by Soulfingaz

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue

Part 4

The masked gunman broke into the Crossroads Tavern and immediately caused a commotion. RJ and the bartender were startled by the menacing armed robber's presence. He looked looked right into their direction and threatened their lives. Once again RJ was staring death in the eyes and was more than ready to deal with the dangerous man that stood right in front of him. The gunman proceeded to intimidate RJ and the bartender with his handgun.

"This is a stickup! Put your hands in the air and don't move!" Demanded the gunman.

RJ and the woman did what the gunman instructed them to do without any resistance. However, RJ noticed something about the man. The armed robber wasn't holding his gun steady. Their captor was just as scared as they were. RJ practically read this man like he was open book. The more he read the robber, the less terrified he'd become of him. As RJ kept looking at the man, he knew deep down this person was nothing but a coward hiding behind a gun and ski mask. He stopped showing the man any fear.

"Now I don't want you try any funny stuff." He said in a threatening voice. "I just want the money from the cash register and some etxtra dollars from you two and I'll be on my.......whoa!" The man slipped and discharged his firearm into the air. When he fell on the floor, his weapon left his hand.

RJ quickly rushed the man and punched him. The woman grabbed his gun.

"Relax. I got everything under control." RJ calmly said.

"Well I have the gun just in case he tries to get away." Remarked the woman as she held the handgun.

"That won't be necessary because this wet behind the ears runt can't hurt a fly." RJ removes the ski mask off the robber and it's a pimple-faced boy in his teens.

The bartender looks at the holdup man and she quickly recognizes him.

"I know this geek." She said as she glanced at his pathetic face. "He works at the gas station. He was here last week with a fake ID and we threw him out. Whoever thought he would come back here and try to do this?"

"Well he shouldn't quit his day job. I guess when he said "Don't try anything funny" he wasn't talking about himself."

"You think? There's some rope in the backroom. I'll go get some so we can tie him up."

"You do that. I'll keep him occupied. He's no problem for me." RJ keeps the man subdued on the floor while the bartender goes to the backroom to get some rope.

A short time later the police are at the Crossroads Tavern taking statements from RJ and the bartender. RJ spots John Sykes and engages in his usual sarcastic rant with the detective.

"Hey Sykes! You come here to ask for my license and registration?" Quipped RJ.

"Cut the wisecracks, Gannon." Smirked Sykes as he spoke to RJ. "Just tell me what happened?"

"To make a long story short, a robber came in the bar and fell and we grabbed his gun. End of story."

John looks at RJ with a very doubtful look on his face. He then turns to ask the bartender about RJ's story.

"Is this true, maam?"

"Very true. I seen the robber before. He was in here last week with a fake ID and I threw him out."

"Well , ma'am, you have nothing to worry about. This perp won't be troubling you for a long time." Detective Sykes purposely looks at RJ like he's guilty of the crime. RJ quickly picks up on this and fires back at John.

"Wait a minute, Sykes. You act as though this robber and I are friends."

"Knowing how you are, RJ, that wouldn't surprise me." Sykes then turns his attention back to the bartender. "Listen, ma'am, be sure you lock up and go home." John then has one last word with RJ. "As for you, Gannon, stay out of trouble." Said John in a stern voice.

"How can I get into trouble with you around, Sykes?"

Sykes ignores RJ and gets in his car and leaves. The police escort the young perp into the paddywagon and they drive away from the Crossroads. RJ and the female bartender have some last minute words with each other.

"This has been the longest night of my life." Sighed RJ.

"What a jerk." She said about Sykes. "Does that moron always treat you like that?"

"That's just his way of making me feel welcomed. You should see him when he gives me the red carpet treatment."

"So when are you going to finish teaching me pool?" Inquired the bartender.

"When I'm in the neighborhood. I usually stay within city limits." Replied RJ.

"Well you need to come back out here so you can give me some more pool lessons." She persisted.

"For cryin' outloud, woman. Quit shammin' me. You know how to play pool. I know you're trying to hustle me."

"I seriously suck at pool. I haven't seen a pool game like yours since my mom's ex-boyfriend Marco."

"Well I definitely got game, but I don't brag. I let my actions speak for itself."

"You sure do. You're awesome at pool."

"I know."

"Wait a minute. I seen you before." The lady snaps her fingers and instantly familiarizes herself with RJ. "You're RJ Gannon." She said in an excited voice. "You own that hot nightspot called Club Indigo."

"Indeed I do. In fact it was so hot that it burned down to the ground. I'll have my dream up and running again soon." Vowed RJ.

"That's cool. I had a dream too. I wanted to be a roadie for Korn, but then I woke up and found out that I was a waitress at a sleazy dive at the edge of town."

"What's a matter with being a waitress? It's a living."

"I know. I just want something better than this."

"Like what? What do you do?"

"I play a mean game of cards, I can hotwire a car, I'm great with money and I'm a good kisser."

"The things they teach kids in school these days."

"I'm not a kid. I've been taking care of myself since I was fifteen thank you very much."

"Chill. There's no need to get snappy. What's your name?" Asked RJ.

"Sophia. Sophia Pelligrino."

"Nice to meet you." Smiled RJ.

"Likewise. It's been a very interesting evening. Come around sometime. Don't be a stranger."

"Well since we're now on a first name basis that's not going to be an issue. I don't know about you, Sophia, but I"m ready to call it a night. It's getting late."

"You're right about that, RJ." She yawns softly. "I'm tired."

"Here's your tip." RJ pulls a ten dollar bill from his pocket and gives it to Sophia.

"Thanks, but I should be giving you the tip." Sophia gives RJ back his ten dollar bill and kisses him on the cheek. After exchanging goodbyes with each other, they part company and go their seperate ways.

As RJ drives away in his car, he thinks about how he can creatively make John's life a living hell with the damaging documents in his possession.

To Be Continued....

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue