by Soulfingaz

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue

Part 8

RJ and Sophia were displeased with the article they seen about their escapade at The Crossroads Tavern. They were hoping that The Banner newspaper was going to give them the credit and recognition they deserved for their bravery and heroism for facing off against the armed robber. The undaunted duo were overlooked and underappreciated for their courageous efforts. Nonetheless, RJ once again read the article and summed it up in one phrase.

"Talk about all the news that's fit to print." RJ stated while reading the article.

"Tell me about it, RJ. These days nothing surpises me."

"Same here. Say, how did you find my house?" Inquired RJ.

"That's easy. Your address was listed in the article. You see it? " Sophia said pointing to RJ's address in the article in The Banner.

"Yeah, I see it now. I must have missed it."

"RJ, I thought for sure that the robbery at The Crossroads was going to be front page news."

"Don't worry about it." RJ put his hand on her shoulder. "Who needs their publicity? After all, we stood our ground against that jerk and that's the only thing that's important. Besides, if he didn't slip on the floor, who knows what would've happened. At least we're alive to talk about it."

"True. Speaking of which, the armed robber wants to file a lawsuit against The Crossroads."

"You're kidding, right?"

"No I'm not. He wants to sue for his slip and fall accident." Divulged Sophia

RJ laughs upon hearing that the robber wants to sue. Sophia and he then sit on the couch and finish their discussion. Sophia gets real cozy on RJ's sofa and is looking forward to seducing him into a moment of hot and passionate romance. Although RJ is very flattered by Sophia's crush on him, he's uncertain about what her true intentions are. RJ keeps Sophia at arms length until he figures out what she's up to.

"I wouldn't worry about that if I were you. The Judge will throw that case out of court faster than you can say "Soap on a rope." Smiled RJ.

"You and I make a great team. Have you thought about entering the pool tournament?"

RJ stares at Sophia very suspiciously and replies, "I knew there was reason why you came over here. You haven't been able to get that pool tournament out of your mind."

"Come on, RJ. You should enter it. We can clobber the competition together."

"I'll get back to you on that, Sophia."

"Well, whether we play pool or not we should teamup sometime. You can be my Joker to my Harley Quinn."

"I'm not into roleplaying games."

"So what are you into?" Sophia questioned as she stared deep into RJ's big brown irresistable eyes.

"Clean living and hot showers."

"Sounds good to me. Can I join you?"

"Slow down. Let's take our time here."

"Oh, RJ, you need to finish giving me pool lessons." She crossed her legs and moved closer to RJ. She had her hands in her long brown culy hair awaiting RJ's answer.

"I will in due time. Right now I have to take care of business."

"So you're playing hard to get with me? I like that."

"I know you do." RJ gets up from the couch. "Thanks for stopping by. I don't mean to be rude, but I have some work that needs to be done."

"Okay, I'll leave you to your business." Sophia gets up from the couch and heads toward the door. "You better come and visit me now. By the way, you got something on your lip."

"I do? Where?" Worried RJ.

"I'll take it off for you." Sophia kissed RJ right on the lips and then said goodbye. Just as she opened the door, RJ's brother Hank was standing in the doorway.

"Hi RJ. Did I disturb you?" Asked Hank.

"No you didn't. Come in." RJ invites Hank in the house and introduces him to Sophia.

"Sophia, this is my brother Hank. Hank this is Sophia." The two of them shake hands and exchange greetings.

"Pleasure to meet you." She says to Hank. "I'll see you later, RJ." She shuts the door behind her.

Hank proceeds to ask RJ about Sophia.

"So where did you meet her?" Inquired Hank.

"Oh you mean, Sophia. She's just a friend. I met her around." RJ remarked.

"A very affectionate friend. I see that lipstick on your face."

"What can I say? The lady loves to kiss." RJ then changes the subject. "Enough about me. Why don't you tell me about that Caribbean Cruise you went on with Lisa."

"It was wonderful. It was just what the doctor ordered. There's nothing like a smooth ocean cruise to ease my high blood pressure. Lord knows, I needed the break. Lisa loved the trip too. I just dropped her off before I came here. I brought you a souvenir."

Hank gives RJ a T-shirt with a picture of the oceanliner on it. RJ thanks Hank.

"Thanks for the shirt, Henry."

"Welcome, bro. So tell me, what are you doing for employment these days?"

"Who died and made you my parole officer? Why are you so interested in my job prospects?"

"RJ, your club has been burned down for sometime now and it's time you got a job to make some ends meet. I'm just concerned about you."

"Not that it's any of your business, but that's taken care of. I'm going to be a personal assistant to Dorian-Lord Hayes."

"Right. The last time you allied yourself with Dorian, you were a fugitive. RJ, if there's anything I can help you out with here, let me know. I can loan you some money to get Indigo back on its feet."

"No thank you, Hank. You know I don't take charity. I rather that Club Indigo be out of commission permanently than to get any handouts from you."

"If that's the way you see it, fine. I won't impose on you any further. I'm leaving." Hank opens the door and says one last word to RJ. "My offer still stands, bro."

"Goodbye Hank." RJ said.

Hank closes the door. RJ was determined to start anew minus a loan from Hank or the mob for that manner. If he was going to get the money, he'll earn it instead of acquiring the finances with a strings-attached provision. All of sudden, Sophia's offer to enter the pool tournament didn't look so bad after all. He thought about it and decided to put that idea aside for the time being. He was very intrigued by Wally Wilcott's offer and wanted to follow up on it first before he explored further options.

The scene changes to John Sykes apartment where he gets a knock at the door. He opens the door and it's the postman with a package for him.

"Hi, I have this package for you. Sign right here, please."

"Okay." John signs for the package and the postman leaves.

John shakes the package to make sure it's not a bomb. Since RJ got the incriminating information on him, Sykes has remained very paranoid and cautious of everything and everyone. He opens it and its a bunch of ties with RJ's initials on it. He throws them all over the place and curses to himself. John didn't know how long he can endure RJ's ongoing torture of him.

The scene switches to RJ and Dorian on a private yacht in the Atlantic Ocean. A few days have passed since they last saw each other for lunch. Dorian charted the boat for the day so that she can grant her late ex-lover David Renaldi's request of a burial at sea. RJ came along with her for the moral support. Absent from the scene were Kelly Cramer and Blair Daimler. Per his wishes, David wanted to be cremated and have his ashes scattered in the depths of a watery grave. Renaldi also declined to have a public funeral. Dorian was relunctant to part with his ashes with Cassie in Switzlerland and all, but she knew that she could no longer prolong David's dying wish.

She held onto the urn tightly until it was time to let the ashes free. Dorian taped a picture of David Renaldi on the urn to be reminded of his memory. When the time finally arrived, Dorian opened the urn and released David's ashes into the wind. They floated freely into the water. For a moment, she thought she felt David's presence nearby but it turned out to be a figment of her imagination. RJ comforted Dorian and relaxed her by giving her a hug. When the boat returned to the docks, RJ and she went walking on the sandy beach watching the tide roll away. She wrapped her arm around his arm to keep him close to her. After awhile of not speaking, RJ asked her how she was feeling.

"Dorian, how are you doing now?"

"I've been better, but I'm not sure how to deal with all this." Tears rolled down Dorian's cheek. She got a kleenex from a purse. RJ assured her that it was okay to cry.

"Dorian, it's okay to get all this sadness out of your system."

"I know, RJ." She sobbed. "But how many times must I endure the pain of losing loved ones? It seems like everywhere I turn something is always happening to the people I love. They either die or I manage to alienate them. I don't want to be alone, RJ. I have a habit of people abandoning me and I don't want you to leave me."

"You have nothing to worry about. I have no intention of leaving you."

"That's the best thing I heard from you. Thanks for being good to me." Dorian kisses RJ on the cheek and maintains a firm grip on his arm.

"You're welcome, Dorian. You can always count on me to keep you company."

"That's so nice to hear because I want you to come with me to see Madame Delphina tonight."

"You mean the psychic woman? No way! I'm not into psychics."

"Why don't you give it a try, RJ. You might like it."

"I'll pass. Besides, I have a business meeting to attend with my new partner of Club Indigo."

"Oh okay. I guess I'll call Lindsay and see if she's interested in coming with me."

"I'm glad you didn't take it hard, Dorian."

"Think nothing of it. If you don't want to go, you don't have to. I'm not going to wallow in self-pity or fixate on my losses. I'm just going to be thankful for what I have. Let's grab some breakfast, RJ.

"Sure thing." Smiled RJ.

"Splendid. I'm in the mood for pancakes right about now."

RJ and Dorian finish their walk on the beach and head to a restaurant to eat breakfast.

The scene switches to the police station where John knocks on Hank's door.

"Come in." Says Hank as he looks over some files for his upcoming cases.

"Hi Hank."

"Hey John. What's on your mind?"

"Actually, I wanted to ask what you were doing for lunch today?"

"My schedule's clear. Why?"

"Thought I'd treat you to lunch at the Diner today. What do you say?"

"Honestly, I wasn't planning on eating out, but since you brought it up I'll accept your invitation."

"Good. I'll see you at eleven-thirty.

"Will do." Once again Hank goes back to looking over some files.

Sykes exits out of Hank's office and shuts the door behind him. John was counting the minutes to lunchtime with District Attorney Hank Gannon. Now that he accepted his lunch offer, John was wondering how he was going to get Hank to discuss his personal life. He needed Hank to tell him something about RJ that he could use to his advantage. Sykes needed to fight fire with fire and Hank was just the man to supply him the information he required for his private war against RJ Gannon.

To Be Continued....

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue