by Soulfingaz

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue

Part 9

Hank Gannon and John Sykes were enjoying a delicious afternoon lunch at the Diner. The two of them were eating a steak and cheese grinder with a side order of potato chips and some soft drinks. The work-a-holic District Attorney Gannon indulged in every bite of his tasty sandwhich. He was unaware that John invited him to lunch for the sole purpose of picking and pulling his brain about RJ Gannon. So far Sykes' plan to buddy-up to Hank was working smoothly.

John wasn't a good conversationalist and he used the meal as an icebreaker to talk to Hank. After he was done eating his lunch, John made a comment about the grinder.

"This is the best grinder I ever tasted." Remarked Sykes as he took a sip of his cola.

"God, I love the food here. Carlotta's a damn good cook next to my mother." Hank said wiping his face with a napkin.

A light bulb goes off in Sykes head after he heard Hank mention his mother. He'll try to get Hank to open up about his family background and perhaps learn more about RJ Gannon. He quickly follows up on it by commenting on his own mother.

"I love home cooking myself, Hank. My mother made the best ham, cheese and potato stew around. What was your favorite dish?"

"Macaroni and Cheese. Thinking about my mother's macaroni makes my taste buds go crazy. I also loved her gumbo as well too. Now RJ was a finicky eater and he wouldn't chow down his food most of the time, but he would eventually eat anyway."

"I bet you had your hands full with RJ then."

"More like tied up. Having a younger sibling would do that to you. We had our bouts, but I wouldn't trade the times we shared together for anything in the world."

"You know, growing up as an only child, I never experienced the joy and happiness of having siblings. Having someone to fight with, go to ball games and talk to on the phone.

"Well RJ use to come out to my football games. It would make him feel happy when he seen me score touchdown after touchdown. When I started getting all the attention, RJ became very jealous. Now he would get into his share of mischief but then it got to the point where he wanted the same things I had. Almost like an obsession."

"That sibling rivalry between RJ and yourself must have been hard to deal with. I imagine it probably took a toll on your marriage to Nora. You were married to Nora, right?"

"Yes I was and my divorce from her is none of your business. Come to think of it, you've been asking way too many questions about RJ since we came to the Diner. What are you up to, John? Does this have something to do with the fiasco that occurred at Rodi's and Crossroads while I was out of town?!" Snapped Hank.

"Not really. I was just trying to make conversation."

"Next time pick a better topic." Suggested Hank.

"Well why we're on the subject of Rodi's, RJ was involved in an altercation with Max Holden and I asked him to leave or I'd be forced to arrest him...."

"I didn't ask for an explanation. I know my brother gets out of line, so maybe you was in the clear in asking him to leave. But I will check into this myself. I know my brother and he wouldn't flip out on Max if there wasn't a damn good reason for it."

"Well now that this is out in the open, do you plan on taking any action against it?"

"This is your jurisdiction. I don't tell you how to make arrests like you don't tell me how to prosecute my cases, so use your own judgement. I will talk to RJ about this the next time I see him. Thanks for the meal. I'll see you at the Police Station." Hank gets up and leaves The Diner.

John is once again left by himself feeling dumbfounded about the awkward exchange that transpired between Hank and him. Apparently, Sykes pushed a hot button in District Attorney Gannon by bringing up the time he was married to Nora. He gets up and goes to the restroom. Sykes looks in he mirror and ponders what went wrong. Without warning, his reflection vanishes and Todd Manning's image reappears once again.

"I know it would be an understatement to ask "How it went?" because your screw up came as no surprise to me. " Laughed Todd.

"Shut up, Manning. I followed your advice and it didn't work. The only thing I know about RJ is his police file. I didn't break any new ground with his brother Hank."

"That's the problem with you, John. You give up so easily. Have you tried pumping Nora for information on RJ?"

"Nora and I hardly speak to one another." Sykes said as he paced back and forth.

"Here's a thought. Why not go to her and say you need assistance in locating your long lost parents? That's a good way for you two to bond."

"That's a great plan except for the fact that adoption records have been sealed years ago. Next idea."

"Well you can always give up and raise the white flag to RJ. Let's face it, Sykes. You're a loser. You don't know your ass from your face. I hope you enjoy your stay at the Crossbar Hotel. I hear they throw nice cell-warming parties for police officers."

"I'm not planning on going to prison."

"Sure looks that way to me. The score so far is RJ two and Sykes zero."

"Well the game's not over yet. I have miles to go before I sleep."

"I'm telling you, John. You should just join him. You're not going to beat him. He's way too slick and quick for you."

"We'll see about that. I'll get RJ if it's the last thing I do." Just as Sykes was continuing his conversation with the mirror, Bernie the Bum shows up and observes his discussion.

"Excuse me, but am I interrupting anything?" Asked Bernie.

"I was just leaving."

"Thank you." Bernie gets in front of the mirror and washes his face.

John walks out of the restroom and concocts his latest plan to take care of RJ Gannon.

The scene switches to RJ Gannon arriving at Videoland to meet with Wally Wilcott. Shortly after his arrival, RJ's informed by one of Videoland's employees that Wally has resceduled the meeting to take care of some important business at the last minute. RJ then gets in his car and heads for his home. When RJ arrived at his apartment, he gets out his key and opens the door. As soon as he enters his apartment, RJ's shocked to see a man sitting in his favorite recliner drinking a Corona watching TV. He's a clean-cut gentleman in a three-piece suit and wearing leather shoes. The man was sitting in the darkness of RJ's apartment waiting for him to arrive. Now that RJ has come home, he immediately starts talking to him like their old friends.

"Hey RJ! What took you so long?" The man asked.

"How the hell did you get into my apartment?!" Infuriated RJ.

"That's easy." He smiled. "I came in through the front door. I just turned the knob and viola I'm sitting in your living room."

"That's an unlikely story. I have no idea why you're acting like you know me, but I'm kicking your freeloading ass out of my damn apartment! Now get up!"

The man sat there in RJ's chair and had another sip of his Corona and said, "I know you real well, Randall James Gannon." He puts his feet on the table.

"That's it. No one calls me Randall !" He exclaimed. "No one! I'm throwing you out!" Shouted RJ.

As RJ walks over to throw the man out, the guy quickly pulls out a gun with a silencer on it. RJ slowly backs away from him.

"Now, now, now, RJ. I wouldn't do anything stupid if I were you." Warned the man as he cocked the gun and pointed it at RJ.

"Well, you're not me. Now why the hell are you here and who are you?"

The man shut off the TV set with the remote control and stared at RJ with a dastardly look on his face. The answer to RJ's question was about to unravel before his very eyes.

To Be Continued....

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Epilogue