Like or not, John. You're already in my gang, and what you're going to do for me is retrieve confidential LPD files regarding current police stings along with the names and pictures of the undercover officers and the cases they're assigned to within the next twenty-four hours."

"You're asking me to betray my co-workers? I'm not going to do that." Stated John.

"That wasn't a suggestion. It was an order. You either follow my instructions or suffer the consequences." RJ said in a firm tone.

John was caught between a rock in a hard place. Betraying his family on the force or losing his freedom. Sykes was literally shaking in his boots. RJ was delighted that his foe was reduced to being his lapdog and that his plans for him was about to take shape.

To Be Continued


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue