by Soulfingaz

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue

Part 12

Later that day, RJ went to the race track and placed his bet on a horse named Lucky Strike. His old mob associate Jackie MacNaughton was there as well watching the horses making the laps around the track. Jackie spotted RJ a few rows up from him. MacNaughton then went upstairs to RJ's row and proceeded to initiate a conversation with him.

"Well, RJ, I heard you had quite an interesting week." Said Jackie with a big grin on his face.

"Who hasn't?" RJ smirked. "Llanview's so small, if I was to sneeze the whole town would know about it."

"You got a point. You participated in a floorshow at Rodi's and was on the receiving end of a holdup. How many people can say that they had that much action happen to them in one night?"

"What can I say? Danger is my business and not anyone's concern."

"True, but when you do your dirt in the public eye it's everyone's business."

"I know you didn't walk over to me to talk about my illustrious exploits, Jackie Mac, so what's the deal here?" RJ said curiously.

"Just a friendly chat, my man. I wanted to know how everything went with your new business partner Wally."

"Not as well as I anticipated. We weren't on the same page."

"That's too bad. Have you given any thought to my offer to help you out of your financial situation?"

"I thought I told you Jackie that I wasn't interested in sharing Indigo".

"I know. I thought I'd bring it up to see if you changed your mind. After all, you did go into business with Max Holden and you were going to team-up with Wally Wilcott. At least you know my record, tough guy."

"I'm not in the mood to discuss Holden or Wilcott. I came here to watch the races...."

".....And make a few bets in hopes of raising money to revive Club Indigo. Come on, RJ. How long could you continue to hustle for crumbs? You were the best loanshark I had in my organization and I liked your style and attitude. I could really use your expertise once again."

"Not interested." RJ looked at Jackie with an unamused look on his face.

"RJ, I don't know how long you're going to continue to fool yourself with this reformed convict routine, but it's rapidly losing its appeal. You are forgetting who you are and what your status in life is."

"I don't need you to tell me who I am."

"Naturally. Why should I when you have almost everybody in town to point that out to you? This is an underworld and we just live in it. You and I can get cats out of trees, walk old women across the streets and save kids from getting hit by cars and it wouldn't make a difference to them. We're the bad guys."

"Are you playing Devil's Advocate?"

"I'm just giving it to you straight. You don't really need me to bring this to your attention. You live in a community where you're reminded of your criminal past."

"To hell with them and your defeatist talk. I've come too far to let a few setbacks and the opinions of a bunch of sanctimonious hypocrites deter me from my goal of rebuilding Club Indigo and restoring it to its former glory."

"I'm proud of you, RJ. I always knew you were ambitious, resourceful and full of self-determination. I guess that's why I had the utmost respect and understanding for you."

"Like you needed to tell me that."

"I heard that Detective Sykes has been giving you problems. I can arrange for him to be taken care of and it'll be a done deal."

"No thanks. I can handle John all by myself, thank you. Besides, Sykes has one foot in the grave and the other in his mouth. I don't need the blood of a cop on my hands and the LPD breathing down my back. After all, there's more than one way to skin a cat."

"Well you keep my number in handy just in case you need my services."

"I don't think it'll come to that, Jackie." RJ's horse finishes the race. "Well look whose horse came in first? Nice seeing ya, Jackie." RJ walks away from Jackie Mac and makes his way to the window to collect off his winnings from his bet on Lucky Strike.

Soon afterwards, RJ gets in his car and drives away from the race track. His thoughts wandered off to what Jackie Mac was saying to him earlier. He knew Jackie approached him for the sole purpose of luring him back to the mob, but his offer had very little impact on RJ's future plans. RJ also reflected on his winnings. He only won enough money to pay his rent and bills for awhile, but it was better than nothing.

Five minutes into RJ's drive home, the rain was pouring down at a rapid rate. He sees a young woman walking quickly to get out of the storm. RJ looked at the lady and it was Roseanne Delgado. She was holding a bag of her belongings and was soaking wet. RJ slowed down his car and honked his horn to get her attention. Roseanne immediately noticed it was RJ in the car and she ran up to his Sonota and got inside. Roseanne was so happy that RJ picked her up that she started thanking him.

"Thank God you drove by, RJ. I would've been drenched if you haven't given me a ride."

"No problem. What are you doing walking out in this horrible rainstorm?"

"Christian and I had a major fight and he threw me out."

"Trouble in paradise?"

"More like big trouble in paradise." She coughs. "If only Christian can get his mind off of Jessica, I would have a chance with him." Complained Roseanne.

"Wait a minute? I thought you were going with Will?"

"That's over. Jessica has him now."

"So where am I taking you, Roseanne?"

"Well I definitely don't want to go to my Aunt Tea's house. John's been over there way too much and he gives me the creeps. Can I stay with you?"

"I don't think that's a good idea." "Please, RJ. I won't be too much trouble. I'll clean up and everything. I'll give you some rent money."

"I'll tell you what, I'll let you stay a little while until you get things settled. I'm not really in the mood for a roomie at the moment, so don't get too comfortable."

Roseanne gives RJ a quick kiss on the cheek and said, "Thank you so much! I'll do anything to pay you back. I swear."

"No problem."

Moments later, RJ and Roseanne arrive at the his apartment. The rain was still pouring fast with a combination of thunder and lightining. Roseanne and RJ rushed in the apartment complex. When they got inside the apartment, Roseanne went to the bathroom to change from her soaking wet clothes into a something dry. While Roseanne was freshening up in the bathroom, RJ was in the kitchen fixing some hot coco for the two of them.

When Roseanne got out of the bathroom, RJ left her hot cup of cocoa on the table. He saw how comfortable Roseanne was in his home in such a brief time. Roseanne was now wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts. She sat down and started drinking the beverage that RJ prepared for her. Realizing that Rosey was enjoying his hospitality, RJ used this opportunity to take advantage of her for the purpose of seeking a favor that involved spying on John and Tea. Roseanne later asked RJ for advice about Christian. He wasted no time in answering her question.

"Rosey, I know what your problem is." RJ said as he took a sip of his cocoa.

"I know too. Do you have a solution?" Roseanne asked.

"The solution is staring you right in the face, homegirl. You keep imposing yourself on Christian too much."

"But I want him to love me and forget about Jessica. How can I do that?"

"Well if you truly love Christian, you should let him go and if he comes back to you, it's love. If he doesn't, it wasn't meant to be."

"I know. I know. I just can't figure out what Jessica has that I don't have. I'm better than she is. I wish he could see it."

"If you're better than she is, prove it."


"First of all, forget about what Jessica has and worry about yourself. Rosey, it's time to do a self-inventory check."

"I'm with you so far, RJ."

"Men appreciate a woman with self-confidence. Independence. Being helpless and dependent all the time is a major turn off. If you want Christian or any other man to take notice of you, you have to be self-sufficient. That's where the real beauty lies."

"So you're saying if I want to win Christian, I have to be secure?"


"Ok. So how do I go about doing this?"

"You need a makeover."

"I know one thing that I need to change in my life: my job. I like working for Carlotta and all at the Diner, but it doesn't pay that much."

"So what type of job are you looking for?"

"I saw an ad in the paper for exotic dancers at the strip joint. I love dancing and I know I'll do a good job at it. I have the body and the talent for the position, so I was thinking about applying."

"Wait a minute? Are you sure you want to deal with the aggravation of bunch of horny and sleazy men gawking at you and making perverted comments?" Are you ready for that type of abuse?"

"The question you should be asking RJ is are they ready for me?"

"That'sthe type of confidence you should display all the time. Maybe dancing might be good for your self-esteem."

"All this talking about dancing is getting me in the mood for it. Come on, RJ. I need a partner." Roseanne turns on RJ's stereo. She grabs him by the hand and the two start dancing.

Roseanne and RJ were poetry in motion as they moved to the uptempo music that played on the radio. Roseanne was dancing so wild, that RJ almost didn't keep up with her. As she danced, it was evident that she possessed the rhythm, the motivation amd the talent that was necessary for making it in that field. She and RJ were on fire as they danced the night away in his apartment. RJ was thinking he hasn't had this much fun in a long time. He was happy that he let Rosey spend the night at his house. RJ knew if he wanted revenge against Sykes he needed a valuable ally. The niece of his adversary's girlfriend was the right person to connect with.

After they were done dancing, RJ turned off the stereo and fixed up the couch so that Roseanne could sleep on it. All the dancing they did for the past four hours made them tired. RJ got out a pair of sheets and a fluffy pillow for Roseanne to rest her head. They both wished each other good night. RJ turned off the lights in the living room and retired to his bedroom for the night.

The night came and went and it was morning once again. Roseanne woke up yawning and stretching. Since RJ was so good to her the day before, she decided to return the favor and cook him a nice breakfast. She went to RJ's kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. She found some eggs, buttermilk, bacon and orange juice. Rosey also opened the cabinet and saw pancake mix as well. She proceeded to make RJ and her breakfast to show her gratitude to him for his hospitality.

When RJ came out of his bedroom, he was stunned to see that Rosey cooked him a morning meal with a glass of orange juice. The two sat down at the table and began to eat. RJ indulged in every bite of a his tasty breakfast and washed his food with the Tropicana drink. He was very grateful and thankful that Roseanne cooked the delicious breakfast for him even though he didn't ask her to.

After RJ was done eating, he went to the bathroom to take a shower. Roseanne decided to tidy up the place by doing the dishes and vacuuming the carpet. A short time later, Roseanne heard a knock at the door and went to answer it. When she opened the door it was Sophia Pelligrino making another unannounced visit to RJ's apartment.

To Be Continued....

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue