by Soulfingaz

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue

Part 31

For a long time, Del kept RJ in the dark about his mysterious agenda. After several days of monitoring RJ and John’s activities from the shadows, Del decided that the time was right to divulge his sinister scheme to his company. At long last, the truth about Del’s secret intentions were about to come to light.

“I guess you’re wondering why I’m here?” Questioned Del as he signaled his two assistants to strategically angle themselves apart from him. One stood on the right and the other on the left. The two men both wore shades and were sporting FBI jackets and maintained a close eye on RJ and John.

RJ replied as he massaged his goatee. “Naw! The Thought hasn’t crossed my mind.”

John was overwhelmed by Agent Delgado’s unannounced visit, but not too shocked for words.

“So what brings you here, Del? The last time we'd seen each other was during the Georgie Phillips Investigation a few years back.”

“So many questions and so little time to answer them. Rest assured, John, everything will become clear real soon.” Grinned Del.

“You know, I just find it rather awkward that an FBI agent like yourself would just show up out of the blue and walk into a barn, out of all places.”

“Your suspicions are duly noted, John. But my sudden arrival here is not as awkward as two men having a rendezvous in an inconspicuous spot in the sticks.” Spoke Del as he paced back and forth.

RJ observed the banter between John and Del and had a good laugh at their expense.

“Speak of the devil, I was right about you all along, Del. It looks like you enjoy bringing your work home with you. You don’t have a life.” Laughed RJ.

“Being a Fed is my life. You should try living it sometime, Gannon.”

“No thanks. I’ll pass.” RJ Chuckled.

“I just find it fitting that the three of us are meeting like this. It’s obvious that we want something badly at all cost.” Del looks at RJ. “RJ, you want revenge against John Sykes as well as respect and power in Llanview.” He turns away from RJ and looks at John. “Detective Sykes, you want to keep your secrets under wraps and locate your biological family. As for myself, it doesn’t matter.”

“Spare me the monologue, Del, and get to the point. You’re starting to bore me.” Expressed John.

“I didn’t figure you for the eager type, John, but if you must know why I’m here, it’s to give RJ a hand.” Del puts his hands together and starts clapping.

RJ takes a bow and thanks Del. “Please, G-man, hold the applause.”

Agent Delgado’s smile turns into a frown. “That’s what I would be doing if you agreed to your part of bargain, RJ.”

John jumps in the discussion. “Wait a minute. The two of you were in cahoots with each other against me?!” Puzzled John.

“Save the conspiracy theories for Oliver Stone, Sykes. You’re getting way too ahead of yourself.”

“I think we’re pretty much on the same path.”

“Don’t assume, Detective. Assumptions could get you into trouble. Now where was I? RJ, I had such high hopes for you but you turned out to be major disappointment. I provide you with the information to destroy your adversary and you flip me bird. You’re just like your old man. ”

“What does my father have to do with this?” RJ asked in angry manner.

“A lot more than you’ll ever know.” Retorted Del. “Now there’s someone missing from this little get together of ours. Where’s Marco?”

“He’s tied up in the backroom.” Replied RJ.

“Let’s get him out here. I want him to share in the festivities.” Del snaps his fingers and alerts the dark haired agent on the left of him. “Agent Y, go to the backroom and bring Dane out here.

“Yes, sir.” Agent Y goes to fetch Dane from the backroom.

Del’s attention reverts back to an intrigued RJ and John. “Let’s see, we have an ex-con and a crooked cop. All we’re missing is the ex-pimp.”

John’s thoughts were now working overtime. So far, Del grabbed his attention by revealing his connection to RJ. Deep down, he knew Del was also concealing another secret. John vowed not to rest until he uncovered it.

Agent Y came back to the scene with tattered rope in his hand and informed Del about Marco Dane.

“Sir, I went to the backroom and all I found was this tattered rope. There was no sign of Dane. You want me to go look for him?”

“That won’t be necessary. I forgot that he was an escape artist. Dane served his purpose. It’s these two that are the focus of my attention at this moment. Return to your post.”

Agent Y followed Del’s orders and stood guard on the far left of him, while Del continued to entertain his company.

“John, I bet you’re wondering what my role is in all of this? I orchestrated all of these events. From your shady dealings with Marco Dane up until now.”

“So you’re taking the credit for all this? Interesting. Now what was your arrangement with Dane?” Wondered Sykes.

“Awhile back, I busted Dane on Social Security Fraud and we negotiated a deal. He would work for you in exchange for an expunged record.”

“Dammit! I feel like such a fool. That’s the last time I do business on the Internet. I’m staying away from chat rooms!” Exclaimed John as he held his head down in shame and humiliation.

After listening to John and Del go at it yet again, RJ decided to add his two cents to the conversation.

“You sneaky, manipulative bastard.” RJ stared at Del. “So you’re the great challenge Marco kept referring to? I should’ve known this was all a smokescreen. I knew you wanted more from me besides marrying your sister.”

“I’m guilty as charged, RJ.” Del slyly answered.

“Your fingers were in the pot all along. You took advantage of myself and Sykes’ volatile relationship for your own benefit. What I have a hard time figuring out is, why? Why did you take an interest in the two of us?” Inquired RJ.

“RJ, we’re so much alike. In our two professions, we hold an element of manipulation, secrecy and deceit. So when I engage in an unethical act such as this, I don’t give it a second thought, nor do I explain my actions.”

“I don’t expect you to be accountable, Del. I just find it interesting that our tax money goes into invading one’s privacy.”

“You mean the same tax money that goes into funding prisons? Prisons that supposedly rehabilitate criminals when, in actuality, it warehouses them? Well, if what I’m doing is wasting taxpayers money, let’s just say it’s par for the course.”

“Where are you going with this, Del?”

“I've been taking yourself and Sykes on a ride far too long. I guess it’s time that I ended this journey. The reason why I took an interest in the two of you is a mutual link to a man who was believed to be dead until recently.”

“You’re beginning to sound way too cryptic, Del.” John impatiently said.

“Be patient, Sykes. What I’m about to tell you will be too much to absorb in one setting.”

“I can take it. I’m all ears.”

“Anyway, this man is the reason why I’m in town. Several years ago, before I was an FBI agent, the man in question was an FBI informant who later came down with an attack of conscience and betrayed the Bureau. His treachery resulted in a failed investigation into subversive activities and wasted manpower. Before we had a chance to deal with his deceit, he died shortly thereafter. Apparently, he faked his own death. ” Disclosed Del.

RJ was attentive to Del’s story but his tolerance level for his enigmatic behavior was taking it’s toll.

“So what?! What does this have to do with John and I?”

“As I mentioned earlier, the both of you and Hank share a connection to this man. It’s his blood that flows through your veins. Blood that ties the three of you together as one. How could I say this, John Sykes is your long lost brother.”

“John is my brother?! That’s impossible.” RJ said with a shock look on his face.

“You’re lying. There’s no way I could be related to RJ.” Sykes said in disbelief.

“Well you are and I have the documents to prove it.”

“Documents could be faked.” Blasted John.

“I told you this information would be hard to swallow, John, but you should be careful for what you wish for. Your family was in town all along, Your brother is the district attorney and RJ is a known felon. With you as a crooked cop, you should fit right in.”

“Go to hell, Delgado!” Shouted John. He was still confused about what Del told him and he refused to believe it.

“So John is my little brother. A puppy would’ve been a lot nicer.” Sighed RJ. "So I figure there’s a lot more to this. Finish the story.” RJ said as he looked at Del.

“Happy to oblige, Gannon. Your father had an affair with a caucasian woman who was studying to be an accountant. The two met at a nightclub your pop and his band were playing at one stormy night. The affair continued for a year and the woman became pregnant as a result of it. The affair ended when John’s mother died during childbirth. With John’s mother dead, your father intended to take John home with him to raise with Hank and yourself. When he told your mother that he had been having an affair that resulted in a child, she was crushed. She couldn’t have the reminder of your father’s infidelity in the same household, so she didn’t want any part of John. Your father came to us to help find his son a new home in exchange for his services as an informant. The Bureau made an offer to your father previously, but he declined. Since he was in need of the FBI’s help, he decided to trust in us to find a decent home for John. He made a pact with his wife that he would never tell their kids about their long lost sibling.” Revealed Del.

John and RJ were so shocked by the revelations that there was nothing but dead silence between the two of them. John was more shocked that he was the product of an affair.

“My parents weren’t married? I’m a Gannon. This is too nerve-racking.” John said as he slapped his hand against his forehead. “As much as I like family reunions, this one has to be cut short. I put together these series of events with the intent of drawing Curtis Gannon out in the open. I've been told that he loves his family more than jazz music. When he walks in here, his days will be numbered like a calendar.”

Now that Agent Delmarco Delgado revealed his master plan to RJ and John, he was more than ready to set things in motion. The stage was now set for a showdown with Del in control of the situation.


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue