by Soulfingaz

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue

Part 32

Feeling like a pawn in a chess game, RJ was secretly concocting a way to turn the tables on Del. RJ knew it was a matter of time before his plan could be set in motion, but for the time being he decided to play it cool. RJ remained skeptical over Del’s revelations regarding his father and the fact that John is his long lost sibling. Although the information intrigued him, RJ’s only focus was at beating Del at his own game.

Meanwhile, John was feeling restless and frustrated at the whole situation. Sykes life was turned upside down when Del divulged that RJ and he are brothers. Now things were getting more complicated when Del informed the two of them that they would be used as bait in a trap to lure their father. Furious over the whole fiasco, John decided to confront Del and subject him to a round of questioning.

“What do you intend to do to RJ and myself once you apprehended our father?” Inquired John.

Del took a deep breath and said, “Nothing.” He paused. “The both of you are doing a good job without my help.” Replied Del.

“It was your help that got us into this mess in the first place.”

“I beg to differ. I don’t get my hands dirty. That’s what lackeys are for.”

“I see what you’re all about. When in doubt, deny all responsibility.”

“Patience, John. All your answers will become clear in due time.”

“Well from where I’m standing, things are looking foggy to me.”

“Then stand somewhere else.”

Del’s two way pager goes off. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to answer this important page. By the way, attempting to escape would be bad for your health, so I suggest you stay put.” Del walks away from John and goes to respond to his pager message.

John strolls toward RJ and strikes up a conversation with him.

“Aren’t you as quiet as kept.” Remarked Sykes.

“I’m just exercising my right to remain silent.” RJ slyly said.

“You’re unbelievable.” John shook his head. “Between you and Del, I feel like the odd man out here.”

“That’s because you are. You’re odd by nature and design.”

“Well if I am odd, then it must be hereditary since we’re a product of the same gene pool.”

“You’re barking up the wrong family tree, Sykes. I suggest you look on your mother’s side of the family for the nuts.”

“Well I’m not too crazy about being related to you either, RJ.”

“The feeling is definitely mutual. Having two brothers working for the system will ruin my reputation in the community.”

“Your attitude sickens me.”

“Well if I make you feel ill, may your health continue to deteriorate.”

After being subjected to RJ’s antics, John realized RJ was throwing him off track from his true motivations. Under the impression that RJ was withholding information, Sykes decided to share his suspicions with him.

“You can keep stonewalling me all you want, but the fact of the matter is, you and I are in this together. Don’t think for minute that you can shuck and jive your way out of this one. I’m onto to the con you’re setting in motion, so you can forget playing your mind games on me.”

“What crime solving method are you using this time? Deductive reasoning or Clairvoyance?”

“Come clean, RJ. If you have any tricks up your sleeve, now’s the time to tell me. It’s better that I find out before Del does. That way we can help each other out.”

“I’ll tell you what, Detective. The day I get a paycheck from the LPD will be the day I do you your job for you. Until then, you can crack this case all by yourself.”

“Go to Hell, Gannon. I’m tired of being your straight man.”

“Well you should stop setting up these cheapshots, Sykes. In the meantime, I suggest you cover your own ass instead of worrying about mine.”

“Bastard!” Exclaimed Sykes.

“It takes one to know one.”

Just as John and RJ were trading verbal quips, another FBI Agent enters the barn with a briefcase. She immediately hands Del the case and the two of them have a discussion shortly after.

“Sorry I’m late, sir. The items that you requested are in the case.”

“Splendid. I’m glad you’re here. You’re just in time to relieve Agent Y of his duties.” Del signals Agent Y to step forward. “Agent Y, it is my deepest regret to inform you that your services will no longer be required--------PERMAMNENTLY!” Del quickly pulls out his handgun and aims it directly at Y’s forehead. Shaken and confused by Del’s actions, Agent Y makes a desperate attempt to plead with Del to spare his life. RJ, John and the other two agents observe the whole situation with shock in their eyes and their mouths dropped to the floor.

“What’s come over you, sir? Why are you doing this?!”

“ You picked an awkward time to play dumb with me, Agent Y. I know that you helped Dane escape.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I’m aware that you had a past with Marco, so I had you retrieve him to test your loyalty to me. You’re terminated!”

“Please, don’t kill me!” Pleaded Y. “I have a wife and two kids. I don’t want to die!”

“I’ll be sure to give your family my regards, especially your lovely wife. Farewell.” Del pulls the trigger and shoots Y in the forehead. The bullet exits from the back side of Y’s skull and he falls to the ground, covered with his own blood.

Now that Y’s dead, Del focuses his attention to his startled company.

“I hope you all didn’t mind the interruption. Agent Y’s treachery had to be dealt with.” Del said as he put his smoking gun back his holster.

“No need to elaborate, G-man. We’re all adults here.” Remarked RJ as he was adjusting his watch.

“I’m glad you’re so understanding, RJ.”

Disgusted by what he was hearing, John decided to speak up and let his thoughts be known about Y’s execution.

“I don’t believe what I’m hearing here?! A man gets shot in cold blood and you two are discussing the event like it’s the weather? The both of you are monsters!” Exclaimed John.

“We’re all creatures of habit ; and you, my friend, are no exception. Unless you’re having trouble remembering your past deed.” Explained Del.

Del’s words hit a little too close to home for John. Sykes had trouble recalling the night he shot the police officer in the crackhouse. It was like his subconscious blocked out the whole murder. Since he was having trouble remembering that he shot a fellow police officer, Sykes decided to push the conversation in another direction.

“I’m only worried about the present and the appalling display I just witnessed.”

“You can wallow in the present all you want, John. What's important to me right now is the future. Yours and RJ’s future to be precise.”

RJ jumps in the discussion after listening to Del and John’s chat.

“Tell us something we don’t know, G-man. You been rambling on and on about how you have these big plans for us, but you managed to leave out one detail. If my father wasn’t dead, where was he at all this time?” Inquired RJ.

“Your father’s whereabouts are the answer to a sixy-four thousand dollar question. Since your Pops didn’t go onto the hereafter like we thought, he was hiding in exotic places like Cuba, parts of South America, Quebec and Paris. Curtis Gannon was quite the world traveller and we know for a fact that there were people in high places that sneaked him out the country. How he got passed our radar, I’ll never know. What I do know, is that he’s been sighted in town and I have the pictures to prove it.”

Del shows RJ and John photos of their father and the two look on in awe. RJ was still skeptical of the pictures he had seen and John was at a loss for words. A moment later, John worked up the strength to say something to Del after he put the pictures away.

“So what are we supposed to do until dear old “Dad” gets here?” Asked John.

“Engage in armed combat.” Del goes into his briefcase and retrieves two revolvers. “The both of you are going to duel to the death.” Responded Del.

“You’re making John and I sound like Cain and Abel.” Remarked RJ.

“You mentioned one of my favorite Bible stories. The tale of the World’s first murder and the first victim. The rules are very simple. The two of you will have your backs turned against each other, count ten paces and shoot.”

“So what’s the point in having us kill each other?” Wondered John.

“I want Curtis Nathaniel Gannon to feel powerless and in pain as he walks through the barn door and sees his family destroyed. We’ll have Curtis right where we want him and he’ll easily cooperate with us out of guilt. Justice will finally be served at last.”

Just as Del was gloating, a loud explosion went off outside the barn that shook the foundations of the whole property. RJ’s well planned scheme came to life.

“Right on time.” Whispered RJ as he looked at his wrist watch and smiled.

To Be Concluded


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue